The Take Over, The Break's Over



“But I do have one question…” Anna put a puzzled expression on her face. “Widow or a Divorcee?”

“Mr. Wentz, I’d rather be a widow than a divorcee. We’ll style his for those fashion magazines because we don’t fight fair.” Peter smiled a mischievous little smile and kissed her cheek lightly.

“We’ll both have our life of headlines and flash photography soon enough my Anna Banana, but for now I have to get back to mine. I shall see you very soon.” He kisses her goodbye as she leaves his hotel room.

Anna makes her way back to the ballroom, carrying her shoes in her soft, pale hand. She set foot on the cold dance floor ready to dance all night with Benjamin, knowing that in about a year she’d be back on this floor, but this time with Peter Wentz, the man she truly loved.

The following day at Anna and Benjamin’s wedding present party Anna began talking to her best friend Erilen Ryan. Erilen, Anna, Peter, and Peter’s best friend Patrick were the only four people that knew about Anna and Peter’s malicious plans. “So, I saw Pete at the wedding yesterday. Did you guys manage to get all the details worked out?” Erilen asked eating a slice of blueberry cheesecake.

“Not all of them,” replied Anna. “But we do know what’s going to happen. Hopefully we’ll get the chance to talk once more so everything will go perfect and smoothly.

“Excellent! Be sure it’s not suspicious.” Erilen said worried.

“Oh, it won’t be. It will be the perfect murder.” Anna smirked.

“You’d better be right.” Erilen replied cautiously.

“Better be right about what?” said Benjamin entering the kitchen, his hands full of dessert plates.

“Oh nothing Benjamin hunn, nothing at all…” Anna said with her pearly white smile spreading across her face. Benjamin left the room. Anna let out a slightly evil sounding laugh and repeated her “the perfect murder.” With that and her smile still on her face, she took for her bedroom, leaving Erilen alone in the kitchen. She walked into her room, the yellow walls like sun flowers, captivatingly wonderful. She sat in the middle of her queen sized bed, sinking in the softness of the marshmallow mattress. She though she had the best house in all of Summerlin, Nevada. The house she’d always dreamed of having, and soon enough she’d be sharing it with the man she’d always dreamed of, Peter Wentz. The 5’7, hazel eyed, black haired, pink lipped, perfect bodied, gorgeous, sweet, amazing, man of every teenaged girls wildest dreams. Her man. She couldn’t wait for the two of them to get their vengeance.