So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?

Things are complicated

Caius' P.O.V:

As I lifted Dannie's fragile body after she passed out for the second time in 24 hours, I felt a mixture of guilt and releaf that she wouldn't find the truth out, yet.

I ran her up to her bed and then back to the kitchen where the Cullens stood unmoving.

"So you didn't really explain to me why we had to lie to her about this" I stated

"You of all people should know why" Bella snapped.

"What do you mean?" I asked fully aweare of what she was talking about.

"I swear to god, that if you hurt her, you will regret it." Bella said "and if you turn her, you won't even get the chance to regret anything!" I could almost see the venim dripping from her words.

"I swear on Dannie's life that I will never hurt her" I said choosing the wrong words.

"You stay away from her!" Bella yelled

Those five words hurt me more that they should have.

Then the sad truth hit me as if Bella had thrown a tonn of bricks at me, the only way that I could avoid hurting Dannie, and doing something that would have to happen if I was to stay with her. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't let myself ruin Dannie's life. I want her to grow old and live a very forfilling life and even if it ment that I couldn't be apart of it.

"You know what maybe I will" I sighed "I can't let myself hurt her"

It took all of my power to take that first step towards the door, with one last look at Bella who looked shocked and Edward who looked deep in thought.

I left Dannie's door for what I hoped was the last time.
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ok another chapter
i still need another co auther please