‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone

You'll Rebel To Anything

“Oh my god!” I screamed once again as the car came to a halt. I swung the door open, only half caring if I closed it as I ran towards the mass of people gathered on my front lawn. “Jamie! Ash! Ty! Mom! Jake!” I exclaimed pouncing on them all.

“My god we’ve missed you,” Jake informed me as I wrapped my arms tightly around his thin waist.

“I’ve missed you all too! Rian!” I screamed as I took the couple at the back into sight.

“Yeah forget about us,” Kara giggled as I hugged them both.

“I haven’t seen you in so long. How are things going for you? Wow,” I trailed off, stopping myself as I took in Rian’s appearance.

“What?” He asked, looking between Kara and myself with a hint of confusion in his eye causing me to smile lightly.

“I’ve never met anyone who looks better with a buzz-cut than hair. But you Rapunzel,” I began running my fingers through his flowing locks. “Are definitely sticking at number one,” I finished as Kara watched. Rian simply rolled his eyes before breaking out in a blinding grin and hugged me close to him once again.

“If you weren’t like my sister I’d let Tyson snack on your ankles,” he mumbled.

“Tyson?” I asked pulling back and furrowing my eyebrows at my cousin who was speaking to my mom behind me. “Why would my cousin snack on my ankles? He insists he’s too old to be considered a teenager,” I asked raising an eyebrow in Rian’s direction.

“Oh no! You haven’t met our puppy!” Kara exclaimed with a shocked expression. “Aw Ri we have to show her,” she cooed. “And no, before you ask, we didn’t name him after your cousin,” she assured me looking more serious.

“Oh my god you got a dog?” I squealed pressing my palms to my cheeks.

“We’ve got more than just the one,” Rian nodded. “Have you seen Alex’s dog, Baz yet?” He asked hooking his arm around Kara.

“No? He didn’t even tell me! Man you all suck, you know how much I love animals,” I growled before turning on my back on them to have my eyes fix on Jack talking to a small blonde girl. I raised my eyebrows and paced over. Jack had his back to me, but I could tell that fat mouth of his was going. The girl was first to see me approaching from over his shoulder. She passed me a small smile, tapping his shoulder and pointing before I had a chance to get much closer. He turned and grinned at me, pulling me over and making my feet drag as if I was incapable.

“Brianna, I would like you to meet Lisa. Lisa this is the return of my best friend,” he introduced us before nuzzling his face into my hair.

“Hey, it’s good to meet you,” I smiled as she let out a small laugh at Jack’s stupidity.

“Good to meet you too,” she replied leaning forward and taking me straight in for a hug. I was slightly taken aback at such a friendly greeting but nonetheless I returned it before we both pulled away.

“Hey, don’t be stealing my friend. You get Alex,” Jack play-warned her. I rolled my eyes.

“There’s enough of me to go around. Don’t get so territorial,” I retorted.

“Yeah! And right now I’m getting my share,” Lisa scowled at him, placing her hands on her hips.

“I heard my name being used in a begrudging tone. Why am I grudging?” Alex asked joining our little loop and slinging his arm around Lisa’s shoulder as his crutch.

“What does begrudging mean?” Jack asked looking between us all.

“At least you still suck at English,” Lisa and I laughed while Alex just smiled.

“Jack was just threatening me not to touch his prized trophy,” Lisa explained mocking Jack with exaggeration in her voice.

“You can have what you want. I’ll kick Jack’s ass later,” he replied kissing her temple as she melted into his side.

“Alex why the fuck didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend? Or a dog?” I exclaimed. He raised his unruly eyebrows at my sudden outburst and looked at Jack. Lisa’s face suddenly turned to one of worry as she looked up at the man she was clung to. Wow, it feels weird calling them men.

“You weren’t here. You didn’t matter,” he shrugged adding a wink at the end to show he was kidding.

“Ouch,” I muttered. “Well I love her. She’s adorable. And I wanna meet your dog as soon as possible,” I nodded as if confirming on behalf of him. Lisa sent me a soft smile and I tied an arm around Jack’s torso.

“Sure thing,” he replied sipping on a water bottle in his hand.

“That got vodka in it? You guys are drinking far too many none-alcoholic beverages for my liking,” I raised my eyebrows causing Lisa to laugh and Alex to glare at me as he dropped the bottle from his lips.

“Yeah, you’ll have to come and meet Baz. You’ll love him,” Lisa nodded as I smiled.

“Well then it’s settled. Now why’s everyone on my lawn and not inside?” I asked looking between all three faces.

“Honestly. I dunno,” Jack answered with a small shrug.

“Well, let’s go inside then,” I suggested.

“Not so fast,” Alex halted me. “Everyone’s just here to welcome you back. We’re all gonna go get ready and come back later,” he informed me in a confident tone.

“Oh Alex no not another party I’m too tired,” I whined. Honestly, I never thought I’d hear myself say that, but I was too excitable on the car ride over which totally drained me of all the energy I’d had.

“Hey, I’m under strict instructions from your mother,” he held his hands up defensively before pointing to the house which I guess my mom had just gone into. “And I don’t think it’s really a party. More of a hangout, you know, to catch up on stuff,” he shrugged.

“Well I’ve found out you and Rian now have children and glorious girlfriends. What’s more to know?” I asked nonchalantly.

“Children?” He asked sounding slightly horrified as his eyes widened.

“I was referring to your dog Alex. Don’t take me literally,” I rolled my eyes as he let out a sigh of relief and the surrounding people sniggered.

“Right. Jack you take her to get dressed. We’ll go clean up,” Alex nodded at Jack.

“What? Take me to get dressed? Are you serious?” I asked, my voice raising slightly.

“He’s not going to undress you, Jesus fucking Christ,” he chuckled to himself.

“I know but why do I need to go change?” I asked with a frown.

“Okay first off, we’re all changing. Second of all, you look like you just woke up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I noticed my chapters are suddenly getting a lot longer. That's unintentional.
For those of you who were interested the first chapter of my Gaskarth fanfic is up now, I know theacademyis. has already checked it out. Thanks! Click heeeeeeeerrrrreeeeee if you wanna check it out. I'm gonna post another update for that later today but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you lose interest on this story! This one's my Sebastian. And by the way, all the names of the dogs are real. And the pictures that I post in the next few chapters with the dogs are all their actual pets. Yes I'm that much of a creeper I have these pictures. Comment for quicker updates!