So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?


When I got there I saw who Gearad meant. He was a freak, but he was so beautiful- but a freak. He was pale, paler than me, he had fair hair that was down to his chin with a side fringe his eyes were freaky blood red and he was mixing clothes of other clicks and not only that- he was a freak, but a beautyful freak

Sadly enough he was next to my assigned seat.

''Oh great' I thought as I sat down ''I'm so shunned.'' I sat there- trying not to look at his freakish beauty.

"Hi." I heard him say.

I turned to glare at him but his freakish beauty stopped me and for some reason I smiled warmly.

"H-h-hi" I said before I could stop myself. ''Crap'' I thought and looked away before I could do any more damage than I already had. I pulled out my glasses and put them on, then started copying from the board.

"My name's Caius." he said leaning in closer.

I looked over to him and I swore he was sniffing me. I looked back to him and shook my head, thinking it was just my mind. I looked back over to him. "Im sorry if I gave you the wrong impresion before, but I really don't want to get shunned so back the hell off!" I said hastily. "Oh and by the way I'm Dannie."

"Nice to meet you Dannie." he smiled

At that I pulled off my glasses.

"Ok bud I don't know if your keen on getting me shunned or if your just stupid either way stop!" I snapped.

"You have beautiful eyes." he smiled.

"Ok seriously enough is-"

"Miss could you please stop talking to the new boy and get on with your work? You can welcome him on your own time." Mr. Hankle cut me off.

"Yes sir." I said.

And I heard Benka,the most popular girl in school say "Some ones shunned- I think it might be Dannie."

"Thanks alot!" I hissed at Caius
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