We're Here to Take Your Hearts


"Will you stop that tapping? It's so annoying." Pete said as he sat on the couch.

"Sorry." Clarissa mumbled.

"Don't say sorry, just do it. Jesus, you're so difficult." He replied, grabbing his laptop off the table.

Sarah gave Clarissa a sympathetic look as she struggled to fight back tears.

"C'mon, let's go to your room and listen to music." Sarah said, pulling Clarissa off the couch.

"First, get me a soda." Pete commanded. Clarissa nodded and walked off to the kitchen. She retrieved his soda and handed it to him. "Oh, and did you feed Hemingway?" He asked.

"You didn't ask me to."

"That wasn't my question. Did you feed Hemingway?" He asked sternly.

"No." She spoke quietly. Pete sighed.

"Jesus Clarissa, you don't do anything do you? Are you seriously that lazy?" Clarissa shook her head. "Then go feed Hemingway! Don't just stand there, he's probably starving by now!"

Clarissa walked up the stairs with Sarah behind her, talking in French. Brendon was watching T.V in the game room when he heard the foreign language being spoken. He ran to his room and grabbed a translator recorder from his room and stood infront of Clarissa's room.

He pressed record and waited for them to start talking again.


"I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM!" Clarissa yelled.

"Listen, he might just be getting used to having a daughter." Sarah replied.

"Yeah right! He's had a fucking month to do that!"

"How long has he been doing this?"

"Since I got here! He never gives me a break. 'Clarissa do this, Clarissa do that' I've had it!"

"There's nothing you can do though."

"I know, but UGH! He just isn't even a friend, I can barely call him someone I know. He's just a stranger."

"Why don't you go to your spot after school and write some music. That makes you feel better."

"Yeah, you're right."

"When will you be back?"

"Hopefully never..."


"I'm sorry, I'll be back when I can. However long it takes me okay?"


Brendon was about to upload the media into the computer to translate when he was interuppted by William.

"Hey, I'm busy working on some new material with Guy. Can you drop off the girls for me?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there." He replied. William walked out and headed to his room. Brendon grabbed his keys and walked down the stairs. "Okay kiddos, Will's busy so I'm taking you today." He said as he approached the girls.

"What! We have to take the 'Purple Jellybean'?" They whined.

"Well, I guess we could use Ryan's car...."

"SHOTGUN!" They screamed as they ran to the blue Mercedes.

He laughed, "What did I get myself into?"


"Bye girls!" Brendon called from the car. The two friends rolled their eyes and walked into the school to meet with their friends.

"Hey Charlene." Clarissa smiled.

"Hey Clarissa, I heard you fell. Are you alright?" She asked worringly.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just Pete again."

"Oh, well you know if you ever want to just get away you can come to my house anytime. My mom always welcomes my friends when they have troubles."

"Thank you, that means alot." They smiled and ran off to first period.

The girls walked in quietly. The teacher gave intructions of the work for today and ran to make a phone call.

"Hey Clarissa, where's your daddy? He busy trying to play bass for his crappy band?" One girl asked.

"Shut-up." Clarissa mumbled.

"Ooh, how terrifying. What's wrong? Get mad at the fact your dad is just a bad celebrity? I mean, Sarah has a cool dad, a hot one too." The girl teased.

"Pete Wentz is not my dad." She said threw gritted teeth.

"He did adopt you though, theres pictures all over his myspace saying your his new daughter."

"That doesn't mean anything." Clarissa said, clentching her fists to keep from beating the ever-loving crap out of this girl.

"I see your mad about this whole thing, what's wrong? Does he try to make you his new 'icon'?"


The teacher grabbed Clarissa by the shoulder and began to drag her to the principal's office, while the girl in the classroom was busy fake crying.

"Sit here, and stay here." The teacher said as he walked into the principal's office. The principal walked out and called her into the office.

"Now Clarissa, you have to understand this is a violence-free school. I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your dad..."

"I don't have a dad."

"Yes you do Ms. Wentz, now stay here while I go get your emergancy card." The principal walked out, leaving Clarissa to her thoughts. The principla walked back in and sat behind her desk. She grabbed the phone and dialed.

"Hmmm... It went to voicemail. Is there anyother number to someone who lives with you?"



"Spencer Smith."


Spencer walked into the office and sat down.

"Is there a problem?" He asked the principal.

"Yes, it seems that Clarissa here, yelled at a student today in the middle of class, using foul language." Clarissa turned her head away from Spencer and stared at the wall. Her eyes filled with tears as memories of her parents sitting in the pricipal's office with her came flooding back.

"Clarissa, do you have anything to say?" Spencer asked, doing the best he can to act mature.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

"She's going to have to go home for two days on suspension. You're lucky young lady that I didn't expell you or take away your honors credits. If you weren't one of the better drummers in this school I would have taken you out of band entirely." The principal huffed. "You can go, but you'll have to return to the classroom to retrieve her things and assignments."

The walked back to the classroom was silent, everytime Spencer moved closer to Clarissa she quickened her pace and stepped away from him. They arrived at the classroom and walked in. The whole chattering class fell silent.

"Ohmygod is that Spencer from Panic! At The Disco?"

"He's sooo hot!"

"O.M.G why is he here with Clarissa?"

"Why isn't Pete here?"

All the whispers stung Clarissa as she grabbed her stuff. Charlene smiled at her as she walked out of the classroom. Spencer placed a hand on her shoulder to assure her it was alright, but she shrug it off. He smiled at the teacher and shut the door behind him.

The car was just as silent, except for the tapping of Clarissa's hands on her knees of course.

"What happened?" Spencer asked.


"I'm not taking you home until you tell me what happened." He said.

"I don't want to go home." Spencer sighed.

"Just tell me. I'm not going to be mad."

"A girl made comments about my life okay, there happy?"

"Like what did she say?"

"Just stuff about being adopted and crap."

"Hey, adoption doesn't change anything. Pete is still your father. Biological or not."

"That's not the point...." Clarissa whispered so low Spencer couldn't hear. He moved to place a hand on her knee, but she slid in her seat towards the window.

"Well, some of Pete's friends are coming to town today and staying with us, so you'll get to hang with them." He said, trying to cheer her up. Clarissa was about to speak when Spencer's phone rang.