Something New

Taking chances With circumstances

I pulled my bag out from behind my bedroom door and threw it over my shoulder. I walked down the stairs and opened the side door; it’s the door I had to use since the front was too visible. I started off down the street in a brisk walk. It took less than twenty minutes for me to walk to school and the second I got there I wanted to leave. I snaked my way through the hallways, populated with people I knew. Most of them said ‘hi’ and I ignored them all.

I almost felt bad, not acknowledging them when they were some of the few people to acknowledge me. I walked up the several flights of stairs from the first floor to the third. I walked past the swarms or kids in my grade. I went directly to my locker and pulled out the books I needed for my morning classes.

Without fail, like she did every morning, Cara came up to me and ‘glomped’ me.

“Glomplez for my Ai-Chan.” She cried engulfing me in a hug.
“Hi Cara.” I said through gritted teeth.
“So how’s my dear Aliki, today?” She asked smiling.
“I’m fine Cara.” I almost grunted.
“You don’t sound overly fine, and usually when you say ‘fine’ you’re usually not.” She said like a four year old that thinks they know everything.
“Cara, everyday I tell you I’m fine; and everyday I’m the same.” I sighed as I walked down the hall towards the water fountain.

As I turned away from Cara I saw Chelsea and instantly knew what was coming.

“Chelsea! Glomplez!” She cried throwing her arms around Chelsea.
Chelsea stood there awkwardly and waited for Cara to let go.
“Hey Cara.” She said once she was able to breathe again.
“Chelsea, you need to hang out with us at lunch sometime, we really miss you!” She almost whined as we walked back towards our lockers.
“I’m hanging out with Zayna, or the radio kids most of the week, sorry.” She said, obviously avoiding what was really on her mind.
“Well then we should hang out one day after school.” She said almost pleadingly.
“I can’t I have Kumon, and my mom doesn’t give me much opportunity for a social life on school days.” I said opening her locker.

Just then Cara spotted Hope and ran off to talk to her and her friends.

“I wish Cara would stop being so fake.” Chelsea sighed as she closed her locker.
“I know, but there’s not much we can do about it, just grin and bare it I guess.” I replied as
we walked down the stairs on our way to Drama.
“I’ll catch up with you in a minute.” She said as she turned and walked through the first floor doors and went towards the radio room.

I walked down the last flight of stairs into the basement, my eyes glued to the floor. The next thing I knew I was falling to the ground after colliding with something, well someone actually.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t see you.” I mumbled as I stumbled to my feet.
“No worries, I wasn’t paying much attention either.” He said standing up himself.
“I’ve never seen you around, are you new here?” I asked trying to sound polite.
“Technically, I’m only here to find someone actually, do you know a girl named Aliki?” He asked looking at a small piece of paper.
“As a matter of fact you’re talking to her.” I replied looking to the ground.
“Oh, then in that case, I’m Jon walker.” He said extending his hand for me to shake it.
“Okay; no offense, but that doesn’t really explain much.” I replied as I shook his hand.
“Oh then I guess you’re mom didn’t tell you that I was coming.” He said awkwardly.
“Nope, and she didn’t tell me who you are either.” I added trying to clarify things.
“Oh, sorry, I know this will probably sound strange, but I’m you’re half-brother.” He said staring at the floor.
“Well that’s strange. Meh what’s another relative, just so you know you’ll end up hating me and somehow disowning me.” I commented defensively.
“What are you- never mind, I’m guessing you’re mom also didn’t tell you that you’re coming to live with me?” He said taking a shot in the dark.
“What? Why?” I asked stunned.
“Well, one of you’re, our, grandparents contacted my, well our, dad, who called me and we eventually arranged to have you come live with me in Chicago.” He explained hoping it would clarify something.
“Okay… but why?” I asked still confused.
“I’m not sure exactly, it’s not like I even talk to Doug, but since I’ve been emancipated from my mom our grandparents thought it would be a good idea for us to live together.” He tried explaining again.
“Okay, well when do we leave?” I asked as we started walking towards my Drama class.
“At the end of the week.” He replied.
“So are you staying with me the next few days?” I asked as I untied me shoelaces and places my converse with the other shoes, and Jon did the same.
“If it’s not too much trouble that would be great.” He replied.
“You’re taking me away from this hell-hole, I think it’ll be fine.” I replied smiling as we walked into the drama room.
“Hey Mr. Fraser, is it alright if my half brother, Jon, joins in on our class today?” I asked.
“Sure, go ahead and take a seat.” He replied.

We walked up the stair like things and we took two seats about halfway up. Within a few minutes the rest of the class showed up and Chelsea took her usual seat next to me.

“So who’s this?” She asked as she threw she bag down next to her.
“Oh, this is my new-found half brother, Jon Walker.” I explained.
“Nice to meet you.” They both said shaking each others hand.
“So why’s he here?” She asked during the warm up.
“He’s here to take me away from this place.” I replied.
“When are you leaving?” She asked, almost sounding concerned.
“By Monday I’ll be in Chicago.” I replied.
“You’re moving to Chicago?” She asked shocked.
“Apparently.” I replied sounding almost as shocked as she did.
“Well then we should hang out sometime before you leave.” She said as we finished the warm up.
“We will, I’m sure.” I said smiling softly.
“Does Blake or Cara know?” She asked a few minutes later.
“Not yet, I might not even tell them until the end of the week.” I stated honestly.
“It might be a good idea, how much ‘glomping’ can you really take in a week?” She asked laughing.
“Good point.” I replied laughing too.

We broke into our scene work groups and started working on our lines. Jon joined Chelsea and I, since we had an extra character voice in ours, which he played for us.

The class went by quickly and eventually I was on my way to math class, Jon following behind me. I walked into the room and introduced Jon to my teacher and asked if he could sit in on the class.

“Sure, maybe hecould actually teach you something so you won’t fail this class.” She sighed bitterly.
“Excuse me?’ Jon said rudely.
“Her average is a 39, if she doesn’t pass the next text she’ll be sure to fail.” She explained.
“So, it still doesn’t give you the right to talk to a student like that.” He said, almost angrily.
“And who do you think you are to tell me what I can and can’t do?” She asked, sounding offended.
“I’m her legal guardian as of today.” He replied.
“Well then you have the authority to take her out of this class.” She sighed, bitterness coating her words.
“As a matter of fact she won’t be in the class by Friday, but I think I’m going to excuse her for the rest of the week.” He replied.
“That’s probably a wise idea.” She replied.
“Oh and I will be filing a complaint. Aliki, you coming?” He asked as he turned to leave.
“Fuck yeah.” I said getting up.
“Language young lady.” The teacher snapped,
“Suck it.” I replied as I left.

We started walking down the hallway.

“Jon thank you so much for standing up for me like that, no one has ever done that for me before, ever.” I said smiling.
“It’s nothing, I mean I know I don’t necessarily deserve to act this way since I’ve never even talked to you, but you’re still my sister so I’m going to stick up for you if I have to, plus I’m acting as you’re guardian so I really have to.” He replied with a smile.
“You’re more family than I’ve ever really had so I’m definitely not complaining, especially if it gets me out of math.” I replied.
“So what do you want to do until you’re next class?” Jon asked as we reached my locker.
“Well my next class isn’t for another two hours or so.” I replied shoving things in my locker and slamming it shut to make sure everything stayed inside.
“You wanna go get something to eat?” He asked a minute or so later.
“Sure, I didn’t have a chance to eat breakfast, or dinner last night for that matter.” I replied looking to the ground.
“Then we’re definitely getting you something to eat.” He said as we started on our way down the stairs.
“Oh, I need you to sign me out before we leave.” I replied just as we were reaching the first floor.
“Lead the way.” He replied opening the door for me.
“Jordan!” I exclaimed with a smile opening my arms for a hug.
“Aliki!” He exclaimed doing the same thing.

He wrapped his arms around me and, against my will, lifted me off the ground.

“Jordan, put me down! Put me down, put me down, put me down! Remember my feet stay on the ground at all times.” I complained as he set me down.
“Apparently not,” he smiled, “And who is this?” He asked indicating Jon.
“He’s my half brother, Jon.” I replied.
“I’ve never heard of him before,” He said, “I thought you were an only child?” He asked confused.
“Until this morning, so did I. He came from Chicago, I’m kind of moving back with him at the end of the week.” I explained.
“Well I’ll miss you.” He replied raising and eyebrow.
“I’ll miss you, and your creeper-ness too.” I replied smiling.
“Where, you headed now?” He asked.
“Off to lunch.” I smiled.
“Don’t you have math right now?” He as looking down at me disapprovingly.
“Not anymore, I’ve pretty much dropped the course, but you’ll have to help me with math once I get to Chicago, I’ll need help, no matter where I am.” I smiled.
“Sure thing,” He replied, “You better get going, it looks like you haven’t eaten in days.” He said shoving me towards the front door and ruffling my hair.
“Bye Jordan.” I replied as I waited for Jon to join me.
“Bye Aliki.” He yelled down the hall.
“So where’s the office?” Jon asked getting me back on task.
“This way.” I sighed grabbing his arm and dragging him to the attendance office.

I opened the door and held it for him and we both walked into the small room filled completely by the desk.

“Hi, Aliki Walker, I’m signing out for lunch.” I said politely.
“Do you have parental permission?” The lady behind the desk asked me.
“No, but I have my new guardian here.” I replied.
“Okay.” She said handing Jon the book to sign.
“Let’s go.” I replied as he held the door open for me again.

We went out one of the side doors and headed off downtown. Jon told me to pick somewhere to eat since he obviously didn’t know his way around my shit-hole town. We walked for about half an hour when we finally got to the main street.

“So where do you want to go?” He asked looking around.
“I don’t know, some of the pizza places down here are pretty good.” I replied.
“Trust me, you’ll get enough pizza in Chicago, how about something different?” He suggested.
“Oh, there’s this great diner, Morrison’s, it’s all the way downtown but they have the best food.” I practically gushed.
“Sure, I’ve actually heard of that place, I’m not sure where but I know there was mention of amazing homemade fries.” He said as we started walking down the street.

Once we got there we sat in one of the booths and the waitress handed us each a menu.

“Can I get you drinks to start?” She asked politely.
“Could I get a coke please?” I asked, as politely I could.
“Sure thing and you?” She asked turning to Jon.
“A coke please.” He said glancing at the menu.
“Coming right up.” She said and turned and went back to the kitchen.
“So why are you doing this?” I asked once the food got there.
“I figured food was a good thing?” He said questioningly.
“No I mean, pretty much adopting me. You don’t even know me, the only bond we have it 23 chromosomes provided accidentally. I mean how would it affect you if I stayed here my whole life?” I asked as I took a fry from my plate.
“Well I figured you’re family, and I’d feel awful if I missed out on the chance of getting to know you, and then I heard that you were practically miserable living with your mom, and our grandmother was trying to get you away from there so I figured I’d seize the opportunity. I totally understand if you want to stay here, I mean you have friends and stuff, but if you want to come with me then I’ll be more than happy to take care of you. I mean I know 23 chromosomes isn’t a relationship but I figured some sort of commitment might help start one.” He explained.
“I’d love to live with you, you seem like the one family member I might be able to get along with, and that seems like an unfortunate opportunity to waste. Besides I can’t stand being here another day. It’ll be nice to get away.” I said with a slight smile.
“Then we’ve got it set, you’ll move to Chicago with me, if you want we can wait until the end of the semester, there’s only a bit more than a month left.” He said as he paid the bill.
“I don’t see the point, I just take my courses over online and start grade eleven in the fall.” I replied as we got up and left.
“So do you even want to go back to school?” Jon asked curiously.
“I think I should for my morning class, I can’t let Chelsea lose marks just because I left, our performance is Thursday so I can take the afternoon to make sure I’ve packed everything.” I said as we started on our way back up to the area of town that I lived in.
“Okay, I’ll rent the U-haul truck Thursday afternoon so we can load the truck and leave by Friday night, if you want.” I said making sure I knew that all this was my choice.
“Sounds like a plan, that way I can say any goodbyes Friday morning and we can leave before rush-hour.” I said, trying to make it seem like he knew I wasn’t feeling like I was forced into this.
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” He asked again.
“Yes Jon, I’m one-hundred percent sure.” I sighed.
“Oh hey, actually can we leave, like midnight Friday or like Saturday morning?” I asked remembering a conversation I had had with Chelsea.
“Sure, why?” He asked.
“Well this band, Silverstein, is playing at bar none from 7-11 Friday night and before, when I was doomed to live here with my mom forever, I wasn’t able to go, but now that I’m able to leave I was kinda hoping I’d be able to go now.” I said hopefully.
“Sure, I’ve heard of them and I wanted to scope them out, do you mind if I come along?” He asked like he needed my permission.
“Sure, it’s not like you’re my mom.” I commented.
“Sounds like a plan.” He said smiling, “I think I’m starting to like this whole ‘having a little sister’ thing.” He smiled again.
“And I’m definitely enjoying having an older brother who cares about me.” I replied.

We were half way back to my house when we ran into Cara and Blake. I noticed them almost a block away and clearly they noticed me.

“Oh shit!” I muttered under my breath.
“What?’ Jon asked confused.
“They’re some friends of mine, I planned on telling them like Friday that I’m leaving and I really don’t want them to know about any of this yet.” I explained, all the while they were getting closer to us.
“I’ve got a plan just play along, this might be awkward.” He said and put his arm around my waist.

Within seconds we were face to face talking to Cara and Blake.

“So skipping class to hang out with boys, what would Kristian say?” Blake teased.
“Really it’s not like that, Jon and I are… friends.” I explained, acting as if I was trying to come up with some quick excuse.
“Really, well be careful, I noticed Kristian a few blocks away, and heading in this direction.” Cara said giggling.
“Trust me it’s not what you think it is.” I said sounding confident.
“I can see it now, you and… whatever his name is, married with children.” Blake said gazing off into the sky.

Jon and I both almost choked on air and then burst out laughing.

“Whatever, we’re headed off to 4-color 8-bit, gotta go before we end up being late for period C.” Cara said and they walked off.
“Thanks a bunch Jon, I really don’t want to explain all of this to them just yet.” I sighed with relief as Jon’s hand instantly disappeared from my waist.
“No problem.” He replied as we kept walking.

As Cara had mentioned before, a few minutes later we ran into Kristian. He was my most recent ex, and Blake and Cara had this crazy idea that we were both in love with each other and that we should hook up. Of course I think it’s bull-shit, this whole ‘love’ thing; the whole being in love anyway. There’s nothing scientific to prove it exists it’s just a word, not even a sincere emotion in my opinion. Granted I care about Kristian a lot, and he in return cares about me, we’re really close, like best friends, but not quite.

“Hey Kristian.” I said as we stopped in the middle of a walk-way in Victoria Park.
“Hey Aliki, who’s he?” He said almost shooting daggers at Jon.
“He’s my half-brother Jon, Jon this is Kristian.” I introduced them.
“Ah, so what going on?” He asked relaxing a bit.
“Walking home, I need to start packing.” I sighed.
“Why?” He asked confused.
“Because I’m moving to Chicago, I’m going to be living with Jon.” I explained.
“So you’re actually leaving this time?” He asked, bitterness seeping into words.
“Yup, I don’t believe it either to be honest, but it’s really happening.” I said unable to control my smile.
“At least you’re happy. When do you leave?” He asked, still sounding bitter.
“Friday night or Saturday morning, we’re going to Silverstein and then we’re gone for good.” I replied.
“That sucks, well for me, ‘cause I’ll miss you.” He replied, hands in his pockets looking at the ground.
“I’ll still have MSN and Facebook, it’s not like I’m not going to talk to you ever again, plus you should come to Silverstein, it’s 15.” I replied.
“If I give you the cash can you get me a ticket?” He asked.
“Sure thing.” I replied smiling.
“You wanna hug?” He asked with a smirk.
“Of course.” I replied smiling.

Within seconds I was in the air, the only thing keeping me from falling was Kristian, I decided to let him hug me how we wanted, and not kick him until he put me down, he’s going to have enough to deal with in the next week. His girlfriend just dumped him and one of the people he cares about most is leaving, and that was always one of his main concerns, me leaving.

“You’re not making me put you down?” He said still smirking, but the smirk soon grew into a smile.

“I figured after dropping that on you the least I can do is let you piss me off.” I replied smiling as I started squirming to break free.

“Promise me one thing Aliki?” He said setting me down gently.

“What?” I asked smiling.

“We’ll hang out this week, just the two of us at least once, I’m going to miss you so I want to
hang out as much as I can.” He said losing the playfulness that usually filled his voice.

“I promise.” I replied hugging him tightly.

He hugged me back just as tight, this time my feet stayed on the ground.

“Text me after school and we’ll figure something out okay.” I smiled as we both let go.

“Okay.” He smiled and started back on his way.
Jon and I walked for a few minutes in total silence, then he obviously couldn’t resist the urge to speak any longer.

“So you’re still going to leave after all that?’ He asked trying to bite his tongue.
“Yeah, why?” I asked confused.
“Because he’s clearly like in love with you, you can’t just leave that behind.” He said as we crossed the street.
“Not you too, he’s not in love with me, I promise. It’ll be easier for us both once I’m gone, no more of our stupid games.” I sighed as we crossed another street.
“You know you’re going to break his heart?” Jon said looking down at me.
“Don’t make me feel worse about this than I already do. He’ll get over it.” I sighed.
“How can you say that? Have you ever even had your heart broken?” He asked almost sounding bitter.
“As a matter of fact I have, and it was him who broke it, I’m sorry if I think this whole love crap is bullshit at this point. It’s just a nice fantasy, not a reality.” I argued.
“You can’t just go and break his heart because he broke yours.” Jon said.
“That’s not why I’m leaving, I’m leaving because for once I’m thinking about myself and what might be better for me in the long run. Yeah it’ll suck, and I’m breaking my own heart slightly in the process. We may not be in love with each other, but we both love each other to a certain extent so it’s going to hurt us both.” I snapped.
“Okay, calm down, these things are hard on everybody.” Jon said in an effort to comfort me.
“Are you surprised that I don’t see how he could possibly be in love with me, and vice versa?” I asked still annoyed.
“A little I guess, just watch and see how the next week plays out; it might just be the longest one of your life.” He sighed as we reached my door.

I unlocked the door and went upstairs; since the car was gone I knew my mother was out. I looked around my room and realized I’d need boxes, lots of them.

“Hey Jon, I need to get boxes, you think we could go get some?” I yelled from my closet.
“Sure, let me grab the car keys and we can do that right now.” He said as I reached the door frame of the kitchen.
“You drove here?” I asked shocked.
“No, I took and train and then I rented a car.” He said as I grabbed my wallet and we headed down the stairs.

We drove to the Costco and got a whole bunch of boxes and some rolls of packing tape, and a few black Sharpies. Once I got back I started backing all my books and DVD’s, then I moved on to all my clean clothes and then I threw most of my make up and hair products into a smaller box. I labeled everything that I had packed so far and then I went around the house collecting things that were mine; a game consol and a stack of games, and controllers, some more DVD’s, pictures I knew my mom wouldn’t miss and a few blankets, and sheet that I had accumulated over the years.

Eventually, in one day, I had packed everything but my bed and the stuff on it and the clothes I needed to wash. I had come up with a huge stack of things to donate to charity. I had almost filled two garbage bags of junk on top of that.

“Wow you’re a fast packer.” Jon said as he looked at my room.
“When you’re ready to leave, you waste no time.” I sighed as I brought a small box into the bathroom and collected my toiletries, except the stuff I’d need for showers the rest of the week.
“I guess so, but won’t you need clothes like this week?” He asked looking at the stack of four or so boxes labeled ‘Clothes and shit’.
“Only one of those boxes are sealed, and it’s the one with more formal clothing in it.
“But there’s like three other boxes.” He commented.
“One’s full of jeans, another full of sweaters, and I have one whole box with shirts and another one half full of shirts and the rest of that one full of undergarments and stuff. Then I’ll have one box for the laundry I haven’t finished that can go in there and Pajama’s and then one smaller box that I’ll throw my shoes in.” I explained.
“How long have you been planning on moving?” He asked shocked.
“Most of my life, I’ve only plotted out the packing in the last four hours or so.” I replied, slightly confused at his confusion.
“I’ve always been a good, fast, packer.” I sighed as I stacked boxes neatly and carried them to the basement.

Within seconds Jon was following me with the other stack of boxes I had. Within hours I was anxious to leave, I didn’t even want to wait the rest of the week, but I had too, plus I wanted to see Silverstein.

Once we got back upstairs Jon saw that it was almost 7:30 and he insisted it was late and that we should go get something for dinner. I insisted that I could cook dinner for us instead. He, intern, insisted that he would let me cook tomorrow and that we should just relax. We drove to a local Vietnamese restaurant, across the street from a Pizza Hut. I had been there once or twice before so I knew the food was good, and cheap.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk around town. It was probably around nine when we had finished dinner so everything, but a few of the restaurants and drug stores, was closed. We wandered down the main street for close to half an hour. Suddenly I heard two guys grunting a few feet behind us.

“I hate to break it to ya boys, but you’re fully evolved, you’re not cavemen.” I sighed turning to face the stupidly tall boys that were walking behind us.
“I don’t know, you’re walking around with a strange boy, I think we have every right to follow you and grunt.” Said one of the boys, with medium length brown hair.
“Uh huh.” Said the one in the black and white fedora.
“Lucas, Dylan, this is my half brother Jon.” I sighed introducing them.
“Hey.” Dylan, the brown haired one almost grunted.
“Sup.” Lucas said resting his elbow casually on my head.
“The fact that I’m shorter than you only means I have more of a chance of sacking you, and not missing.” I commented, Lucas quickly moved his arm.
“So what’s going on?” Dylan asked casually.
“Just showing Jon around, and getting a last look at everything.” I said awkwardly.
“Last look, what do you mean?” Lucas asked, also casually.
“I’m moving to Chicago this weekend, I’m going to live with Jon.” I explained for what felt like the millionth time.
“You did it.” Lucas said, almost congratulatory.
“Did what?” I asked confused.
“Got a way out of this place.” He replied.
“Well we gotta go, nexus closes in like half an hour.” Dylan said smiling.
“Yeah, well we’ll see you at school tomorrow.” Lucas said as they both turned to leave.
“Wait!” I cried as I grabbed both of their wrists.
“What?” They sighed in unison.
“Hugs, duh.” I replied with a light laugh.
“Oh, right.” Dylan said with a smirk.

Within seconds I was being squished between the chests of Lucas and Dylan. Within another second they had encouraged Jon to join too.

“Uh, guys, I can’t leave if I can’t breathe.” I said gasping for breath.
“Then you’ll just stay here.” Lucas laughed.

I placed a hand in the middle of Lucas’ and Dylan’s chests and shoved them both away forcefully. I finally had enough room to breathe, and escape.
“You better get to that place before it closes.” I said reminding them as they got control of their laughter.
“You better no stay out too long, missy, I’d imagine you still have to pack.” Dylan said as they crossed the street.
“Nope, I’m pretty much done!” I yelled to them, now fully across the street.
“You did it.” Lucas yelled back, not even turning to face Jon and I.

We walked a little bit longer and then we finally decided to head back. It was probably quarter to eleven by the time we reached my door. I walked up the stairs with Jon trailing behind. I opened to door to our apartment and walked in.

“Mom, we’re home.” I cried as I walked to my room and shut the door and Jon went into the living room.
“I don’t think she’s home.” Jon yelled back as I changed into my pajamas.
“Typical.” I sighed as I walked out to the living room.
“So what do you want to do tonight?” He asked.
“I was planning on checking my email and then going to bed, I have to get up at like six-thirty for school.” I said dropping onto the couch.
“Ah, right, that makes sense.” He sighed.
“I don’t know were you want to sleep, you can have my room if you want, or the bed in the basement, although I don’t recommend that option. Then there’s always the couch.” I sighed.
“I’ll take the couch, you can sleep in your bed.” He replied.
“Are you sure?” I asked as I went into the bathroom and pulled out a blanket and some pillows from the linen closet.
“Yeah, moving is enough fun, plus there will be at least one night where you might have to sleep on the couch until we can get you’re bed into my apartment.” He said taking the pile of pillows and blankets from my hands and spread them out on the couch.
“Okay?” I sighed as I grabbed my laptop from the table next to the couch.
“Anything you want before bed?” Jon asked.
“No, I’m good, but thank you so much for everything. Oh and the DVD’s and video games are in the box just outside my door.” I explained pointing.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Sleep tight, Aliki.” He said as I set the computer down on my bed.
“Good night, Jon.” I said as I walked back into the living room to hug him.
We hugged for a few minutes and then I finally decided to go to bed.

I opened the laptop once I was settled in bed and logged onto MSN and proceeded to check my email; only junk.

A few minutes later I got a message from Chelsea.
ChelseaSmile: Hey, so do u no exactly when u r leaving?”
AutomaticAliki: Friday/Saturday, after the Silverstein show.
ChelseaSmile: So ur going!? :O
AutomaticAliki: Yeah, Jon’s coming tho, is that ok?”
ChelseaSmile: I dn’t c y not, he seem like cool peeps.
AutomaticAliki: cool
AutomaticAliki]: I can’t believe I’m rlly leaving.
ChelseaSmile: I cn’t either, I’ll miss u.
AutomaticAliki: I’ll miss u 2.
ChelseaSmile: I no u will how cud u not miss me? Lol
AutomaticAliki: I dn’t no if its possbl to not miss u. lmao
ChelseaSmile: so u wanna chill after skool 2moro?
AutomaticAliki: deff. I’m prtty much pckd so it shud be fine.
ChelseaSmile: cool, wut do u wanna do?
AutomaticAliki: dunno, chill dwntwn or c a movie?
ChelseaSmile: we can decide l8r
AutomaticAliki: sounds like a plan lol
ChelseaSmile: well I’m off 2 bed, nite nite.
AutomaticAliki: same, night Chelsea.
*ChelseaSmile is no longer online*
I was about to log off myself when I got another IM from someone else.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is officially chapter one. I hope anyone who reads this, and any of my other stories, likes it because I'm putting a lot of effort into this one.
thank you to hexrgq0525 for reading it first, i loves you Alison!!
I hope she's right when she says this is one of my best stories.