Status: Completed

The Soundtrack of Life

I Loved Her First

Chris lifted the white veil, seven years later, revealing his beautiful daughter that looked exactly like her mother. Chris kissed her cheek and gave her away to her future husband before taking his seat. He liked Matt, his future son-in-law. Matt had asked permission for Charlotte’s hand in marriage the very first time Charlie had brought him home. He asked four hours after meeting Chris, shocking everyone in this house. Chris just laughed and accepted. He knew that Matt was the one for his daughter the very first time he saw the two of them together. He knew the look in both of their eyes whenever they looked at each other; it was the very same look that Chris had given Emily those long years before.

At the reception, Chris saw the light grow in their eyes as they danced their first dance as a married couple. Leave it to his daughter to pick Martina McBride’s “Safe in the Arms of Love” for their song. A smile crept onto his face as other couples joined in. He stood up and walked over to Naomi and offered his hand. She wasn’t really used to our “White traditions” but she accepted nonetheless. Chris was careful with the almost ninety year old Cheyenne woman. He took it nice and slow for her. When she told him that she was tired, he led her over to the table and sat her down. She spilled her thanks and said that she would have to rest for awhile. Chris nodded and kept her company. A Few line dancing songs later, Charlie grabbed her father and led him to the dnace floor. Rascal Flatt’s “My Wish” came softly over the speakers. Charlie scrunched up her nose.

“You picked this song?”

“Yes, Baby, I picked it because it’s exactly how I feel. My wish is that you still keep your dreams. Don’t let being married weigh you down. The reason for having a spouse is so that someone will be there to help you along the bumpy parts of the road. They also encourage and push you to climb mountains and dive into the abyss, because you know, if it’s pure, that they’ll be right next to you the whole time.”

She hugged her father closer. “Thanks, Daddy. For everything. I love you.”

“Anything for you, Baby. I would sell the world just for you.”

“I’m sorry, but may I cut in?” Scott, Matt’s best man asked politely when the song ended.

“Yes, where is my son-in-law?”

“He’s with his mother.” Scott answered.

Chris smiled and winked at his daughter. “Be right back, Sugar.” He then walked away as a loud, fast song pumped through the speakers. He found Matt without much trouble. He motioned for Matt to come to him so that they could talk privately. Chris looked at his son-in-law carefully.

“Is there anything wrong, Dad?”

“No, there’s nothing wrong. I just wanted to tell you what her mother’s father said to me. When you hold her tonight and love on her, remember that I’m the one who loved her first. I was the one to hold her first. If your love ever dies, and I pray it won’t, I want you to let her down gently and tell her to run back into the arms that held her first.”

“Sir, I love you daughter, and I pray to God every night that I won’t stop loving her. I promise that I’ll do everything you ask of me if that unfortunate event ever happens.”

Chris nodded and patted the young man on the shoulder. “Good, now go back to your wife.”

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it’s still hard to give her away
I loved her first