The Take Over, The Break's Over

Rain and Tears, the Perfect Mix.

"Okay then Miss. Abigail what is this amazing idea of yours?"Anna said hopefully.

"Got cash?" Abi asks.

"Well..yeah...." Anna says curiously.

"Well, their next stop is Detroit, we can get a flight up there, and meet him there. Then we'll get a DNA test where no one knows who you are, therefore it'll never get back to Benjamin." Abi says proud of her plan.

"What about Benjamin? He's gonna wonder where I went." Anna says pointing out the difficulties of Abi's plan.

"Tell him that you're going to Detroit with me to meet Nick because I was afriad to go by myself."Abi says with a smile.

"Thanks Abz, you're the best friend I could ever ask for. What would I do without you?" Anna says gratefully.

"Get into alot of trouble." Abi giggles.

"True, very true." Anna giggles with her.

"We'll get tickets now, and leave tomorrow." Abi says. Anna nods and gets off the couch.
"Just let me change and we'll leave."

"mmhm." Anna smiles as she leans back on the couch finally feeling like things were going to be okay with everything that was going on in her life, thanks to Abi.

The rest of the day and that night was spent on planning and girl talk. The next morning would be a hectic one.

Anna opened her eyes the next morning and looked around Abi's bedroom. She looked out the window, rain slammed against the panes of glass, and wind pushed through the trees like the football player with the ball, knocking down the other players so he can score a touchdown. Anna bit her lip "Do planes fly in this weather?" she wondered. She needed to get to Detroit today, it was important, she needed to know whose baby it was, and soon. Abi's eyes fluttered open, she smiled.

"Good Morning." She says sweetly.

"It's not so great." Anna replies. "Look out the window." she sighs.

"No big deal, it'll calm down by noon. We'll get off the ground, don't worry." Abi assures her.

"Yeah I guess so..." Anna says not so sure. " I'm gonna go home and get ready. I'll meet you at the airport at 11."

"Alright. Don't worry okay?" Abi says.

"Worry about what? I'm not worrying. I'm great, I'm fine" Anna shakes her head.

"I know. It'll all be fine. Just go home and get ready, Say goodbye to Benjamin and meet me at the airport. Just make sure you shower." Abi says with a smile. " Cause you smell!"

"Thanks!" Anna giggles. She climbs out of bed, grabs her clothing off the floor, and pulls her American Eagle hoodie over her head. "Bye." She says as she walks out of the house. She drives along the long stretches to her house. Hourglass by The Hush Sound blasts through her car, she slows down and cries, wiping tears from her eyes every few seconds, her fingers like wiperblades to her eyes.

Sorry it's short.
Comments are greatly appreciated!