One Sport, One Love, One Shot

Who's That Girl? Jonathon Toews ♪Song Fic&#9

There were places we would go at midnight
There were secrets that nobody else would know
There's a reason but I don't know why
I don't know why
I don't know why
I thought they all belonged to me

I heard a soft tattering at my window. I jumped out of bed and ran over to window. My hands slowly opened the glass barrier and I stared out to see Jonathon. He helped me jump out the window and we started walking down the darkened street together. It was Midnight, the morning of April Twenty-Nine; Jon’s birthday.

“Happy Birthday.” I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him lightly on the lips.

“Thank you,” he replied in the same manner.

We made our way down to a park. We sat together on a bench, staring out at the calming water.

“I have to tell you something…” We both spoke at the same time, “I love you.”

I took a deep breath in, barely able to believe I just told him my biggest secret. But when I’m with Jon, my mind gets clouded. It being 12:00 AM did not help at all.

“You mean the world to me, Hope. I love you with all my heart.” He greeted my lips with a passionate kiss.

“I have something else I need to tell you Jonathon.” My face was strait serious.

He held me tightly knowing it was something big, “I’m moving to Detroit.”

Jon pulled away slowly to look me in the eyes, “You can’t be…”

“I am…”

“No, this can’t be happening.” Tears started to form in my eyes, and one slowly ran down my cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb, “What are we going to do…?”

I stuttered, “I don’t know. I guess it has to be over. I’ll come back for you Jon, I promise you. I promise you,” I then broke into sobs.

Who's that girl?
Where's she from?
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life?
Oh no, living my life

I woke up at six. I was lying on Jon’s chest. Quietly I got up and ran off home. Almost all of my stuff was packed. I just needed to pack the last few things. My gaze drifted over to a small silver picture frame. It had a photograph of Jon and myself, from last summer. We were both smiling and looked untouchable. Who would have guessed today would come? I threw the picture into my last suitcase and rolled it downstairs. My parents were waiting near the door, as it was now seven. No one noticed I snuck out last night, thank God.

My father put all of our stuff into his truck and we got in. I asked if we could stop at Jonathon’s house both of parents nodded, knowing how hard this would be for me.

I jumped out of the truck and ran up to Jon’s house. I eagerly knocked on the door, knowing he would be home by now. I was greeted by a familiar face, but it was not Jon’s.

“Bye Pat.” I hugged Patrick Kane and shed a few tears on his shirt.

“Hope, do you really have to go?”

I nodded, into his chest.

“That’s really too bad. Everyone on the team will miss you. Come back to visit. And cheer us on in Detroit, alright.”

I gave him an approving smile. “And where’s Jon?”

Pat looked down at the ground, as I walked in. I looked over at the couch, where my heart broke into a trillion pieces. Jon seemed to be connected by the lips to a blonde. They were all over each other.

“Jon! How could you!” I screamed, and started to run out the door.

“Hope. Call me okay?” Pat whispered to me as I left the Toews’ residence.

I nodded with tears streaming down my face.

Jonathon barely noticed that I was ever present that morning at seven fifteen.

Seems like everything's the same around me
Then I look again and everything has changed
I'm not dreaming so I don't know why
I don't know why
I don't know why
She's everywhere I wanna be

Six months later I returned to Chicago. I hadn’t talked to anyone from the Blackhawks even after getting harassed by their never ending calls. Every one of them called me at least five times…except Jonathon.

There was a change of plans while in Detroit resulting in only a temporary move, which we weren’t considering in the first place. I was happy to be back home in Chicago nonetheless.

I walked down my old [and now present] street and over to Pat Kane’s house. As soon as the door opened I got tackled.

“Hope! We missed you.” Several of the guys from the Hawks ran out the door and hugged me.

“Guys…I feel……..strangled.”

They slowly loosened their grip and I got bombarded with questions. Then it was my turn for a question.

“So how’s Jon doing?” I asked almost silently, and I was answered the same way.

“He’s really changed since you left Hope. He still with that girl and he’s not the same guy he used to be. I can tell he’s missing you, even if he pretends he’s not.” Pat replied.

I nodded slowly taking in every word given to me on how the old Jonathon was gone.

That night I went to the Hawks game against the Blue Jackets. Half way through the game some popcorn spilt on me.

I turned around, a little pissed.

“Oh sorry,” A blonde spoke in a sour tone.

I turned around, but then looked back. It was her. It was Jon’s new girl.

Right on cue, Jon turned around while sitting on the bench. He smiled and waved at the girl, not even noticing I was there.

After the game, I went down to the dressing room and over to Pat Sharp.

I dodged Jon, who was making out with the girl. I was yet to know her name…but I didn’t want to know anyways.

Who's that girl?
Where's she from?
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life?

Everywhere I turned, Jon or that girl [who I recently found out’s name is Jen,] were.

I had barely been able to live, knowing that the old Jon was gone.

The guys invited me out a couple times, but I turned them down quickly.

“You have to stop being so glum Hope. Something will turn things around.” Pat Kane lectured me almost daily.

“You have no idea how I feel Pat! I’ve been betrayed! Hurt! Everything is just wrong!” I started crying; for how I was feeling and for taking everything out on Pat. He’s been helping me through life back in Chicago for the past two months.

“Shhhh, shhh,” Pat rubbed my back, and slowly started to calm me down.

He’s been used to this behavior over the past little while.

Jon’s change had made me change.

I’m not all ‘happy, go lucky’ like I used to be.

Now it takes effort to smile.

“Why do people have to change? Why, Pat, why?” I sobbed.

I'm the one who made you laugh
Who made you feel
And made you sad
I'm not sorry
For what we did
For who we were
I'm not sorry
I'm not her

I moved back to Chicago six months ago.

I finally started to return to my normal self…until this day. It was April twenty-nine.

The day went as normal, until after the game against the Leafs, back in the dressing room.

Pat knew today was going to be a bad day for me, and was even more comforting than normal if that was possible.

I was sitting with Pat when someone turned around.

“Hope!?” Jon’s eyes lit up as he met my gaze.

I stared blankly back at him and nodded.

He wrapped me into a hug, but I pushed away. “Get away from me Jonathon!” I yelled.

By this time the whole team was watching.


“You hurt me! You hurt me bad. You don’t care, so I don’t care. Go back to that bitch of yours. I don’t care! You haven’t missed me, nor noticed me. Go back to pretending I’m a nightmare you had one night. I’m fine with that!”

“I’ve missed you like crazy Hope. I really have.”

“Yeah, and that’s why you haven’t noticed I’ve been here for the past six months! Happy Birthday Jon, Happy Birthday.” I cried into Pat Kane’s shoulder, as Sharp pulled Jon away from me.

That night I was sitting at the bench. The same bench I sat on one year ago. Someone sat beside me.

“Hope, I’m really sorry. I miss when we laughed. I miss when we cried. I’ve noticed you were here; I’ve just been too scared to face you again. I tried to ignore you, but I really couldn’t you always are on my mind. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you.”

He slowly pulled his hand out of his pocket and gently lifted my crying face.

“I’ve missed you Jon, I’ve missed you.”

Our lips met in a passionate kiss, just like one year before.

I used to sing;

Who's that girl?
Where's she from?
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life?
Oh no, living my life

But now I’m back to being that girl.

I’ve been happily with Jon ever since.

Pat Kane and Sharp are still my best friends.

And I know I will never have to wonder this question again, “Who’s that girl?”