Take My Hand and We Will Run Away


[Carmen’s Pov]

That night we were lucky to score a nice hotel after the show. Dakota and I had recommended many different hotels, but almost every one of them seemed to be either full or didn’t have enough rooms available for us. As soon as we arrived at this particular one, got our rooms and brought our things inside, I made my way down to the first floor and into the lobby.

I had my notebook with me in case any songs came to mind and my coffee. I made myself comfortable on the couch and sat Indian style.

“Did they kick you out?” I looked up to see a familiar face, Kennedy.

“Who?” I asked, a little lost.

“The rest of the band you’re apart of?” He chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully.

“Oh, no.” I smiled, shutting my book as he sat down next to me.

“Writing?” He asked, looking down at the notebook that sat between my two hands.

“Not necessarily, just here in case something comes up. What brings you to the lobby?” It was time for me to be the one to ask questions.

“No reason.” He paused when something caught his eye; I turned to see John walking up to the two of us. “Well, I guess I should go pick out an outfit for tomorrow. Have a nice night.” He waved and walked away.

“Wait! Kennedy!” I didn’t want to be alone with John, no way in hell. But he was already getting into the elevator. So Kennedy chooses his outfits the night before? I couldn’t bring myself to believe this, but I guess anything’s possible.

As John sat down right beside me, sliding his jacket off his back, I froze and looked straight ahead. I didn’t want to embarrass myself like I already have with my nervous laugh attacks. I was beginning to feel that not only would this tour give me a good self-esteem boost, but a good stab at it too.

“Are you in another world or do you just not want me around?” He asked quietly, I could feel his eyes right on me.

I looked over at him and immediately felt the chills go up my spine.

“In my own world I guess. Why would I not want you around?” I asked, hearing no emotion in my voice. Curse you Kennedy for leaving me alone with him, curse you for leaving me with him while I sit here looking too comfortable with my pajamas and coffee.

“You haven’t been neglecting me? I’m taking the hints that you don’t want me around you. It seems like everyone else on tour has at least had a conversation with me lasting ten minutes or has made plans to hang out. But you, I haven’t gotten to know anything about you. And earlier you ran off before I could even begin a conversation.” He answered in more detail than I had expected. I guess I didn’t expect him to ignore my question, but I didn’t expect such a long answer.

I gulped loudly; I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t that I didn’t like him, right now I was beginning to like him more and more, but I can never seem to be myself around anyone I like without making a fool out of myself.

“I’m not dropping hints, I promise. It just takes me awhile to get used to people. I guess I’m just shy.”

“Are you sure? Because if you don’t want me around you, tell me now.”

“John, I promise that’s not the case at all.” I sighed with a small laugh. It sort of seemed like my own inside joke with myself. He probably has no idea what I meant by that, he obviously hasn’t caught any clues of me crushing on him.

“Alright, so could we maybe start over?”

“I’d like that.”

“I’m John O’Callaghan.”

“I’m Carmen Reynolds.” I introduced myself. I bit my lip to prevent the nervous laughter I had mentioned before.

“Why are you biting your lip like that?” He asked with a chuckle.

“I’m horrible at this getting to know people thing.” I explained.

“I promise I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable. How about we give a conversation a try and get through this awkward stage?” He smirked.


And that was the first time we have ever had a conversation together that wasn’t ruined by my random laughing attacks or me running out of the room. Even though I was enjoying my time with John, Kennedy still wasn’t off the hook.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry for taking so long on the updates. :\
I hope you enjoy this little update!
I'm sure Sarah's will be flippin' saweet!
