The Take Over, The Break's Over


"I wanna spend every moment here with you!" Anna sang as she danced around the kitchen, her smile gracing her face, and her face glowing. She was cooking dinner for herself and Benjamin, he was coming home from Chicago after a big home game which they'd won.

The guilty feelings that Anna had been having had vanished, and now happiness consumed her. She realized that her and Peter must not have been meant for each other, because everything happens for a reason. That was her knew life philosophy and so far it had been working for her. Peter had a new girlfriend, one more better suited to his lifestyle of fame and parties and Anna was happy for them, but she felt AMAZING. She was madly in love with Benjamin, and nothing was going to change that. He was the man for her, it was obvious, every time they were together it was like nothing could come between them and that's the way it was supposed to be. And now with Anna being nine months pregnant and due for labour at any time, it could only get better.

Anna finished cooking the dinner, and put on her favorite black with white pin stripes pregnancy pants and a cute pink cardigan, then heard the front door close. She slipped on a pair of pink socks and raced down the hall into Ben's arms. "Benny!!" she beamed and kissed his soft lips lovingly. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too sweetheart!" he said and kissed her again. "Something smells fantastic and I'm starving!!" he said with a smile.

"Well then you're right on time!" Anna replied leading him into the dining room. They sat at the table and began eating and talking.

Thirty minutes passed. As they were eating the chocolate truffle cheesecake Anna made earlier that day, Anna's eyes grew wide. "What is it baby?" Ben asked.

"Oh my god Ben! My water just broke! The baby's coming! Oh my godsh! Ben we need to pack, hurry!!!" Anna panicked.

"Okay, Okay." Ben said beginning to hyperventilate. He and Anna run down the hallway, and pack clothes for Anna and the baby quickly into a suitcase. They get in the car and drive quickly across town to the hospital.

After 10 hours of labor, Anna is sleeping soundly, Ben is stroking her long blonde hair while they wait for their newborn baby to come back from being cleaned up and checked for health.

"Mr and Mrs. David?" A young nurse says meekly. Anna's eyes flutter open.

"Yes?" They both say in unison.

"You have some visitors." she smiles. Anna smiles back and Ben nods his head. Through the door comes Anna's Mom and Dad, Ben's Mom, Erilen and Abi.

"Hey guys." Ben's mom says sweetly. "Where's our little bundle of joy?" The nurse comes back in the room holding the baby in her arms.

"Right here!" she says smiling. Anna outstretches her arms.

"I want my baby girl!"

"OH MY GOD YOU HAD A GIRL!!!! NO WAY!!!! SHE'S GONNA BE SOOO SPOILED!!!!" Abi and Erilen exclaimed excitedly.

"What are you naming her?" Erilen asked.

"Elise Abigail Erilen David. Eli."

Everyone "awwed" in unison.