The Take Over, The Break's Over

What to do...

"Thanks." Anna said as Dr. Saunders handed her some pamphlets about how to eat while she's pregnant, and how to give birth to a healthy baby. Anna and Erilen left the doctor's office.

"So what now?" Erilen asked.

"I think I'm just gonna go home Eri, I've got some stuff to do. Thanks for breakfast and stuff though." Anna got in her car and drove back to her house, she climbe out of the car and snuck inside the house, she ran down to her basement and lay in the middle of the empty room. She started to cry worrying about everything. Was she ready for this? How would Benjamin handle it? Who's child was it? She felt so miserable, she really just wanted to stay there and die.

After 6 hours of lying on the floor, thinking, crying and sleeping. She woke up. Her cell phone was flashing 15 missed calls and 11 text messages. She flipped open her cell phone, all the calls were from Benjamin along with 6 of the text messages, the other texts were from Erilen. Anna sighs. "Why are they so worried?" She got up off the floor and paced around the room. Who could she go to? She really didn't want to talk to Erilen, they were best friends but she knew Eriln would tell Patrick and Patrick would tell Peter and it would just be a horrible situation. Worse than it already is. Anna started to cry again.

Note from author:
Hey guys. I'm seriously considering deleting this story. My last chapter had 2 readers! I posted up the oppourtunity to be in the story last time, no one said anything. I'm getting jack all comments, I really don't see much point in continuing. Sure people will say to me write for yourself first everyone else later. Well I have written this for myself already, I was putting it here to see what people thought of it and to expand and improve on it, but if no one wants to read it or cares to comment I won't post anymore up here.
