So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?

Your Kidding. Right?

I sat down on the recliner, Caius sat on the arm of the couch next to me, watching me as if I was going to freak out and go crazy any minute, Edward sat on the back of the chair lookign as if he knew everything in the world and Bella stood at the archway that we came through leaning on the wall, looking as if she was going to kill someone.

"Ok" Edward started softly, "I'm not sure how to say this in a non-insane way"

"Just tell me" I told him

"Me, Bella, Caius, Carsile, Emmett, Rose, Alice, Jasper, Esme, Aro, Marcus and alot more people are" he took a breath as if bracing himself for the truth "Are vampires"

I looked from Edward to Bella then to Caius. Then I cracked up laughing. How do they expect me to beleave this.

"OK, OK." I said as I stopped laughing and caught my breath "No more mucking aroung I want the truth" I said with a smile still on my face.

I looked at Edward his face wasn't humerous, then I looked at Bella, she looked guilty as she nodded at me, then I looked to Caius who was destroyed.

"Is this why you have to go?" I asked. I didn't care if it was the truth anymore I would let them play this game for a little longer. If Caius had to leave for a reason that he couldn't possibly tell me then i don't want the last thing I say to him be a fight about the truth. Caius nodded. I hugged him. "I'll miss you" I said.

Then I heard Edward mutter something under his breath. Caius looked to him and nodded.

"You best be going" I said sadly

"I'll be back" he assured me. Standing up.

"You better be" I told him as I followed him to the door.

With one more hug he walked out the door and walked off away from me, taking a part of me leaving me empty.
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yep she still doesn't beleive the truth but she doesn't care.