Status: hiatus

What's This Feeling?

Chapter 7: Friends

I woke up a few minutes earlier then at what time I set my alarm clock to.

“uhh…” I groaned.

I got up and put on my pink fish net hand gloves, with my tight black tank-top and my dark blue skinny jeans. I brushed my hair and put it in piggy-tails again with yellow bows tied around.

I grabbed some pop-tarts and put them in the toaster. I ate quickly.
I ran to the front door put my red high tops sneakers on and left.

‘I wonder why Ryuuga wants me this early.’ I thought.

I knocked at the 309 room number door in the Emi hotel.

The same old man answered it, he lead me inside.

“Ryuuga is in the other room to your left.” He said.

“Okay,” I replied, walking to the room he described.

“Hi, Ryuuga!” I said when I saw him there, sitting down in his chair eating a bunch of pastries on the table in front of him.

“Oh, hello Rena-chan…Would you like some?” Ryuuga asked offering me the strawberry cake.

“No, it’s alright. I had a pop-tart this morning…What would you like to do then?” I asked.

“Well, the other task members only come here at 5:00P.M…I just wanted you to come early because I was sort of lonely.” Ryuuga said after taking a bite form his cake.

“Oh, sure… okay, I know! We could maybe go to the park! I hear they’re selling some ice-cream there now!” I said.

“Sounds fun…” Ryuuga said, “From now on, you can call me either ‘Ryuuga’ Or ‘Ryuuzaki’. Please refrain from calling me ‘L’. I want my identity to remain secret. Maybe you should have an alias as well. Something like…Rima-chan.” Ryuuga said.

“Okay! But I hope you know, Rena-chan isn’t even my real name. It’s not an alias either though. I don’t even know my real name, only dad knows it.” I said.

Ryuuzaki got up and put some shoes on, then we headed out the door towards the park I mentioned.

“I’ll have one vanilla, Ryuuzaki what will you have?” I asked.

“I’ll have a strawberry.” Ryuuga said.

I paid the ice-cream man the money and got our ice-creams.
“Here,” I said handing Ryuuga his ice-cream.

“So…Ryuuzaki what do you like?” I asked, when we finally found an empty bench and sat down.

“I like sweet food… I like mysteries…” Ryuuzaki said.

“I already know that! I meant what do you like to do? Other than solve mysteries. I mean like, where do you like to go, what sports do you like?” I asked.

“I’ve always wanted to go to the fair… I like any sport I guess.” Ryuuga said.

“Really? That’s cool. I heard two days from now the fair is coming to town. We could go if you’d like?” I asked.

“…Yeah, that’d be fun. I wouldn’t want to go alone.” Ryuuga said.

‘I know Ryuuzaki still suspects me, and is probably only doing this to investigate me. But I’m glad I’m out here with Ryuuzaki. It’s always been my dream to meet ‘L’. Now that I have I’d like to make it last. Even if he’s using me, I don’t mind.’ I thought.

“So… You’re really inviting me into the task force?” I asked.

“Yeah, you and your brother. You both would be loads of help.” Ryuuga said wiping his mouth from the ice-cream.

“Yeah, that and to watch closely over us, to see if we do anything suspicious. If we really were ‘Kira’, this would put a lot of stress on us. Having to pretend we aren’t ‘Kira’, while helping you out for finding ‘Kira’. If we were ‘Kira’ and we made one wrong move, we would be caught.” I said, “If we were ‘Kira’, which we aren’t.”.

“Are you so sure? Light could be ‘Kira’. If you aren’t ‘Kira’.” Ryuuga said.

“I don’t think he is. Light isn’t like that, he would never kill a person. If he was, I would think he’d tell me. He tells me everything.” I said, “…But then again if I look at it from another point, he could be… But I still don’t think he is. Light’s too nice. He’s always nice to me.” I said.

“If Light isn’t ‘Kira’, and you are, or were, Light may be thinking the same as you just did.” Ryuuga said, “ Because you also look suspicious too.”

Ugh, he was right. I do look suspicious, but I know I’m not ‘Kira’. I would never kill anyone or anything.


After a few hours me and Ryuuzaki started our way back to the hotel.

“So we still have half an hour left to talk, before the task force comes…” I said.

“Yeah.” Ryuuga said.

When we got into the hotel, Ryuuzaki kicked off his sneakers right away.

“You don’t like to wear shoes?” I asked.

“No” Ryuuga replied.

“Ryuuga, can you give me your number, for if I have to call you. And what time do you want to meet at for when we got to the fair?” I asked.

Ryuuzaki gave me his number, and I found out, he already had mine.

“Maybe the same time like today.” Ryuuga said.

“Kay’. Hmm, in one minute they should be arriving, wanna watch T.V.?” I asked.

“Sure” Ryuuga said turning the T.V. on.

The other task force members knocked at the door. The old man led them into this room.

“We’ll be having Rena, here join the task force. She’s Light’s other younger sister. We’ll call her Rima though.” Ryuuzaki said when everyone was seated.

“Oh, Rima. Remember me! About half a year ago, I had dropped by at your house to get your father?” One of the task force members asked me. He had dark blue hair which was shaggy. He was kind of thin, wearing a blue suit with a light red tie.

“hmm…Oh yeah! Matsuda, was it?” I asked.

“Yeah! Whoa, you sure grown a lot from the last time I saw you.” Matsuda said, looking me up and down. (that doesn’t make me feel self-conscious.)

The other members introduced themselves to me. There was only three. Excluding me and Ryuuzaki, and my father.

“Hey, check out Sakura T.V.!” Matsuda said, “ They’re doing something with ‘Kira’… They’ve got tapes that ‘Kira’ wanted them to air!”.

Kira started talking, he or she was saying something that he/she was going to kill this guy on T.V. to prove he/she was ‘Kira’.

“Quick, flip to channel 2!” Ryuuga said.

And there he was, the guy ‘Kira’ said he/she’d kill. He was dead.

“Flip back to Sakura T.V.” Ryuuga said.

‘Kira’ killed another person who was appearing on T.V. Then ‘Kira’ was asking If the police were going to help ‘Kira’ create this new world. (whoa, third person, much?)

“We need to get those tapes! Fast!” Ryuuga exclaimed.

“No one’s answering the lines!” Matsuda and Aizawa said.

“Fine, then I’ll go get them myself!” Ukita said, running out the door.

We sat back, and waited, then it was showing the front of the building. Ukita was there, dead. He collapsed.
‘Kira’ got him!

Aizawa got up and was about to head out the door.

“Aizawa what are you doing?!” Me and Ryuuzaki said in unison.

“Where do you think I’m going!” Aizawa said.

“You can’t! ‘Kira’ may kill you too!” I said.

Ryuuzaki and Aizawa were arguing about going or not going. Aizawa then decided to stay.

Then all of a sudden, it was showing the front of Sakura T.V. station, and a huge bus just rammed in there.

“Ryuuzaki, it’s Mr. Yagami.” The old man said handing the phone to ‘L’.

“Yes?” Ryuuga said, “Okay, hold on a minute.”
Then Ryuuga took out another phone and called the director of police, and asked him to get all his men, and have them make a human barricade outside the Sakura T.V. station to help my father get out.

“Yes, Mr. Yagami, come outside the front entrance in exactly five minutes.” Ryuuga said. And hung up.

Soon after, dad made it here safely. Dad had gotten the tapes they were gonna air.

“Dad, you okay?” I asked, leaning beside him.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.” He said.

Ryuuzaki watched the tapes alone, then when he was done he called us in and explained what each tape was going to say. He told us to give tape number four to Sakura T.V. to air. That one was if we said ‘No’.

Everyone left to go at around 8:30.

I stayed a bit longer.

“Ryuuzaki, good night. See you two days from now.” I said and left the hotel with dad waiting outside the room for me.


Two days later.
I knocked on the 309 room number of the hotel Emi, to get Ryuuzaki so we could go to the fair.
The same old man answered it, I found out that his name was Watari.

“Ryuuzaki will be with you in just a second.” Watari said, letting me walk in.

“Rima…let’s go.” Ryuuzaki said, walking out the door. I followed behind.

It was a long walk until we finally reached the part of town where they were holding the fair.

“Whoa! It’s so big!” I exclaimed when we go there.

“What rides are we going to go on first?” Ryuuzaki asked.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him along, “ Let’s go on the merry-go- round!” And headed to the merry-go-round.

Ryuuzaki looked like he was enjoying himself a lot. To make him even more happy, I bought him some cotton candy.

“So you liking the fair, Ryuuzaki?” I asked.

“Yeah, this cotton candy is great. The rides are cool too.” Ryuuzaki said, “What ride we going to go on now?”.

“How about any ride you want to go on!” I said. His face lit up like a little kid’s.

“Let’s go on that one!” Ryuuzaki said, pointing to the scrambler ride. (he sounds like a little kid! It’s so cute.)

“Sure!” I said, and off we were going on tons and tons of rides. It was fun.

It was getting later, it was probably around 4:41.

“Let’s go on this last ride, the Ferris wheel.” Ryuuzaki said.

“…Uhh…Hmm…I…Yeah…” I said.
I was afraid of heights, really badly. I didn’t want to ruin Ryuuzaki’s day, so I agreed.

When we got on the Ferris wheel, I quickly grabbed Ryuuzaki’s hand.

“Ryuuzaki, I’m scared of heights…But it’s okay I’ll be alright…I think.” I said.

“You were afraid of heights?! Why didn’t you tell me, we don’t have to go on this ride then.” Ryuuzaki said.

“No, it’s okay…Just talk about something to keep my mind off the height.” I said, “How about, what happened yesterday since I wasn’t there?” I asked.

“Well, we had asked Light what he thought of the tapes shown yesterday. Since he didn’t know what we had suspected, that it was a second ‘Kira’. He came to the same conclusion. We also got him to make a tape pretending to be the real ‘Kira’, and say to the second ‘Kira’ not to kill innocent people, and to not have me die.” Ryuuzaki said.

We were coming up to the top, I grasped Ryuuzaki’s hand tighter.
“Sorry…” I said. I think I was sort of getting used to the height.

“Are you alright?” Ryuuzaki asked when we got off the Ferris wheel. “You’re kind of… pale.”

“Uhh, yeah. It wasn’t that bad, I’m glad you were there though.” I said, as we marched off back to the hotel Emi for another meeting.

“Hey guys!” I exclaimed when we got to the room.

“Hey. We got another tape from the ‘Second Kira’.” Matsuda said, handing the tape to Ryuuzaki.

Ryuuzaki put the tape into his lap-top for us to see.

“I promise I won’t kill anymore innocent people. I won’t have ‘L’ go on T.V too.” The ‘Second Kira’ was saying.

He/She kept talking about wanting to meet. And that they could show each other their ‘Shinigamis’. Also known as, Gods of Death.

I looked over at Ryuuzaki, he seemed to be shivering, he started screaming. I think he was scared of Gods of Death…But they don’t exist, do they?

“It’s okay, Ryuuzaki…Don’t worry, it’s okay. Shinigami don’t exist!” I said trying to comfort Ryuuzaki, he soon fell over.

“You’re…You’re right. Shinigami don’t exist, it could just be a secret code meaning something else.” Ryuuzaki said lifting his chair back up, he was more calm now.

“Exactly Ryuuzaki. It could just mean to prove their ‘Killing’ power to each other.” Light said.

“You’re right Light-kun. That sounds what it could mean. “ Ryuuzaki said.

“Man, this ‘Second Kira’ sounds really, really stupid. I mean wouldn’t he/she tell that The real ‘Kira’ would want ‘L’ to appear on T.V. to have him killed?” I said.

“Yeah, he does sound stupid.” Ryuuzaki said, “ It’s only a matter of time before the real ‘Kira’ sends in a tape to stop all this mess.”.

‘I wonder where they will plan to meet? A public place? Would they even tell the world where?’ I wondered.


Two days later.
I woke up at 10:00 A.M again. We had another meeting to go to.

I wore my black and blue chequered skirt, with my white Hello Kitty t-shirt. I put on black bat earrings and put my red high top sneakers and ran out the door towards this breakfast restaurant.

I was waiting outside the restaurant for Ryuuzaki of course.
I was waiting about five minutes before I saw Ryuuzaki’s limo come into view.
Ryuuzaki walked out.

I waved him over to where I was, “ Hey, Ryuuzaki!”.

“Hey, Rima…” Ryuuzaki said.

“Ryuuzaki… I really need to talk to you over some French toast.” I said, me and Ryuuzaki walked into the restaurant and picked table to sit at, we both ordered French toast, except Ryuuzaki ordered it with extra, extra syrup and cinnamon sugar.

“So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?’ Ryuuzaki asked.

“Well…I was sort of thinking, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but. Maybe you’re right about suspecting…Light-Onii-chan.” I said, I regretted saying it the moment the words came out of my mouth.

“Hmm, and why is that?” Ryuuzaki asked between gulps of French toast.

“Well, it’s because… He seems so upset that you suspect him of being ‘Kira’. You suspect me, but I’m not at all upset, because first of all, I’m not, so I have nothing to worry about ,and two from the things that happened to me looks bad on my part. But, I’m telling you those killings that always seem to happen when I’m in trouble are just a coincidence.” I said.

“Don’t worry, I don’t think I suspect you that much anymore. You could be right, that they were coincidences.” Ryuuzaki said.

“Also I suspect him because you suspect him. In all of your cases, you never once were wrong.” I said, “ Not to mention how he got upset when the ‘Second Kira’ said he wouldn’t kill you.” I said.

“He got upset?” Ryuuzaki asked.

“Well, he changed his expression to disgust and then he was sort of mad, then changed it to neutral.” I said, eating down on my breakfast meal.

“Hmm.” Ryuuzaki said.

“But, a part of me doesn’t believe Light-Onii-chan is ‘Kira’. Light’s too kind. He really is, and he always thought killing was bad.” I said.

“You two are really different from each other. It’s almost hard to believe you guys are siblings.” Ryuuzaki said.

“Is it because I’m too blunt. And he doesn’t ever speak his mind?” I asked,” Or is it because I usually want to be alone and have no friends and he has tons of friends?” I asked.

“No, neither. To me you aren’t faking, you are serious, and real. Light-kun is fake to me.” Ryuuzaki said, now playing with his food.

“Oh…” I said stunned. To me Light wasn’t fake, he seemed real and serious…Or maybe that was just in the past.

“…You know Ryuuzaki you are my first friend. (other than Suzuki, but she doesn’t count.)Whom I really do feel comfortable to be around. Other than Light-Onii-chan. I feel obliged to tell you my secrets, to laugh with you. But there’s a part of me that’s scared you won’t accept me, like others don’t.” I said,” Do you think of me as your friend?”.

“…Hmm, well we do everything friends normally do. I guess so.” Ryuuzaki said, but he seemed confused.

“Sorry, I made this into a deep moment. I just feel like something’s gonna happen to you. Something bad.” I said.
“Like what?” Ryuuzaki asked.

“Here’s your bill.” The waiter said I gave him the money and a tip.

“…I don’t know. It’s just an uneasy feeling.” I said shrugging it off.

“We should get going to our next meeting.” Ryuuzaki said.

So we started walking to the Emi hotel, we got there just in time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry It's A Little Late. And If It Ends On A Cliff-Hanger. I'll Have More Soon!
Enjoy For Now =]
