Status: Complete

Except One

And I Will Tell This Story


The light rays of the morning sun began to sparkle and kiss the coast. The sea began to sing in time with the wind, and it danced with the beach, forward and back, forward and back.

On the smallest cove, on a beach littered with glittering shells and pebbles, two small children lay, asleep. They wore strange garments on their lithe bodies, they appeared to made of leaves, as if the children themselves, had risen from the womb of Mother Nature. Their hair was golden, the boys curled in springs that bounced when his head moved with dreams, and the locks sparkled, joy shining from every inch of his body.

And the girl was beautiful. With a small elfin face, and eyes that were closed, hiding eyes of a bright blue. Her long tangled hair wrapped her body in a blanket, and her limbs were entwined with the boys. They seemed a pair, he with her, and her with him. They were children of the spirits, children of all that is light and joyful. Key words: Children.

No-body would ever know what really happened the night Peter Pan chose to grow up. No-body would ever know, except the girl he grew up for, for one night only. The secrets were hidden in them both, the kiss that curled at the corner of each mouth, the small touch of hands, the fluttered eyelashes. As the moon said good morning to the sun, and as Regan and Peter slept, they became children again. Their bodies became small and light once more, their eyes danced in sleep and dreams. They were ready to return home to Neverland, where they would remain.

They awoke slowly, stretching so the tips of their toes embraced the sleepy, foamy waves. Peter Pan would smile with delight, and look at Regan, simply Regan. He would grin at her, adventures gleaming in his brain, and rise slowly, upside down into the air, to spin with the wind, and laugh aloud. Regan would jump up, her feet digging into the side, dancing and waving her arms underneath his floating body.

“Take me Peter, don’t forget me boy!” she will shout out, and Peter will laugh once more,

“I never forget!”

And he will say it with a cheeky grin and wink.

And the children will rise into the air together, holding hands and disappear into the sky. Their destination? The second star to the right, and straight on till morning.

An old man, sitting outside his cottage will watch them with wide eyes, at first thinking he had forgotten to take his medication. But the heart strings of his youth will pull in his chest, and he will smile, remembering the tales of young, the tales of the boy who will never grow up. And he will remember, lying in his bed as a child, and seeing the shadow of a flying boy pass outside his window. The shadow of Peter Pan.

He raises his hand in a salute, saying goodbye and good morning to the eternally youthful children. Say hello to Neverland for me.

The story of Peter Pan and Regan will never end, because they will forever be around.

And I will tell this story to my children, and they will tell it to theirs, and so on. For all children grow up…

Except two.
♠ ♠ ♠
You know that place between sleep and awake?
The place you can still remember dreaming.
That's where I'll always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting...Peter Pan.

All I can say is a big massive thank you to all my wonderfully wonderful readers, subscribers and commenters.I would never have been able to finish this without you, and I love you all so much. I hope you continue to read my work-I'll have two new fictions coming out soon, both original-a supernatural called Chill and a WW2 one.

Thank you all so much:

Miss Mella Mash
Vintage Vixen
Green Raspberries
Rosaline Capulet.
Zacky Baker

You'll find me in NeverNeverland...