The Take Over, The Break's Over

The Story


She couldn’t wait for the two of them to get their vengeance.

Benjamin was the high school football star from Chicago, Illinois and one of the biggest assholes that went to Bowen High School, especially to outcasts like Peter, Erilen, Patrick and of course Anna.

Back in high school Anna had been one of the social outcasts; part of the crowd that hung out by their locker waiting to be stuffed inside them; or in the library reading everything from fantasy novels to history books just for the pure enjoyment of it, the kids who, due to their status as ‘nerds’ or ‘freaks’ or ‘oddballs’, got beaten up, teased and tortured in anyway the thick brained, ‘popular’, self confident, conceited, ‘cool’, jocks and their crew could think of. What member of the ‘nerds’ or ‘outcasts’ didn’t think of revenge?

Anna was one of the few people that were given the chance to get the coveted revenge when the quarterback fell in love with her, freshman year of college. First Anna was just going to break his sorry little jock heart after explaining to him that she was leading him on. Then Benjamin popped the question of marriage. She had thought “oh how perfect!” not only could she break his heart, but she could throw the pieces into the dirt, along with his pride. She thought that at the wedding when she was asked the question “Do you Anna Catherine Miller, take Benjamin Jack David to be your husband?” she’d reply with a snarky “no.” but that’s not what happened. She had planned on it, until Peter, her other boyfriend whom she’d been secretly dating since senior year of high school, gave her another idea, where they’d get a sort of vengeance on the entire jock population of their former high school.

Anna flipped out her pink motorazar cell phone she’d always wanted. The one Benjamin had bought for her as soon as he signed his contract with the Chicago Bears. Anna couldn’t help but smile whenever she thought about it, which was every time she’d take it out of her pocket. The Chicago Bears had always been Benjamin’s favorite team, they had been to so many games together.

Anna sat and stared at her cell phone, the diamonds and the Chicago bears number 43 (Benjamin’s number) sticker on the back, lost in thought for about an hour. She thought about Benjamin and everything they’d talked about and told each other, everything they’d done together, or talked about doing in the future. Then she thought about Peter and what they’d been though together, the bullying, the detentions, the struggles of fame. She thought about the promises they’d made to each other, and what they’d said they’d do together. Small tears started forming in Anna’s eyes.

Benjamin walked casually into the bedroom, his dark hair shining in the sunlight that poured through the big bay window in the corner of the room. His denim blue t-shirt that perfectly matched his khaki shorts brought out his dark blue eyes. Anna thought about how good he looked with his football player build as he walked through their bedroom door. “Hey babe, you okay?” his deep, rough, but sweet voice sails through the room. Anna smiles her pearly white smile.

“Yeah, I’m fine; I just have to make a phone call is all.” Anna replies casually and sweetly.

“You’re sure honey?”

“Yeah.” He smiles his sweet innocent smile and kisses the top of her head. Anna looks up and kisses his lips softly and pulls him down next to her.