Status: hiatus

What's This Feeling?

Chapter 1 : Partly A Preface.

“Hey, Rena. Wake up!” Koji, my boss exclaimed, as he relentlessly shook me to wake up. “C’mon, I’ve got another delivery waiting!”.

“ugh… “ I groaned as I came to. “…I’m up, I’m up… sorry, I didn’t get that much sleep last night…” I said. I got up, and wiped the drool off the table that I had been lying on.

“Okay, still it is my fault for calling you out here, when the finals are coming up… your route is on Kako street, 123, apartment 4.” Koji said, scratching his balding head.

I went to bed really late, not because I was studying. I really don’t need to study. I have an easy time remembering all the methods, and answers. I went to bed late because I was out putting up papers about my lost kitten.
I couldn’t have done it during the day because, mom and dad don’t even know I had a kitten. I was sorta taking care of it in secret. The kitten’s name is “Aiko”. Meaning “beloved”.
He was a stray cat, whom I found lying next to his dead mother who got ran over by a truck. The trucker man, must have moved the dead cat on the grass lawn, sort of as a funeral, and to not have any other trucks or cars run over her again.
“Yeah, I’m on it…” I said moving towards my scooter with the delivery pizzas in one hand.

I work at a pizza delivery place called “Old man Koji’s sliced pizza”. The name is sorta long and silly. We all just call it the “ O.M.K.S.P.” place. It’s much easier.

I knocked on the door of the person I was supposed to deliver this to. No answer. So I knocked again, louder this time. Finally I heard some foot steps coming towards me.
“Hello Sir. Here’s your all-dressed pizza you ordered!” I said as cheery as possible, with a smile.

“Thank you, darling” The guy answered with a quick seductive grin.

‘Oh, god. It’s one of those guys who think just because they ordered pizza, and a girl delivers it that they could “get” with the girl. Ugh!’ I thought.

“Your welcome. That comes to 14.66$. Thank you for ordering from O.M.K.S.P! Please enjoy!” I said still smiling and ignoring his comment of calling me “darling” before.

He paid me, and seemed a little disappointed that I didn’t even try to flirt back.
I would have, I mean he was good-looking. Just I don’t like guys, who are… too normal. I feel a little selfish saying “I’d only date an interesting guy”, but I want excitement in this dull life. I want a guy who’s maybe daring, or who’s mysterious and quiet. And not one who cheats on you. I hate guys like that.

The guy gave me a tip, of 3$. At least he gave me a tip.

I rode off towards my work. As I was passing by, I saw an electronic store, with all TV’s in the outside window for show. I stopped, they were airing an important news report.

“It seems in the school building the criminal is keeping several children and teachers hostage…”The reporter was saying.

‘Oh, wow. Another criminal at large,’ I thought as I rolled my eyes.

“oh, just in, breaking news, it seems the criminal has just collapsed, the police are running in…it seems the criminal has just died from a heart attack!” The reporter exclaimed.

‘what? Normally, the criminal ends up killing at least two people, then the police catches them… oh well, maybe he had problems with his heart, he is kind of old looking.’ I thought.

“the paramedics have gone in to check if he may still be alive, it turns out he did die from a heart attack, but he didn’t even have heart problems.” The reporter said.

‘okay, then again, maybe not.’ I thought.

I started thinking of why out of nowhere he died of a heart attack… there aren’t that many possibilities. Maybe he had too much sugar or something… maybe he was scared and his heart wasn’t used to beating that fast…I don’t know.

I didn’t want to stay any longer, I had to check out from work and go home. This was one of the few times we got to see dad.

I rode to work, as fast as the speed of light.

“You sure you wanna just quit out this soon?” My boss asked me.

“Yeah, today’s one of those days dad comes home, and we actually get to see him. Sorry, I’ll make it up tomorrow or something.” I said, heading to the back of the pizza parlour to change out of my embarrassing work-delivery clothes.


I got home and instantly ran to my bedroom to check if anyone tried to call my cell phone about the missing cat.
Ugh, no one called. I turned off my room’s light and shut the door.
When I got into the kitchen mom was there and so was Sayu. Light was no where in sight.

I just shrugged and thought ‘ he’s probably studying or something…better go check on him’.

I left the kitchen and climbed up the steps to Light’s room. His door was locked.

‘Huh, that’s strange…’ I thought.

I knocked. A voice called out, “Hold on a minute”.

I waited, the sound of the lock unlocking, and Light opened the door.

“hey Onii-chan! Supper’s ready you know!” I said as I hugged him with all my might.

He just chuckled.

“You sure are hyper as ever, eh? Sis’.” Light said returning my hug back. “ I’ll be down in a minute. I just have to put my notebooks away.” He said letting go of me and walking over to his desk.

“okay, I’ll be down there.” I said, walking out.

We were all waiting at the dinner table for dad to come home. Sayu was talking our ears off about her friends and this cute guy at her school, blah, blah, blah. Light was just looking out the window, he seemed in deep thought.
I wondered what was wrong with him, was he tired? Or maybe he got dumped? I think I’ll ask him later.

The door bell rang all of a sudden, all table talk ended.
I jumped out of my seat, “I’ll get it!” I said walking towards the front door.

“Hey dad! Welcome home!” I greeted dad, and led him inside to the dinning table.

“Dad! It’s so great to see you!” Sayu said.

“Yeah, dad we missed you! There’s so much we want to talk to you about, like school, and the finals.” Light said, it seemed a little fake to me, like he didn’t fully mean what he said.
“Oh, honey! I made your favourite, chicken teriyaki with egg rolls and rice balls on the side.” Mom said.

“Okay, guys. Don’t you think he had a hard enough day than it already is? You don’t have to make it worse.” I said, calming everyone down.

“Thanks, Rena. It was a long, tiring day. But it’s alright, one at a time.” Dad said as he took his coat off and put it on the coat hanger.

We all sat down and said grace. We started eating.

“Oh, wow mom! You really outdone yourself this time! It tastes amazing!” Exclaimed Sayu.

“Mmm, Very well done Sachiko.” Dad said.

Mom, started to blush, she always does that when dad compliments her food, or her.

I got up, and went to pack the leftovers of my supper. “I’m going to bed, sorry dad. I’m way tired out from all the studying.” I lied.

Light got up as well and washed his plate. “Yeah, me too. Sorry dad.” Light said right before he yawned.

“No, it’s okay. It’s just unfortunate that the only times I get to come home early, it’s around the finals exams.” Dad said.

Me and light went upstairs, I came with him into his room.

“Hey, Light…you know about my little kitten I keep, well all of a sudden he went missing, so last night I put “missing” flyers all over town. Did you maybe, happen to have seen him?” I asked.

“No, sorry. But I’ll keep my eyes peeled.” He replied as he sat down on his chair near the computer desk.

“Onii-chan, are you alright? You seem a little depressed…” I said.

“Yeah, I’m alright. I’m just really tired from studying…” Light said.

I walked over to him, and started to massage his back.

He smirked. “ Thanks, Sis’. It feels nice.” Light said, closing his eyes for better experience.

“Do you remember when we were younger, Onii-chan?” I asked feeling sentimental.
“Yeah, when you used to get really sick, and I’d always stay right beside you all the time. I’d have to carry you on my back if we were playing and you got sick. And that time you threw up on your little bunny stuffy, so I sewed you a new one.” Light said.

“I’m glad I don’t get sick like that now a days.” I said.

“Yeah, I’m going to go to bed. Night, Sis‘.” Light said

“Oh okay. Night’” I said, leaving his room and heading towards mine.

I came into my room, I changed into my hello kitty pyjamas. It consists of a mid-arm length shirt with capris- like shorts, that were purple in color.

I lay down for awhile. I really wondered what was up with Light.
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Heyy, Please Enjoy! =]
I Worked Pretty Hard On Coming Up With How My Character Would Fit In, Into The Story... But I Finally Figured It Out.
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