The Take Over, The Break's Over

coming home.

Anna slipped out of her hospital gown, and into her favorite pair of low rise dark wash skinnys. She buttoned them slowly, and pulled a plain red tank top down over her head, followed by her favorite navy Chicago bears hoodie. As she brushed her soft blonde hair, she stared at her self in the broken mirror. Salty tears filled her blue eyes and warmed her pale cheeks. She felt fat, ugly, sick and terrible. She'd never felt so awful in the entirety of her life. Her small body shivered, begging for heat, her eyes pleaded for closure, they were heavy from crying and lack of sleep. The only thing Anna wanted was to be rid of all the trouble, worry, and woe that consumed her.

Anna sat on the plane next to Abigail once again. She leaned against the window, ipod blasting Dashboard Confessional's lyrics "breathe, don't you want to breathe?" through her ears. Her heart felt non-existent. Her mind was racing with the wonder of what to do next, and the plane crashing to rid her of her misery. Her head pounded with the headache that had taken it over. She wanted to be at home in her childhood bed, cuddled under the blankets with her mom with a huge box of chocolates and a tub of ice cream watching chick flick after chick flick, crying and talking about everything that had happened, and getting some wise advice.

Anna was shaken awake after during landing, she'd cried her self to sleep and they had arrived back at home. Anna gathered her things together ready to run, she needed to be at home. She needed to try to make things better for her, with or without Peter. Maybe she was still clueless about who she loved.

In twenty minutes she bursted through the doors of her house, ran into the kitchen grabbed a tub of chocolate ice cream and poured in a whole bag of chocolate chips. She grabbed a spoon and ran to her bedroom, pulled back the sheets crawled inside and cuddled under, she began shoveling the cold, icy substance into her mouth. She swallowed and took a deep breath. Looking ahead of her at the huge picture of her and Benjamin on their wedding day, she sighed, putting the ice cream on the table beside her, she snuggled into the blankets on Ben's side of the bed and breathed in his scent.

About 3 hours later, Anna was awoken, she'd fallen asleep again the clock read 7:15pm. She was woken by Ben's deep voice rushing through the house singing out "Anna! Anna! Are you here?" Anna debated with her self weather or not to answer.

"Maaayyyybeeeee." she answered, giggling a little. Ben ran through the doorway and pounced on the bed.

"Annieeee!" he boomed. "You're home!" Anna smiled and nodded. "Where'd you go?"

"That's not important, what's important is something I have to tell you. WE have a really important decision to make Ben baby." Anna said quietly.

"Yeah what we're having for supper, I know I'm famished!" Ben said, his huge smile covering half his face!

"No Benjamin, not that, though an important decision, not as important as this." Anna said regretfully.

"Okay.. what is it then?" Ben asked.

"Well Ben.. Benny...Benjamin... I... well I'm sorta... I'm."

"You're what?!?"

"Pregnant." she whispered. Ben stared at her wide eyed.

"Pregnant." He echoed.

"Yes, Ben honey, pregnant. I'm sorry..." Anna bit her lip.


"Yes, Ben, I'm really really sorry." Anna's eyes filled with tears.

"This is nothing to be sorry about Annie!!! This is awesome. incredible even!!!" Ben beamed happily.

"Really?" Anna said confused. "I mean I thought we err you weren't even sure if you wanted kids yet and even if we did i thought we wanted to wait a couple years before having any because we wanted to travel and enjoy married life." Anna said baffled

"Screw that Annie! This is great! We can do this! We'll be happy! And we'll have a little baby to share our happiness with. We'll have a little football player or a little musician or a little teacher, who knows! It'll be wonderful! Okay? Don't be sorry! You shouldn't be sorry! you should be the happiest person alive right now! Our love is bringing a new life into the world! A little life that for all we know could change the world for all we know right now! Be happy Annie! Smile! Laugh! And let's order in some Swiss Chalet because like I said I'm hungry!" Anna smiled and nodded, but couldn't help a guilty feeling.