So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?


I woke to the smell of Bella's famous secret dish. I bolted up as the memories of why I was in my bed at ..5 pm on a Monday.

I ran down stairs remembering who should be here.

As I rounded the corner to the kitchen I saw Bella and Edward but no Caius.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Bella asked looking up from the frypan.

"Where's Caius?" was all I wanted to know "he was supoused to be here"

"He just called to say he got back from his trip and he'll be over soon" Edward said.

"No!" I yelled and to my suprise they weren't shocked at my outburst "He was already here he saved me he..he .. he" I struggled to find words "Bit me?" I whispered.

"Hun your probably woosy from your spill in class" Bella asured me.

"Class?" the door knocked and Edward went to get it then Edward walked back with Caius "I wasn't in class I was where i sit at lunch the i was... Atacked and you three appeared out of nowhere!" i raved as angery tears begun to fall and black dots started to appear in front of me.

"Dannie" caius said softly "you must have hit you head when you collapsed because I got back hust an hour ago" as he walked toward me to stop me from hurting myself with my wild movments

"No!" I yelled "Your all lieing!" i begun to sound like a crazy paranoied person but I was right "I know what I saw" Then the count down to my next black out began.


"Dannie" 9. Caius said again. 8. "calm down" 7.


"No!" 4.

"Dannie please" Caius pleaded comeing closed 3.

"No" I stepped back. 2. "I am calm"1. 0.

There it was the blackness hitting me like a ton of bricks or that could have been the floor.
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ok sorry it took so long to update but i don't have the time lately so i need someone who would be willing to help me by writeing a few chapters for me.