‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers

She's Dancing Alone

Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs!

I made my way from the bathroom, stopping outside Brianna’s door. I sang a familiar tune quietly to myself as I leaned back on the pale walls and stared towards the ceiling. Anyone who knew me well knew I looked to the ceiling whenever I was reflecting on things. Back when Brianna was my one and only priority I’d stare at my ceiling a lot. It was never negative, I’d just think about things we’d done together, places we’d been. It sounds stupid coming from a guy, but I’m just as human as anyone else. Everyone thinks like this at some point.

I was snapped from my thoughts as the latch on the door clicked. I looked straight at the handle of the door as it twisted and a crack appeared. As soon as I set my eyes on [url= http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=11423502]Brianna[/url] I could feel my eyebrows raise and my jaw fall open slightly.

“Okay I’m all good,” she sighed crossing her arms over her chest. “You look good,” she smiled. I ignored her comment and let my eyes wander over her figure. “Jack?” I subtly shook my gaze and my eyes met hers. “Is something wrong?” She asked. I opened my mouth as if I was going to come up with a bullshit excuse when something sparkled and caught my eye. I glanced over the long thin chain that hung from her neck. A silver pendant rested against her chest, taunting me and I could feel my chest tightening.

“No, I just noticed you, uh,” I trailed off gesturing towards the necklace quickly before rubbing the back of my neck. Way to make a situation unnecessarily awkward, Jack. “You know what. Never mind,” I smiled dropping my hand. Unfortunately she knew exactly what I was talking about and crossed her hoodie across her blouse. As her hands moved I could see another twinkling, this time from her finger. If the necklace didn’t sting enough, knowing she still wore the ring killed me. I could feel raging disappointment, not in Brianna, but in myself, and I didn’t know why.

“We should go downstairs,” she mumbled. I nodded in agreement but kept my eyes to the floor as I chewed on my lip. I allowed her to slip past me, catching a small scent of her perfume before following her like a lost dog down her staircase. Returning to the open room at the bottom of the wooden steps we were totally alone for the first time in years. “No one’s here yet?” She frowned as if in disbelief.

“I guess not,” I shrugged before slipping my hands into the pockets on my jeans. “So, how was college?” I asked setting myself down on the couch.

“It was good,” she nodded as she turned around with a small nod.

“Good? Is that it?” I frowned tilting my head. I could see her playing with her fingers before she shut her eyes and let out a deep breath.

“There were just some things I didn’t really want to let go,” she replied cautiously. I studied her face despite the fact she was slightly turned away and barely whispered my response.

“Like what?”


I let out a laugh at Alex’s joke along with the others in the room and saw Rian roll his eyes as he normally would.

“I’m gonna go bring some more drinks in,” I giggled whilst taking to my feet.

“Oh!” Alex exclaimed before shifting from underneath Lisa and standing up in front of me. “I’ll help,” he smiled.

“Uh, sure okay. I could use some help,” I agreed before taking off into the kitchen. I headed straight for the cabinets, tearing the doors open and began shovelling beverages of all kinds onto the work surface. I could sense Alex tip toe over to the fridge a small way from me but paid no notice.

“So are you glad now you’re finally home?” I heard him ask as we both places glasses and cans on the top.

“It feels great to be home,” I gushed beginning to set out red cups beside the drinks.

“Were there any guys you took a liking to while you were away?” He asked with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes as we both continued to fish through the cases.

“It just feels like constant surveillance at school. I liked it better in high school where everything wasn’t based solely around work,” I explained with a slight shrug at the end as if I was comfortable with the question. In honesty, it was the most awkward one he could have asked.

“Yeah, high school was awesome,” he mumbled with a small grin on his face. “What do you miss most about those days?” He asked. I stopped what I was doing and frowned to myself but made sure he couldn’t see. I turned slightly to see he was stuck in the refrigerator. His natural smile was on his lips as it always had been even after all these years and assured me that there were no hidden messages behind his questions.

“I dunno. Probably just how amazing everything was. I mean, such a tight group of friends, parties every weekend.”

“A great boyfriend,” he interrupted. Okay maybe there was a secret message. I turned to look at him but before I could say anything he swiped up half of the drinks and sent me a smile before turning and leaving. I stood up straight, suddenly feeling flushed as a heard of memories returned to me and it felt harder to breathe. I leaned forward against the counter top to steady myself and thought about what had just happened. Thinking about it, this must have been exactly what he wanted. Alex tricked me. He walked me straight into his trap. He clearly wanted me to think back to... the past. I gripped onto the edge and let out a frustrated sigh. I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted.
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I'm sorry this took so long, my week's really busy and I get easily distracted. I ain't gonna lie (Weird, I'm listening to Kiss My Sass and as soon as I typed that Gabe sung that line). Please still love me? Leave me love in a comment? I'll love you back? I love you
