The Take Over, The Break's Over

hospital beds & goodbyes.

Six long hours later the plane touched down in Toronto, Canada. Anna's first time out of the country, and she couldn't stop my knees from shaking, her breath pace quickened, and her heart raced. This couldn't be good. Anna tried to stand, but her legs failed her, they too knew what was to come. Anna crashed back into her seat. "You okay sweetie?" Abi said concerned, something Anna missed due ti her fading comprehension for sound as she hit the floor of the plane, smacking her head hard on the carpeted groung between the two seatings.

Anna's eyes fluttered open to the sound of Peter's voice. There he was at the foot of the hard, starchy, hospital bed. Anna lay there confused, not sure of what to say. "Tell him," Peter said quietly, a slight quiver in his voice. Anna wasn't sure what to do, nad if she knew exactlly what he was talking about. "It's his Anna. Not mine. His. Benjamin's. Go home. Tell him." with those discomforting words escaping Peter's lips and Anna's old ring on Peter's sidekick, tears fell rapidly down Anna's bruised cheek. She knew what was happening, it hurt, and scared her a little.

"P-P-Peter?" She stuttered.

"Just leave Anna, tell him, live your fairy tale! Forget about me!" he raged quietly. The tears feel more like a rabid river now. Anna was heartbroken and destroyed. He was leaving her. The boy she'd known, and loved for so long, he had another, someone else, he'd replaced her. Deep down she knew that that's what she'd wanted al along. For Peter to find another, whom he loved more than she, who he'd be happier with, but it hurt knowing that it was now a reality, he'd let her go and she truly had to move on without him.

Anna swallowed hard and almost yelled, "Get out Peter! Get out!" Peter turned his back to her and began his venture out through the door of the sterile room. "Byee Petey Pana." Anna said in a barely audible whisper.

"Bye Bye my Anna Banana." Peter whispered back, and he made his way out of the hospital.
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Sorry it's so short!

Comments are loved ♥

Love, Carrie!