We're Here to Take Your Hearts



Clarissa and Sarah ran up the stairs to unpack in her new room. They talked and cracked jokes and unpacked everything. William's never seen Sarah so happy before.

As they unpacked the last of the stuff Spencer walked into the room.

"Hey, you're Clarissa right? I'm Spencer." He said holding out a hand. Clarissa shook it. "Oh and Will says to come downstairs for dinner." He smiled and walked out.

"This is awesome! I can't believe I'm here!" Clarissa said.

"I know! This is too cool. Just wait till school! We won't have to be alone! William said he can talk to the school and make sure we have all the same classes." Sarah replied.

"How though? I'm in band and Honors classes."

"Well, I'm joining band, and can you get out of Honors?"

"Not with my grades so high."

"Well, we'll just wait and see."


They sat down at the table and began to dig into their Spaghetti.

"Oh remember when they served Spaghetti at the orphanage and then David Salazar started a food fight?" Sarah asked

"Yeah! Then Muriel Schawski grabbed the bread and started hitting people with it!" Clarissa replied

"Oh and then Kristy Karmicheal started to scream because it got all over her hair!"

"Then David got fed up with her screaming and he dumped the whole bowl on her head!" The girls were cracking up now.

Once they were done laughing they began to talk about normal things...for them.

"Hey Gabe, can you pass the cheese?" Sarah asked. He threw her the cheese and she sprinkled it all over her pasta.

"I want some." Clarissa said reaching for it.

"You can't have any."

"What! Why?"

"Because It's my cheese."

"Pumpkin, give me the cheese!" She laughed and handed her the cheese.

William looked up, confused that Sarah won't let him call her pumpkin, but Clarissa can. e shrugged it off and went back to his conversation with Joe and Patrick.

After dinner the girls walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"You wash, I dry." Clarissa said handing Sarah the sponge.

"No! I wanna dry."

"I called it."

"So!" Sarah lunged for the dry cloth and they wrestled and laughed.

"Do you ever stop fighting?" Ryan asked, looking in the refrigerator.

"Who says we're fighting." Sarah replied.

"Whatever, you know, If you give Brendon a dollar he'll do the dishes for you."



The two girls ran up the stairs and both pitched in fifty cents to make it even. The girls ran back downstairs and sat next to Brendon.

"Brendon whatcha doin'?" Clarissa asked.

"Nothing why?" He asked suspiciously. Clarissa held out the dollar. He went to reach for it but she pulled away.

"You have to do something for us." Clarissa said.

"Like what?"

"Oh only, washingthedishesforus!" They set the dollar on his lap and ran up the stairs giggling. Brendon smiled and pocketed the change and headed for the dishes.

Around ten the girls said goodnight to everyone downstairs. Just as they were about to turn away Pete stopped Clarissa.

"Hey, can you go get me a soda?" He asked. Clarissa nodded and walked to the kitchen. There were so many sodas in the refrigerator though, she just grabbed a random one. Brendon saw her.

"You shouldn't drink soda before going to bed." He said.

"Oh, It's for Pete." She smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

"This isn't the one I wanted. I want a Dr. Pepper." Pete said.

"Oh okay." She walked back into the kitchen, where Brendon still was.

"What are you doing back here?" He asked.

"He didn't want this one, so I'm getting him a Dr. Pepper." Sh grabbed the right soda and gave it to Pete. She walked up the stairs and Sarah was already asleep.