The Take Over, The Break's Over

Ice Cream, Cookies, and Pizza.

"Heaven help us now, come crashing down and hear the sound as you fall." Abi branched off into her own little world singing Heaven Help Us a song by her favorite band.
"Abi! Hello! Still here! Major crisis at hand! Not sing MCR songs time!" Anna whispered, grabbing Abi's attention.

"Oh, sorry. You know how I get." Abi says apologetically.

"Yeah I know Bob." Anna giggles. "But what can I do?!?! Three months in, I need to know and I need to know soon!"

"Well where's Peter right now?" Abi said thinking.

"I don't know, I have no clue. He only calls every 2 weeks or so, and he called last week, they were in Germany then." Anna says obviously stressing.

"Hmm..." Abi sighs. "Heaven help us, for sure."

"You have no idea what to do either do you Abz?" Anna said worriedly.

"We'll figure something out. We will, I promise. Come over to my house, we'll eat ice cream and cookies, and talk about his, maybe have a sleepover." Abi said desperately trying to work out a solution.

"Freshly baked cookies?" Anna said hopefully.

"Of course! Only the best for the Banana that is Anna." Abi says giggling.

"Thanks Bobert." Anna said standing up and grabbing her blue jean colored American Eagle hoodie off of the floor along with her car keys.

"Anything for you Anna. See you soon?"

"Yeah. See you soon, I'm on my way." Anna said walking up the stairs quietly to be sure she wasn't heard throughout the house. "Bye" She whispered and closed her phone. She looked out the window, Benjamin's car was gone. "Great!" Anna thought to herself, as she snuck through the hallway, and into her bedroom. She grabbed some clothes and her toothbrush to bring to Abi's house and was out the door.

She drove quickly, leaving a message on the answering machine at her house so that Ben wouldn't be worrying all night, while she was gone. In about forty minutes she pulled up into the driveway of a pastel Victorian, and parked.

She stepped out of the car, purse and overnight bag in hand, and walked up to the white door, and rang the door bell. A girl, about 5'5, dressed in black jeans and a dark purple hoodie, with brown hair that fell to meet her shoulders, smiled the bright, fangy smile that caused her bright blue eyes to sparkle, at Anna as she opened the door. "Hell-o Anna!" she said.

"Hey Abz." Anna smiled her pearly white smile back as she looked up at Abi.

"I have everything that we need, ice cream, cookies, pizza, a movie, tissues, and everything else you could ask me for!" Abi said excitedly.

"Great!" Anna said softly with a smile, stepped inside the house, unlaced and slipped off her green converse chucks, and laid them next to the closet. The two girls walked into the cozy, ivory living room. Abi turned on the electric fire place as the room felt a little chilly, and they both sat on the soft red couch. Abi had vanilla, mint chocolate chip and bubble gum ice cream tubs laid on the coffee table along side a carton of milk, whipped cream and a blender. Cookies and cookie dough with chocolate chunks and m & m's rested on a snowman plate in the center of the table along with two, tall red glasses. A red box of tissues sat on the corner of the chocolate brown table, next to a movie and a steaming Pizza Hut pizza. "Wow Abi. You do have everything. Is the movie a chick flick by any chance?"

Abi giggles. "Yes! One about some girl getting preggers! Should be perfect." Anna pulls abi into a tight hug.

"Thanks so much for this Abi. I really needed it." Anna says appreciatively.

"No problem sweetie. I know you'd do the same for me." she smiles. "Now." She bounces. "What's our first order of business?"

"Making me one of those milkshakes duh!" Anna giggles. Abi joins in. They both mix all the different flavors of ice cream together in the blender with whipped cream and a little milk, to make smooth, thick milkshakes. They drink them and eat cookies and cookie dough while contemplating what Anna can do.

"I really don't know what I want to do. I mean I don't want to have this baby, I'm not ready to have it. I'm really not. I wanted to wait until i settled down and picked my career off the ground first. I mean I haven't even gotten my business plan done yet and I'm already pregnant. But what can I do, I don't want to get an abortion, the risks are too high, and I don't like the idea. It's just really stressful you know?"

"Yeah I know. I mean I have my job and so does Nick. I don't know what I'd do if i got pregnant. We're not married, not even engaged, Nick's gone half the time on tour and stuff. It'd be really hard." Abi replies em-pathetically. Anna sighs.

"We just had to get men that are gone all the time didn't we? Famous men."

"Yeah, well we can't help that they're highly attractive and incredible people now can we?" Abi and Anna giggle.

"I guess not." Anna says smiling.

"But, about the abortion thing, yeah it's kind of scary. There's adoption. Though that would mean you still having the child and the possibility of Ben finding out about you and Peter, and your plans." Abi says trying to figure everything out in her mind, and pick the best way to help her friend out of this mess.

"I know, I'd rather do adoption than kill the poor thing." Anna sighs. "This would be so much easier if I knew who's baby it was." Anna frowns, tear fill her eyes and threaten to spill over and down her cheeks. Abi pulls her into a hug.

"I know sweetie, I know. We'll figure this out." Abi's face brightens up like she's just gotten an idea. She pulls out her silver laptop from underneath the couch. Enter.

"What are you doing?" Anna asks.

"Finding out where Peter is. Toronto, Ontario Canada." Abi replies.

"Canada, great. The other side of the continent. Fabulous. Wonderful."

"Cheer up doll face. I have an idea."

Comments are greatly appreciated!!
