So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?

the click mates

It was a normal school day of me pretending to be something I'm not- well thats what I thought...

I walked into the school ground being ambushed by my "Click Mates".

Ok now I should introduce myself: My name is Dannie. I am a mix of Emo, Goth, Skater, Nerd, Country, Preppy, Bubbly, Drama Queen, Muso, Sporty, Dancer, and so on. But i got put into the "Emo Click" because my stupid school doesn't welcome "Bouncer"- people who have more than one click. I have long dark brown hair with long bangs pulled to the side. I often wear band tops and skinny jeans, good thing I didn't have to change that for the click. I have bright green eyes- (I wear bright green glasses for reading and stuff) I'm not that interesting. Well thats what i thought anyways.

"Hey Dannie." Amber said. Amber wasn't half bad, she was alot like me; she was sort of a mix between Emo and Nerd ,but she chose Emo so she didn't have to be overloaded with homework.But we still aren't friends we talk -but we just don't connect. It's like a conversation with a cashier.

"Hey Amber." I said.

"Hey did you see the new guy?" Gearad asked me.Gearads another not half bad guy. Well half of the Emos are Bouncers, but they stick to Emo and none of them are my friends. I just never hang out with them enough. The up side to being Emo is you can be a total loner without being bothered- other than a couple of remarks from the other clicks that are supposed make everyone's life a living Hell.

"No I just got here."I reminded him.

"Oh ok ,but just so you know he's a total freek." he said "I think he might be shunned."

I sighed. "Every new kid is shunned untill people put them into a click."

"Ok but be careful not to talk to him. We may not talk much but your a good Emo"

"Don't I always?" I said "And thanks I guess."

At that the bell rang and then I went to my locker,then to English.
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ok ihope people like it
thanks to my editer