Status: hiatus

What's This Feeling?

Chapter 5: To-Ho University

I stayed home for at least a week. I was still really ‘Sick’. Sometimes it wouldn’t be that bad, but later on, it’d get a whole lot worse. I fainted time to time. I didn’t always have Light to take care of me though. He had to go to school for the week. But also on the weekend he went out twice. Once out with a girl. (I forget her name again… I’m really bad with names.) And then again to the grocery store. Mom was really pleased that he did that for her.

“Hey, Light…You going to school?…please bring back my assignments for me…” I croaked.

“Yeah. I will don’t worry. You feeling any better?” Light asked before heading out the door.

“…Sorta… but, but… I think I’m going to faint-” I said then collapsed on the floor. I fainted. Again.

I woke up lying down on the couch in the kitchen room. I didn’t feel sick to my stomach any more. I stood up, walked all over the house, no one was home. I still didn’t feel sick. I felt like I was never sick in the first place.

‘Huh, strange? Maybe They stopped taping us? They found we were innocent? Or maybe it’s just the opposite! They think one of us is ‘Kira’!’ I thought.

I continued walking all over the house to see if there was one spot where they kept the camera/bugs…Still nothing.

‘Maybe if I’m feeling better I should go to school? It is Friday…I don’t know… I don’t really want to. Maybe I’ll just go to work… I need to put more hours in since I wasn’t there for awhile.’ I thought and changed into my baby blue t-shirt that says: “What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us.” And I put on my black short, shorts. I grabbed my keys and went out the door.

“Hey Koji. Thought I’d drop in and work up for my absences… don’t worry I’m feeling better.” I said walking into the changing room in the back.

“Thanks Rena-chan! This really means a lot to me! I need the extra help.” Koji called out, loud enough for me to hear him.

I came out in my work uniform.

“So is there any route for me?” I asked, noticing him working on the poutine-pizza.

“Yeah, down the street number 234.” Koji said, handing me the finished pizza.

“Kay’.” And I went out the door to the house I needed to deliver the pizza to.

I rang the door bell, “ Hello. Thank you for ordering from Our pizza parlour. That comes to 14.66$.” I said as the costumer opened the door.

“Yeah, thanks. Here, keep the change.” The guy said as I handed him is pizza, and he handed me the money.

‘Wow, this time 5$ tip.’ I thought.

I came back to the pizza parlour, “Yo! Guess who got 5$ tip already on first delivery today?” I sang.

“Yeah, that guy always gives a good tip. Next is on route Chika number 567.” Koji said.

“On it!” I said grabbing the pizza and walking out the door.


I was working for over 4 hours. I got at least 5 deliveries per hour. And in total I got 36.87$ tips. Sweet!

“Hey, Koji. I’m going to go home now. I still have to study for the finals next week.” I said, Koji handed me my pay check for all the work. “Thanks!”.

I was walking home, listening to my I-pod. When I was about to cross the street…

A truck came out of nowhere(It seems a lot of things come out of nowhere.)it was headed straight for me.

I screamed, just in time it crashed right beside me, not on me. I opened my eyes and looked in the front seat to see if the driver was okay. There was no blood on him, so he must be okay. I opened the truck door, and went in to see if the driver was breathing. I felt his heart. It stopped completely.

‘No, how was this?! Could he have been too scared his heart stopped? You and I both know that it’s not that. ‘Kira’ must have killed him…But I don’t remember him being a criminal, then again I was ‘Sick’ the whole time. I wouldn’t have remembered.’ I thought.

Once again, I saw that man in the light-brown trench coat speed-off in his car.

‘Aww, crap! Why me?! I hate ‘Kira’! It’s impossible for me to be ‘Kira’!’ I thought, taking out my cell and calling: 9-11.

“Hello, There’s a truck driver here, dead. I’m on route Kamin. Beside the supermarket “Santé”.” I said.

The person said, “We’ll be right there.”.

They came super-fast. I told them what happened. They said he was a criminal of drunk driving, he would purposely go after people. I think they didn’t want to admit it, but it sounded like I was ‘Kira’.
They asked me a lot of questions, then the reporters came.

“Miss, what do you think caused this?” Reporters were all asking.

I just said, “ No comment.” And continued walking home.

I finally got home, I was going to tell Light what had happened.

“Light, oh my gosh! You’ll never guess what happened to me!” I exclaimed.

“You’re feeling better?” Light tried.

“That too, but, this is something…Scary!” I said, “ I almost got hit by a drunk driver. He was a criminal, but he swerved around me because he… had a heart attack!” I said.

“Wow, are you alright?” Light asked.

“Sorta, just shaken-up. Now people think I’m ‘Kira’.” I whispered loud enough for only Light to hear.

“No! You don’t know that for sure!” Light said trying to comfort me.

“…Well, even I think that if I wasn’t me.” I said, “ I’m going to bed now, Monday, it’s our exams.” I said and trudged off to bed.

I couldn’t sleep at all that night, I kept thinking of what happened to me today. It was scary, it was like I may have died…That was my only fear. Dying.

That morning I woke up at around 11:00.

“Hey, mom…I’m feeling a lot better. I think I’ll be able to go in for my exams.” I said when I got into the kitchen.

My mom rushed over to me, and put her hands on my cheeks,” You okay? Darling! I saw what happened on T.V!! You gave me quite a scare.” Mom exclaimed.

“Mom, I’m okay, the truck missed me. The driver was drunk, but ‘Kira’ killed him. He died of a heart attack.” I said.

“He could have had heart problems though hun,” Mom said.

“The paramedics said he was perfectly fine. And besides apparently he was a criminal. He got drunk and purposely drove into civilians to kill them.” I said back.

“Well, as long as you’re fine I don’t care.” Mom said giving me a huge bear hug.

“Okay, mom I love you too!” I said returning the hug.

All day I just stayed home. I sat and watched T.V. Sayu joined me. She put on this romance show, with an actor named: Hideki Ryuuga.

‘Wow, that was Ryuuga’s name too! Huh, guess it’s just a common name.’ I thought, ‘Speaking of Ryuuga. Next time I find him, I have to ask him a lot of questions that he should have answers to.’

“Isn’t Ryuuga-kun so hot?” Sayu asked.

“…Hmm. He just looks like any other actor to me.” I said.

“Aww, c’mon Rena-chan. You’re boring! He is totally hunk-a luscious!” Sayu said, entertained with the show.

I just rolled my eyes, not every actor you see on T.V is ‘Hunk-a-luscious‘, Sayu.


Next week.
Light and I got up earlier than we usually do to revise our notes.

“Light good luck. I know you’ll do great!” I said.

I put on my school uniform and fixed my hair, I put a hair-band in it. The hair band was yellow, it had bows on the side.

“I’m off!” I called out as me and Light left out the door.

During the exam it was tense… I sat three rows above light two chairs over to the side. I knew all the answers, everyone around me, was like, holding their breathe. They wanted to pass this so badly, so they could get into the college they always wanted. I felt scared, and worried for them.

“Sir, you have to sit properly during the finals!” The teacher said, stopping at my row, at the person on the far left. Two chairs over. I looked who it was.

‘It was…Ryuuga! Ryuuga went to my school?! I never knew that…This is strange…’ I thought.

I turned back on my own work, and continued jotting down answers.

I had 8 more questions left. I finished them in less than ten minutes. I raised my hand, the teacher instantly materialized over to where I was sitting.

“You done, Miss Yagami?” He asked.

“Yeah…” I said, He told me I was able to leave. I got up and waited outside the door for Light to finish.

He finished 3 minutes after me.

“Hey, Light. Wasn’t that easy?” I asked.

“Yeah… did you see that kid who got in trouble for sitting the wrong way?” Light asked.

“Yeah…I think I know him. He was the guy who found my cat. He was also the one who was at Gin’s party. He was the one who I told to call you.” I said, “ His name was ‘Ryuuga Hideki’.”

“huh.” Light mumbled.


At the ceremony.
“I would like for all the top score students to give a speech after I call their name up here. They all scored 99% on their exam test. They are: Light Yagami, Rena Yagami And… Ryuuga Hideki.” The director called at the ceremony.

‘Ryuuga got the same test score as me and Light? So he’s really smart too. He didn’t really look like it, but I guess looks can be deceiving.’ I thought, as me, Light and Ryuuga headed up to the podium.

Light went first for the speech, “ I’m so very happy that I scored very high on my exam. I’d like to thank my family and friends for believing in me.” Light finished.

I was next, “ I’m…I’m… Happy, this is… a very good thing… so I may be able to… attend the college I want to…” I said stuttering.

‘Ugh, I’m so shy in front of millions of millions of people.’ I thought, as I left to go back down to my seat.

After Ryuuga’s speech, Which was just a “ Oh this is great, thanks.” Ryuuga came back and sat right next to Light. He didn’t go back to his chair he was sitting in before. I guess it didn’t really matter, but…He said something to Light that made Light look shocked, then it made him want to laugh. But Light held it in.

‘I wonder what Ryuuga said to him?’ I wondered.

“Hey, how’d that kid get a better score than me?! I look way smarter than him! And he isn’t even wearing shoes!” A guy said who was just diagonal from my seat.

“Yeah, I mean I understand Light doing better than me, but that weird kid and a girl?! Doing better than us!” Another guy who’s sitting next to the other guy. I don’t know their names, but I’ll just call the first one “Shigure” And the second, “Yoshiro”.

“Hey, I take offence to that! I was the one who got better than you two! And For Ryuuga, Who cares if he looks different than you! That doesn’t matter!” I said, Although I shouldn’t talk, I didn’t think he was smart either, but that doesn’t matter.

“…Pft, whatever.” Shigure said.

‘Yoshiro’ and ‘Shigure’ didn’t say anything after that.

I started to listen to what the director was saying, but some girls started talking loudly, it was hard to concentrate.

“Ou, Ryuuga’s so cute!” This girl Kyoko said.

“Eww, Kyoko! Light’s way cuter than him!” Her friend Sakura said.

‘I don’t know why, but I wasn’t offended that the girl said Light was cute. I got a bit upset that Kyoko said Ryuuga was cute. I wonder why? …I don’t understand! I really don’t, I felt like I wanted to tell Kyoko that there’s more to guys than just looks, and to piss off… but I don’t know why? I’ve never been bitchy or mean to someone for no reason…’ I thought.

But I just stayed quiet.


After the ceremony Light and I stayed outside for a bit.

“Light, why are we still staying here, I thought you would have to go home…” I said, remembering I had to meet up with Ryuuga and talk to him.

“…Sorry, I just need to talk with this friend.” Light said casually, he was trying to hide something.

“It’s Ryuuga isn’t it?” I asked bluntly.

“…Yeah, yeah it is.” Light said.

And speak of the devil, here comes Ryuuga. I tightly grasped Light’s arm, I don’t know why but I was nervous. Last time he saw me, I wasn’t in a good condition.

“I’m going to talk a bit with Ryuuga, you can go on home Sis’.” Light said leaving me behind.

‘Huh, I don’t think so. I’m waiting here to talk with Ryuuga too! Maybe I could, try spying on them… I don’t know, I’ll feel bad if I did. And what if they caught me? I’d have a lot of explaining to do… I’ll just wait for Light and then go after Ryuuga.’ I thought, but I ended up deciding to go spy on them.

I hid in the bushes near were they were walking, I decided to bring my sketch book, to pretend I was really just sketching the scenery, etc.

Fortunately I was in hearing range, and unfortunately they kept walking forward.

“You think I’m ‘Kira’!?” I heard Light exclaimed only loud enough for Ryuuga, and he doesn’t know, but me too.

“…Actually, it’s more I ‘suspect’ that you are ‘Kira’…But only by a slight chance.” Ryuuga said.

‘Huh?! I’m really confused now, why would it matter if Ryuuga suspected that Light was ‘Kira’?’ I thought.

“Ha ha ha!” Light laughed nervously, I hope no one but me noticed the nervousness.

It was getting harder for me to listen in, so I leaned a bit closer, ready with my sketch for if they notice me.
I even drew part of the scenery to make my alibi look good.

“I only suspect you three percent, though, nothing you need to worry about. I would also like to have you join our task force…We may need your good deductive skills, if you aren’t truly ‘Kira’.” Ryuuga said.

‘Whoa, I’m so… confused. I don’t get it…’ I thought, ‘ Is… Could… Ryuuga…Be… ‘L’? My all time favourite, and not to mention famous, best detective in the world? No… he can’t be…But he might… why else would he say something like that?’ I thought.

“Huh, three percent eh?” Light said, “Maybe we could hang out another time, my Sis’ is probably getting worried about me… or all antsy…” Light said and he took off towards the entrance/ exit.

‘Crap! Okay, I’ll just text Light. Telling him I went out. And then I’ll make it seem like I just came from the bathroom.’ I thought and quickly ran in the bathrooms direction, making sure Ryuuga didn’t notice.

I came out walking over to Ryuuga.

“Hey…You got some explaining to do!” I said.

“Hmm…about the night at the party?” Ryuuga said absent mindedly.

“Yes… Who did you get to call Light-Onii-chan?” I asked, “Did you tell anybody about my ‘Condition’? And why didn’t you call Light-Onii-chan?”.

“…You ask too many questions. Just one at a time.” Ryuuga said.

“…okay, the first who’d you get to call Light-Onii-chan?” I asked taking a deep breathe.

“…Hmm, it’s confidential.” Ryuuga said.

“…Okay, then did you tell anybody about my ‘Sickness’?” I asked.

“…No, I don’t think I would have anyone to tell anyway.” Ryuuga said.

“Why didn’t you call Light-Onii-chan then?” I asked.

Ryuuga had to think for this one, “…Confidential.” He decided to go with.

“…You’re not making this easy, are you?” I asked,
“ Well, another thing. Why were you all of a sudden at my school, and you were at the party, if you had no one you were going to tell my ‘Sickness’ to?” I asked.

“…Hmm…” Ryuuga said, obviously thinking about it, “ I guess it would be because…I am ‘L’.” Ryuuga said.

‘???!!’I thought, ‘What? I don’t understand… He is ‘L’? but why would he tell me he was ‘L’, maybe… it’s because…He was at the party to investigate me, to see what I’d do. He was the one who put cameras all over the house, investigating me and Light…He’s telling me this because he thinks I’m ‘Kira’…’.

“…You… are ‘L’? … You must think me and Light-Onii-chan could be… ‘Kira’ then… am I right?” I asked, I can’t believe, the one person who was my idol thinks I’m the worst person ever, ‘Kira’.

“…How’d you know?” Ryuuga or ‘L’ asked.

“Duh, you just came out and told me you were ‘L’, then it was you who was almost everywhere where I was or my brother…I… just can’t… believe…” I said, “My own idol, ‘L’… suspects me and my brother of being the worst, scariest person, no he doesn’t even have the right to be called a person. A murderer.” I said.

“…You are so blunt about it. Why would you tell me this? Wouldn’t it just make your suspicion higher?” Ryuuga asked, he seemed a little confused.

“…I’m not ‘Kira’! and I would tell you what I’m thinking, because I see no reason why I shouldn’t! I would rather tell the truth and be suspected than lie about it and be less suspected than before. I have nothing to hide. So I shouldn’t be worried if I’m being suspected.” I said, “Although I don’t like being suspected by my idol…if you truly are ‘L’.”

“…Well, I’m glad you tell the truth. And you have nothing to hide… Did you just call me your idol?” Ryuuga, err ‘L’ asked.

“…Yeah, well I really do admire ‘L’s crime solving… He’s my favourite detective… He’s also the best detective. Or, well you are, if you’re him. That’s why after college, I’d like to become a detective.” I said, “You getting thirsty? We could go to this coffee shop down the street, it’s a good place. I’ll buy.” I said, really jumping from topic to topic. Maybe it was just because I was nervous..?

And off we went to the coffee shop.

‘I don’t know what to feel right now, embarrassment, excitement, sadness, or some other feeling…’ I thought.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope You Enjoy It! =]
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Sorry If It's A Bit Long... I Get Carried Away Sometimes.