Status: hiatus

What's This Feeling?

Chapter 4: Sickness

Surprisingly, I was up and cooking breakfast for me and Light. Early, too. At around 8:00, okay, maybe not that early. But it’s pretty early to me.

Light was still in his room, locked up. It still beats me why he locks his door, I mean I’d knock anyway… oh wait, no I wouldn’t. Well what does he have to hide from me? Mom, I’d understand. Sayu, I guess I would lock my door around her too. Dad… hell yes! I would not want him walking into my room. But, why me? Most of the time, when neither one of them are here, just me, he locks it. I just don’t understand

“Hey, Light! Breakfast is ready! I made eggs and bacon!” I called out.

“I’ll be right there.” Light replied back.

Light and I sat there eating in silence. It felt awkward, We’re never silent with each other.

“Whoa, this is really, really good Rena! It may even be better than mom’s cooking.” Light said.

“…Really? I thought I wasn’t that good. Remember when we were like 14, I tried cooking and you said, ‘This tastes really bad! Rena-chan, you should go to cooking class! A pig could cook better than this!’, That was funny. But I didn’t go to cooking class, maybe I just had a lot of practice, also from helping mom out sometimes too.” I said.

After that it was quiet again. The alarm went off again, which means we should be heading out the door now.

I rode my bicycle to school, while Light just walked.

“Light, you know you may be late, if you walk?” I asked.

“Yeah, but it’s nice to walk sometimes, good exorcise.” Light said.

‘Yeah, like you’d know about “Exorcise”, you just sit there all the time and study. Oh well. I shouldn’t be too harsh, considering I sorta do that too.’ I thought.


After first class, I headed straight to my locker. When I got there I found a wandering Gin.

“Hey, Gin. What’s up?” I asked casually.

“Well, I was wondering… Maybe, this weekend… do you wanna go grocery shopping? And then come over to my place, for this party I’m throwing. I thought you might be interested… and I thought girls are supposed to be good at cooking, and stuff…” Gin rambled on.

“So you’re saying, you want to have me make food for your party, and go grocery shopping with you? For the party?” I asked, “Well, I guess it could be fun… I’ve never been to a party, other than birthdays.” I said.

“Great, Saturday meet me at the train station at 10:00 A.M. Thanks!” Gin said and walked off.

‘Wow… I wasn’t kidding this is actually my first time going to a party. Especially in this school. I haven’t really made any friends… except, that girl… wait, what was her name again? Oh crap, this is gonna piss me off for the whole day, now! Oh well…’ I thought, opening my locker and getting out my other workbooks for next class.


In class.
“Miss Yagami! I can’t believe my eyes! You’re not paying attention in my class!” Mr. Yukio said, slamming his hands on my desk to get my attention.

Well he sure got it.

“…I was paying attention.” I tried to say in my cute little innocent voice.

“…Hurrmmm… well… uhh, then what did I say?” He said flushed.

“You were talking about how we got the bridges all over. Like Canada, the Chinese were forced to help build it for not such a good price. Many died, etc.” I said, surprised that I even remembered that’s what he was really talking about.

The teacher looked shocked too.

“Oh… yeah, well I never doubted that you would be wrong.” He said clearing his throat and continued talking about the bridges.

‘Uhh, this is boring!! I wish he would just dismiss us already… Oh, wait! I remember what her name was now!! My first friend’s name is Suzuki!’ I thought.

“Okay, that’ll be all for today. You’re dismissed.” The teacher said.

I left class, and speak of the devil. Suzuki comes out of nowhere and starts talking with me, I don’t mind all that much though.

“Hey Rena-chan! So how are you? Do you have a crush on anyone?” Suzuki asked.

“I’m good, I guess. Just really bored. How about you? I really don’t like anyone… you?” I asked.

“Ya, I’m good. School is supposed to be boring! It shouldn’t be fun, then no one would learn anything!” She said, “…Well, I sorta… like this guy…kinda” She said twirling her hair.

“Hmm, what’s his name? may I ask?” I asked.

“Well… you have to guess!” She said.

“Okay, is he in our opposite class?” I asked.

“No.” She said.

I asked, “Is he in this school?”.


“Is he in our grade?”.


“Is he in our class?” I asked.
“…Yes.” She finally said, blushing.

“Okay… well I give up, just tell me who it is. I won’t laugh.” I said.

“Sure you won’t laugh?” Suzuki asked blushing again.

“Positive.” I replied.

“Well, it’s… I like…Gin.” She said, closing her eyes waiting for the laughs to come out of my mouth.

“Aww! How cute. So why don’t you start getting ‘close’ to him?” I asked.

“Well… I’m not really good with boys. I get all shy.” She said, “But, could you help me? Please?” She asked giving me the ‘sad puppy dog’ eyes look.

“…Yeah, sure. He’s my co-worker at the pizza parlour.” I said, “ He’s also having this party at his place over the weekend. Why don’t I ask if I could bring a friend, that’d be perfect. Then you could get ‘closer’ to him.” I said.

“Really? You’d do that for me?” She asked.

“Of course, that’s what friends do right?” I said.
“Thanks!” She said.

And with that happy note, we both went off for lunch.

I finally caught up with Gin.

“Hey, Gin. About that party thing you are going to have, would it be cool if I brought a friend?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure. Who were you planning on bringing?” Gin asked.

“Suzuki, from our class.” I said.

“Kay’, See ya tomorrow, then.” He said and left.


“Hey, I’m Home!” I called out to whoever was listening.

I went straight to my room, and all of a sudden, I felt sick to my stomach. Like I was gonna puke.

‘Uh-Oh this only happens if there are bugs, or cameras near me! (anything electronic)Could, there be bugs in my room? Oh god, now I’m scared to change…’ I thought, ‘Well I guess it doesn’t matter, I’ll just stay in my school uniform and I’ll lie down in my room with a bucket close by.’

I got out of my room, went into the kitchen and grabbed the bucket under the sink, while still grasping my stomach.

“Ugh…” I moaned in agony.

It really hurt, the reason for it is when I was younger I was mysteriously always sick, I’d throw up, but not normal throw up, it’d be blood that came out. Ever since then I was really sensitive to electronics. But it was strange, when I was little I’d get sick even if I wasn’t around electronics.

Just when I started thinking back, I started to throw up…blood. It just all came out, I felt it maybe even dripping from my eyes.

‘How gross? But, somehow for an odd reason, even though I throw up a lot of blood, I never die, nor do I lose blood... And the doctors never find anything wrong with me.’ I thought.

I heard the door open, “Hey. I’m home!” Light called.

“…Onii-chan…” I croaked.

“Huh, Rena? You okay, where are you? Rena!” Light called back obviously hearing me throwing up blood.

“I’m right…here…” Was the last thing I said, before I fainted.

The next thing I knew, I woke up in Light’s room.

“…Uhh, what happened?…I-” I said then threw up in mid-sentence.

“You were throwing up blood again, Rena…But, you fainted before… do you remember anything?” Light said as he patted a cool cloth on my forehead.

well, I guess it’s not as bad as the throwing up part, but sometimes I forget things, sometimes it could be a lot of things. Maybe even my name, or age, or whatever.

“…I remember… I came home, then I started feeling sick to my stomach. I just started to throw up… then…” I said racking my brain for what happened, “You came home… and I fainted, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, good Rena. It’s much better. Do you have at all an idea why you got sick?” Light asked.

“…No, I don’t think I can remember…it was something important too. I’m sorry.” I said trying really hard to remember.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to try so hard.” Light said, “Do you think you need fresh air maybe?” Light asked.

“…yeah, I’d like to try…I need you’re help though, please.” I said.

Light helped me up and dragged me outside. I instantly felt better.

“Wow, I feel really better. Thanks Light.” I said.

The only good side about my ‘Sickness’ is that when my stomach feels better I remember all the stuff I had forgotten before.

“Light I remember now! The important thing!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, what is it?” Light asked.

“Well, I was thinking before when my stomach started to hurt, the reason why I started being ‘sick’ again, could be because… maybe there’s bugs or cameras planted in our house! It’s the only reason!” I said determined.
Light looked shocked.

“Really? But who do you think would want to do that?” Light asked.

“Well… I don’t really know, maybe it’s ‘L’! That means he suspects us!?” I said, “Well, then again. It doesn’t sound so far-fetched. We are living with dad, a policeman. Didn’t he say he was working on a hard project. It’s probably the ‘Kira’ case!” I stated sounding so sure of myself. Gosh, I blabber a lot!

“…Yeah, it’s possible. Let’s go in now, if there are bugs, it may seem suspicious if we stay out too long.” Light said, “I don’t want to be suspected as something I’m not.”

Light and I went in, and strangely enough I went back to not feeling good, I threw up, but at least I didn’t faint yet.

“Hey…Light, tomorrow I’m going to go meet someone at the station and then go over to his place for his party… is that okay? And can you tell mom and or dad if you see them, I have to get up early…” I said.

“Well, I don’t know. You’re still pretty sick aren’t you? We’ll see how you feel in the morning.” Light said.

“You’ll wake up really early just to see if I’ll be alright to go? It’s okay, if I don’t feel good tomorrow I promise you I’ll stay home, If I feel better I won’t be here around 10:00 and a bit before…” I said, “If I’m going.”

I went to my room and fell asleep.

My alarm clock woke up tomorrow at 9:12 A.M. I thought I left enough time to get ready.

Surprisingly, I felt sick to my stomach, but I was good. I didn’t throw up that much, only once.

I put on my black capris with my long sleeve black shirt, and my reddish-pink t-shirt that says: “Think Of How Different It would Be If You Never Met The One Person Who Changed Everything..” over my black shirt.
I put on my cross necklace and wore my lucky charm bracelet. I put my hair up normally, in piggy-tails.

“I’m off.” I said to whoever was listening.


By the time I got to the station, Gin was already there.

“Hi. You ready?” He asked.

“Course’ I’m ready. Were you waiting long?” I asked.
“…Not really.” He said.

Me and Gin were deciding what we should have at the party. Either, ramen noodles, but I said “That’s too plain!” Or Sukiyaki. I said “This one is much better!”. In the end Gin gave up and went with my choice.

During the time we were in the grocery store, I felt like I was being followed, but not being followed at the same time… you know?

“Hey there, Girly!” A big man said as he inched closer to me.

“…uhh…What do you want?” I asked.

“…Ehehehehe! Like I’d tell you.” He said, he inched more closer now, and I inched farther away. He lunged at my pocket where I keep my wallet.

I smacked his hand away, he was surprised for a second then got right back, and tried to grab at it again.

Gin came into the fight and punched the guy in the mouth. It was then my chance to get away, so I took it. I told Gin to buy the food we had gotten. And I ran right under him, I slide pretty far, too. I was just 3 inches away from the front door of the supermarket.
It seems the big man turned around and ran for me, he was only 5 inches away, when he grasped his chest, and fell to the floor.

It was like…like he…had… a heart attack! Then I thought, what if it was… ‘Kira’! It’s possible… but, just creepy. ‘Kira’ could be near by! But the only people in the store was the cashier, Gin, me and the big man who died. (I doubt it’s him.)What’s worse, I realize, is he was coming after me. so doesn’t it sound just a little… suspicious? Yeah, it sure does!

Me and Gin walked out of the store after he was done buying the foods.

As soon as we got out of the store, a guy in a light-brown trench coat took off in his car. The strange thing was it felt like I’ve seen him, like everywhere I go. Maybe he’s following me. Ugh!
“…Do you know what was wrong with that guy?” Gin finally asked.

“He got killed by ‘Kira’…” I said nonchalantly.

“…So then, who’s ‘Kira’? The cashier? I don’t believe it’s you though, you’re too kind and gentle to be ‘Kira’. And I know I’m not ‘Kira’.” Gin said.

“It’ just people will now think I’m ‘Kira’! It looks awfully suspicious on my part.” I said.

Before we went to his place we stopped at mine to pick up Aiko so I could drop it off with Gin.

When we got to his place, I started making the Sukiyaki.

“You wanna call Suzuki-chan, to come over now?” Gin asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I said.

Gin sat on the couch, waiting for the sukiyaki to be finished. Aiko cuddled right up next to him.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialled her number, it rang twice before she answered it.

“Hello?” Suzuki asked.

“Hey, it’s me Rena. Come on over to Gin’s, the party’s almost starting.” I said.

She said, “ I’ll be right there. Bye.” She hung up.

“Yeah, she’s coming.” I said after putting my phone back into my pocket.

By the time she showed up, the sukiyaki was done, and already two people were there.

“Hey Suzuki! Nice of you to join us” Gin said. Rather flirtatiously if you ask me.

“…uhh, Yeah. I’m glad I’m here. Thanks Rena-chan for inviting me!” Suzuki said, feeling the pressure. She’s so shy.

Everyone soon arrived later on. It looked like everybody was having a good time. I don’t really know, Suzuki went off to hang out with Gin. But, I’m alone. I’m always alone, I guess. I don’t really mind, I don’t feel that comfortable around crowds anyway. So I inched more towards the kitchen, away from the party-goers.

“Why are you over here all alone?” A familiar voice asked.
It came from this pale guy with black shaggy hair, and dark eyes with rings under his eyes. He was wearing a baggy white long sleeved shirt, and baggy blue jeans.

‘I know this voice! His voice, it’s the one from over the phone. From the first time, calling about my Aiko and the second at the pizza parlour! I finally get to see the ‘Ryuuga’ guy! Now I can thank him for finding my cat.’ I thought.

“Well, I don’t really like crowds. Why are you over here with me, when you could be over there with the other party-goers?” I asked.

“…I don’t really like crowds either.” He said.
“I’m Rena, by the way. Who are you?” I asked putting my hand out for him to shake.

He shook my hand and said, “I’m Ryuuga Hideki. Nice to meet you.”

“… So you are the guy who found my Aiko!” I exclaimed, “Thank you so much for finding him! Really, thank you a lot!”.

“…No problem, I just found him roaming around. He looked lost. Glad you got him back.” Ryuuga said. But the way he said it, was like he really didn’t care. Like he was a robot, he didn’t even show any emotion.

“hmm, yeah…” I said. Then out of nowhere I felt sick to my stomach again. I held my stomach, and said “ Uhh, sorry I have to go…” And then I ran off, out of Gin’s house and into his apartment hallway.

Ryuuga, followed me though.

‘Oh crap! I can’t have anyone see me throw up! It wouldn’t be good, I’d lose all my friends I just gained this year! (even though, it’s only two friend.) This is bad!’ I thought.

“Wait, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Ryuuga asked.

I just kept running till I got to the hallway, where no one from the party would see, Ryuuga still on my heel.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I threw up the blood. And there were lots of it, it started to come out of my eyes. Damnit!

“Please, don’t look at me. Please, Please, Please!” I said, in tears now, I don’t really know why…Maybe because I’m still scared of Suzuki and Gin finding out about my ‘sickness’…It’s so embarrassing.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to call the hospital?” Ryuuga said, kneeling down beside me.

I looked at him tears in my eyes, with all the blood still dripping from the corners of my mouth and eyes.
He took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off my face.
“…Don’t call the hospital…Please, don’t tell anyone about… my ‘Sickness’… Call my brother…Light, his number is in my phone under ‘Onii-chan’.” I said before I passed out.


The next thing I knew I woke up in Light’s bedroom, with him dabbing a wet cloth on my forehead.

“Ugh…What happened?…Where am I?” I asked.
“You got ‘Sick’ again at the party, Gin’s father called me and I came to pick you up. Now you are awake up.” Light said.

“Gin’s father? I don’t remember his parents being at the party…” I said.

I tried to remember back to what happened.
‘I was moving away from the party guests, then someone came over to me and started talking with me…He was someone I knew…I then all of a sudden, I felt sick again to my stomach, and left…He followed me, I told him to call Light… But I know it wasn’t Gin’s father, it was someone younger, besides I’ve never met Gin’s father so it couldn’t have been him if he isn’t familiar…It was… He was… Ryuuga! That’s it!’ I thought.

“You should get some sleep, 2 weeks from now is the finals.” Light said, and I drifted off to unconsciousness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry If It's A Bit Too Long...
Enjoy! =]
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