The Take Over, The Break's Over

My Address Book Led Me To The Answer

Anna leans against the wall thinking about what she can do. Who can she trust to not say anything and not judge her? Does she really need someone else? Why Can't she do this on her own? "Damn it!" she thought to her self. "You're so dependant on other people, Anna! Why? Why?" Anna tries not to cry again, she tries her best to resist screaming. This was too much for her to handle. She really didn't think she could handle a baby yet, she'd only been married a short amount of time, they weren't ready to take on that responsibility yet. They'd both told each other that they weren't ready, and wanted to enjoy each other's company only for at least two years before bringing a new life into the world, if they were even going to. Anna slid down the wall. "What am I gonna do?" she whispered "I can't tell Peter or Benjamin. I don't know who can help me figure this out..." Anna flipped out her phone, smiling at the thought of the sticker, and when she got the phone, she started flipping through her address book, desperate for someone to call. "Abi!" She whispered excitedly.

Anna had met Abi in her second year of university, she was a year older than Anna, but they become close throughout the next few years. Anna knew Abi would be able to help her through this. Anna always turned to Abi when there was something wrong, she always seemed to know what to say, and of course could always cheer her up with her hyperactivity and creative plans for things to entertain the both of them and their friends. Anna dialed her phone number. "HEY-LO!" Abi's loud, cheerful voice, bounded through the phone's speaker.

"Hey..." Anna said quietly.

"What's wrong?" Abi asked her. She could always tell when there was something wrong with Anna.

"I'm pregnant... I have no clue what to do. I don't want to have a baby, Ben doesn't want one yet. What do I do Abi?" Anna sai starting to tear up again.

"Awww, honey! You've got to tell Benjamin. You guys can figure out if you can have this baby or not. Maybe he does want it, you won't know unless he tells you." Abi didn't know about Peter, Anna didn't want her to think she was a tramp, she wasn't sure whether or not now was the time to tell her. Would she understand?

"Well... Abi... the thing is.... well... it might not be Ben's baby...." Anna said caustiously, worried what her reaction was going to be.

"What?!?! What do you mean it might not be Ben's?" Abi says in absolute shock. Anna explains everything that had been happening since high school to Abi, quietly checking every now and again that no one was out side the door listening in on what she had been saying to Abi. "Wow..." Abi says taken aback.

"I suppose you think i'm a whore now huh?" Anna says, fresh tears falling slowly down her cheeks.

"No! I don't! You're not a whore. I just think itwas a mistake is all. You have to do something honey. I'd suggest finding out who's baby it is first, because knowing that will affect your decsion on what to do. If the baby is born looking like Peter, Ben's going to get suspicious, if it's born looking like Ben, everything's cool." Abi says calmly.

"Thanks Abi. I'll do it. But don't i have to have both their DNA for that?" Anna says knowing full well what the answer is going to be.

" Well yeah, just get Peter to go with you next time you see him, if it's not him then you know it's Ben." Abi replys matter-of-factly.

"Abi, I'm almost three months pregnant! I'm gonna start to show soon! I need to know now!"


"Yess Abigail - Louise, three months!"

"Well then, that's gonna change everything!"

"No shit genius!"

"Hey! I didn't know!"


"S'okay. Alright do YOU want to have this baby?"

"Well... no not really... I'm not ready for that yet, i'm really really not..."

"Adoption or Abortion?"

"Heaven help us..."