It's up to Me to Make You Bleed

The Design

*Jimmy’s POV*

That’s it…my plan is finally complete. I couldn’t help but continue to stare at the beautiful artwork in front of me, a perfectly plotted out plan with no chance of anything but death in the end.

I never knew I had such a sadistic side to myself, but I’m sure as hell glad that he’s been brought to life. He’s going to help me make a fortune. Now all I have to do is get the guys on my side and the two victims in place.

There’s a portion of our finished basement that my dad decided to keep unfinished. It’s a completely empty room with two small windows in it and nothing but concrete walls and floors. With a little help, I could easily turn that place into a torture chamber.

And as for the guys, Matt and Brian, I’ve chosen them specifically because they have a thing for Courtney. Zacky probably wouldn’t be able to go through with it all, and well Johnny’s too young. They’re the strongest and most interested.

“Hey guys,” I shouted when I heard them come inside, “come up here for a minute.”

A sound of a mini stampede filled the house as they ran up the stairs to my room. And damn, would they be in for a surprise.

“What’s up, dude?” Matt asked, slightly out of breath.

“Nothing much. How come you two look so beat out?”

“Your sister kicked our asses at a basketball game,” Brian breathed out.

“Wow, I never would’ve thought she’d be able to take both of you on,” I admitted. They nodded in agreement. Enough small talk. “Well anyways, guys, there was one thing I wanted to talk about with you two.”

They each took a seat somewhere in my room and waited for me to continue. “You know that video that we watched the other day?”

“That creepy ass thing?!” Brian blurted out.

“Yeah, that one. What do you guys think about trying one of our own?”

“I think your mom dropped you too many times as a kid,” Matt cackled, “we’d never be able to pull some shit off like that.”

I pulled the curtain off of the chalkboard I wheeled in here. “You’d be surprised how easy it really is,” I replied, allowing them some time to scan over the plan.

“Jimmy, you’ve totally lost it. There’s no way we can kill someone,” Brian said.

“You’ll never know how good you’d be at something until you try it,” I shrugged.

“So you’re saying we get a couple girls, lock them up in your basement, and do whatever we want to them…all while you’re behind the camera recording it?” Matt confirmed.

“Yeah that’s right. Sounds like a good deal, right?”

“Sort of…it depends on who the girls are.”

By now I had just about the biggest smile on my face. I had been just itching to tell them who the featured victims would be. “Julianne and Courtney Sullivan,” I proudly announced, “and I know that that’s an offer that you two can’t turn down.”

“Well we do both love Courtney…and her mom’s pretty fucking hot too,” Brian thought.

“Trust me, I’m sure once you two get used to the idea, then it’ll be a breeze,” I reassured.

Finally, they gave in.

For the next two days, we sneaked pieces of drywall, wood, and other construction tools into the basement to build up a chamber during the night. That was incredibly hard…considering everyone was asleep. So that’s when Brian got the brilliant idea to add sound-proof instillation within the walls. That way, they can scream all they want, but no one will ever hear them in time to save them.

After the construction was taken care of, we brought in any torture devices we could think of. By the time it was all said and done, we’d accumulated even more than the dude from “A Collection of Death” had.

We were completely exhausted by then, so we took a break on one of the couches we put down there. “Just think about it guys,” I mused, “think of all the money we’ll make from this. It’s such a growing underground business that people will be dying to see and pay for our work.”

“Yeah, and we can use the money to get the best instruments ever, instead of the shitty ones we use,” Brian thought, probably imagining playing on some fancy guitar. I myself wouldn’t mind a brand new drum set.

It helped a lot to see that the guys had finally fully come around to the idea, and even started making plans of their own. “We need to figure out just a few more things,” Matt announced.

“How we are going to get them down here without anyone noticing, what we are going to name our tape, and who gets who first.”

“In my opinion, I say we take Courtney first, since she’ll be easier to convince. Then the next day when my dad goes to work, we should bring Julianne downstairs,” I suggested.

“That’s fine by me. What about a name?” Brian said.

“What about ‘The Art of Subconscious Illusion?’” Matt asked.

“Hmm, I like it. It makes it seem like this is still all just stunts and tricks…despite the fact that it’s real and live,” I agreed.

And as for deciding who gets to take care of who first, well we thought it would be best to just leave that up to fate. It didn’t really matter. They were both going to be killed, and their deaths are both going to be exploited all over the world. And there was nothing that either of them could do about it.

*Normal POV*

I knew my basketball game idea was genius, but I didn’t expect it to be working this well. I haven’t heard from Matt or Brian over the past 2 days. They’ve just been cooped up with Jimmy in his room, doing God knows what. I almost even missed all the attention being centered on me, but oh well.

At least now I’d get to finally get things done without being distracted. Actually, I’ve been talking to Zacky quite a bit lately via AIM. I’ve never had the time to actually get to know him and I’d say it’s been working quite well. We’ve definitely become closer friends, that’s for sure. Too bad he’s never over here.

“Courtney, Joe and I are going to a jazz concert downtown. Keep an eye on the guys!” my mom shouted before leaving with Joe.

Sweet, got the house to myself…almost. I decided it was now or never – I was gonna watch that video tape. I made a bowl of popcorn and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. As the title credits played across the screen, I could’ve sworn I saw a shadow of a person standing behind the couch reflect off the TV.

It wasn’t until I saw that they had a sledgehammer that I screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
in the next chapter: the violent fun begins as the guys learn to unleash their evil sides >:)

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