It's up to Me to Make You Bleed

The Drowning

I couldn’t help but feel filled with satisfaction when Brian dragged Courtney, covered in blood, back into the kitchen. It was absolutely priceless – not only because she tested quite a bit of our first floor traps, but also because of her mother’s immediate tears upon seeing her daughter, totally bloody and in pain. This was just absolutely genius for filming purposes…so dramatic for the viewers.

But we can’t focus on this moment forever, unfortunately. Matt probably picked up on that first, based on the next thing he said. “Looks like our trap was a success. And to reward you for testing out our work, we’ll let you cool down for a little bit.”

I wonder if Courtney knew that that rather large fish tank in the living room was purchased just for her? I wonder if she regrets telling me that she never learned how to swim last summer when we had all wanted to go fishing?

Regardless, I bet she doesn’t realize what she’s in for next.

*Normal POV*

Even though my body was in terrible amounts of pain, I still found some strength to protest to their desires. “I don’t need whatever shit you’re planning. Just leave me the hell alone!” I shouted, not even bothering to hold myself back…I’m sure my mom would understand.

“You should be thanking us for what we’re going to do,” Brian chimed in, “I mean all that chlorine has got to do something beneficial in healing your wounds.”

My mind flashed back to the large tank I had seen earlier, and I was beginning to gather a sense of what they were planning, which in turn, severely lowered my level of confidence.

“I think she may have figured it out,” Shadows said, amused.

My mom, sitting there and watching helplessly, also realized what they were referring to. “You boys know damn well that Courtney can’t swim. So you better not take her anywhere near deep water!” my mom strongly.

They all shared a laugh. “You don’t seem to be in a demanding situation, Julianne. But since you’re so eager for this to happen, allow me to move your chair to the other room for a better view,” Matt suggested, walking over behind my mom.

The red light on the camera temporarily turned off. “No, we’ve got to do this part quick,” Jimmy paused to look at me, “otherwise her wounds won’t sting as bad.”

“You’re a sick fuck,” I spat.

He shrugged, “Doesn’t bother me.”

“Well let’s get on with the show already,” Brian announced, pushing me into the other room, with the other two following.

I found myself trembling as Brian carried me up the narrow ladder, which led to the surprisingly tall tank held within our two-story living room. The problem was, not only was I afraid of water, but heights were an issue too…and being on this narrow, wobbly thing with someone like Brian didn’t help the situation.

By the time we had reached the top, he rested my butt on the ledge of the tank. Maybe now I can get through to him. “Brian,” I said with more emotion than I would’ve imagined, “please don’t do this to me. Like my mom said, you know I panic in the water. I can take the…stabbing and abuse…but not this.”

He waited a couple minutes before actually responding, and also had a contemplative look on his face, which cursed me with a large amount of false hope. “Sorry, but this is going to be just too fun to watch,” he said, before dumping me over.

I screamed as I lost balance and felt my back make contact with the first layer of water. My body wanted to fall down into the depths, but I fought it. I flailed my legs like crazy and reached my arms as high as they could go, reaching for the ceiling, thinking it could help somehow.

Faster than they should have, my legs began to feel incredibly weak until they reached the point of numbness. My eyes widened and my lungs desperately drew in as much breath as they could before the inevitable happened and my body sunk below the surface.

Through the clear glass walls I was able to see wavy reflections of the living room, of them sitting on the couch as if they were watching a fucking movie with sick smiles of amusement, and of that damned red light beaming from the camera, capturing this moment of personal agony.

This tank felt excessively deep, causing me to feel as if I had been sinking for eternity. But after a while, the sinking wasn’t my main concern. There really was chlorine in the water and it really was burning the several circular wounds covering my body.

Unintentionally, I cried out at some point after believing foolishly that the pain was as bad as it could get, but as you can imagine, that was ridiculously stupid on my part. Water poured into my mouth rather excitedly, causing me to choke consequently. My hands flew to my throat, perhaps in an attempt to make the water stop going inside of me, however the damage had already been done. Water was filling my lungs. I was drowning.

I finally felt the bottom of the tank – the only way I really knew was because chains shot out of the floor and kept me tied down. I forced myself to look up and saw how far away the surface had become. I began to go into a state of shock, or maybe it was just acceptance of the fact that I was going to die like this.

My hands dropped back down to my sides and I just floated limply in the water. I couldn’t say much about what happened after I essentially gave up on myself. My mind was in a different place…

The year was 1991. I had just finished my first day of fifth grade, and I was incredibly anxious to tell my parents all about the great day I had. I jumped off the bus, thanking the driver for the ride, and ran into my house. “Mom, dad, guess what!” I said happily as I walked into the house.

The response I received wasn’t exactly the pleasant one I had been so used to receiving. “Who was it this time, James, was it the secretary, or perhaps an associate?” my mom yelled, sounding exhausted.

“Look, Julianne, I know I fucked up. But I’m sick of letting you and Court down. Maybe it would just be best if we…if we got a divorce,” my dad replied quietly, almost ashamed even.

“This is going to totally have a negative effect on Courtney’s life! She won’t be able to survive this, and I promised myself that I would never go through with a divorce. Yet at the same time I’m not sure what else can be done, James. I can’t put our family through this.”

“I’ll pack my things.”

I stood frozen in place, not sure if I had somehow gotten tangled up in a horrible dream or not. The house was only one story, so my dad couldn’t help but notice me standing there. He approached me slowly with a sad look on his face. “I guess you caught some of that, kiddo?”

I nodded, trying to think of what to say. “You’re not really leaving, are you daddy?”

He sighed heavily. “Courtney, sometimes mommys and daddys just have problems that they just can’t work out. When it gets to that point, well, they need to go separate ways…”

“But you can’t go!” I cried, hugging onto his waist.

“I know it may hurt, sweetie, but trust me, it may just be best for everyone,” he said distantly, and I knew in that moment that things were never going to be the same. And the moment dad walked out the door the following day, I knew I’d forever despise him.

I felt the water surrounding me, the wounds endlessly burning, and my heart slowing down…I knew I was back in 1997. I know that some people claim that you have some flashbacks of life and all, but why the hell did my flashback have to be of that bastard…who I suddenly wish was here now? Awesome last thought before dying…

Everything was becoming faint and far away. My soul was leaving my body. This was it.

And just before my lungs completely filled with water, the chains were released and Matt dived into the pool to collect my body. The moment we reached the surface, I gasped at the taste of air. Although I was confused why the asshole saved me, I thankfully took in large amounts of deep breaths as he swam me over to the ledge where Brian was waiting for me back on the ladder.

“Have a good time?” he asked with a smirk.

“Fuck you,” I growled, flicking my soaking wet hair into his face.

I could feel his anger begin to rise, and I knew he was about to do something to get me back, but he was distracted. A loud clatter was heard in the kitchen. And the only person in there was my mom…
♠ ♠ ♠
in the next chapter: julianne takes this moment of intense danger that her daughter is enduring, to free herself in the kitchen and greet the boys with a set of kitchen knives. meanwhile, courtney realizes her mother is creating a diversion and makes a run for the door. will she successfully escape?

omg this story is so close to 500 readers :D that's fucking awesome!!

5+ comments please, this is going to get really good/gory in the next 2 chapters =]