The Take Over, The Break's Over

Widow Or A Divorcee?

At the wedding reception and dance later that night, Anna makes her speeches just as she had rehearsed, full of love, loud, clear, and everything that a perfect speech should be. She made eye contact with different individuals, but one in particular, the short man, with black hair in eyeliner. She smiled, and nodded at him. He returned the gestures and blew her a kiss as if they were communicating in their own secret code.

After everyone had eaten and the traditional bride and groom dance had been done, Anna went into the bar. She ordered her favorite drink and patiently stood waiting. Two hands slid along her sides, and arms wrapped around her waist, and two soft lips placing a careful kiss on her neck. “Hey there.” Anna said sweetly.

“Hey,” replied a smooth, male voice softly in her ear. “You looked beautiful today.”

“About as good as you always do.” She replied with a smile.

“Just wait until it’s me up there with you. Then we’ll be killer.” The man said boastfully.

“You’re so full of yourself darling.” Anna says giggling as she takes her drink in one hand and the man’s hand in the other. She walks them to the man’s hotel room, goes inside and locks the door. She slips off her plain white, three – inch heels bringing her back to her 5’0. She strides across the carpet, climbs onto the double bed and crosses her legs under the ankle length, straight, plain wedding dress she’s never wanted. She begins taking the bobby pins out of her strawberry blonde curls. The man takes off his red tie and unbuttons the top buttons on his black dress shirt. He bends over and unites his black dress shoes, slips them off and lays them next to the door. He walks over to the bed where Anna is sitting, her strawberry blonde curls now reaching her shoulders.

“I’m glad you could come,” She said sincerely.

“Me too.” He said smiling.

“You haven’t changed your mind have you Peter?”

“Seasons change but people don’t and I’ll always be waiting in the backroom.” He replied, quoting a song he had written for Anna and recorded for his bands latest album. Anna smiled her pearly white, perfect smile, and kissed Peter’s beautifully, full, soft, pink lips.

“Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, I love you.”

“Anna Catherine Miller-David I love you too.” He placed a sweet kiss upon her raspberry flavored lips. “But I do have one question…” Anna put a puzzled expression on her face. “Widow or a divorcee?”