The Take Over, The Break's Over


2 Weeks Later

The loud beeping of the alarm clock woke Anna, letting her know that it was 6:30 am. She flipped the button to turn it off. She groaned a groggy groan and swung her legs out over the bed. She walked out to the shower and took a long hot shower. She quietly walked back into the bedroom, slipped on some dark blue skinny jeans, a purple Alexisonfire t-shirt, and a green zip–up. She applied some mascara, slipped on some black flats, grabbed her car keys and purse and left the house.

Within 10 minutes she was sitting inside Starbucks. She smiled as Erilen walked in through the doors and sat in front of her. They ordered coffee and pastries. “So what’d you need to talk about Annie?” Erilen said and took a sip of her steaming coffee.

“I think I may be pregnant…” Anna muttered.

“Pregnant?!?!” Erilen whispered shocked. “Who?”

“I don’t know… Am I a whore?”

“No! You’re just torn between these two men.”

“Yeah I’m a whore.” Anna sighed.

“You’re not!”

“I’m married and I don’t know who impregnated me! If that doesn’t scream whore I don’t know what does!”

“You’re not a whore sweetie, this whole situation has just gotten completely out of hand, and we have to do something about it really soon. First we have to find out if you’re really pregnant. Why do you think you are anyway?”

“Morning sickness, food craving, hungry all the time, skipped 2 soon going to be 3 periods, slightly moody, gaining weight.” Anna groans.

“Almost 3! Oh my God… you have to get tested.”

“I know, I know.”

“ Why didn’t you tell me this 2 months ago?!?”

“Because I thought it was just a coincidence and it would pass…”

Erilen sighs. “We’re going to he doctor’s office after this.

“I know Eri. Thank you, so much.” Erilen took out her cell phone and made an appointment at the doctor’s office. They finished up their breakfast at Starbucks and headed to the hospital.

They walked inside the hospital and took a seat in the waiting room. After 15 minutes of waiting the nurse came to the door and said, “Anna David, Dr. Saunders will see you now.” Anna and Erilen stood up and walked into the office. The tall, slender, young doctor stood looking at Anna’s records. “Hello.” She says sweetly.

“Hi.” Anna and Erilen say in unison.

“So,” she looks at Anna. “You’re friend tells me that you think you might be pregnant.”

“Yeah, I’ve been having the morning sickness, skipped periods, weight gain, hunger and stuff, so I can only assume.” Anna says.

“How long have you been having these symptoms?”

“Skipping almost 3 months, Morning sickness about a week, weight gain about 2 weeks, hunger about 3 or 4 weeks.” The doctor opens her drawer and hands her a pregnancy test.

“Go to the washroom and take this test. Bring the strip and the cup in when you’re finished.” Anna went to the washroom and came back 5 minutes later, cup with the strip in hand, handed it to the doctor, and sat on the bench.

In several minutes the test was done. “Are you ready for the results?” Dr. Saunders asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be…” Anna replied.

“Well Mrs. David, you’re 3 months pregnant.”

Hello readers!! I’m going to need a few characters for the story soon, so if you want to be one comment or PM me with your information.
Age you want to be:
Do you want to be Single or Taken?
