So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?

Hard Life

English draged on for ages. When the bell finaly rang I got up and ran off to the bathroom but ran into Amber on the way. Gezz word spred fast, probaby from texts

She gave a apolgising look and walked off.

I kept running to the bathroom when I got there I sat in a cubical and cryed.

After about ten minutes I had my expersion under control andI I had cleaned my face.

I went out to my locker. Luckly I had a spare period for that period; so I didnt have to worry about being late.

As I walked upto my locker, I saw the locker next to mine open.

It had always been empty, so it could only mean one thing.

I walked up hoping to ignore him.

As I opened my locker, he looked around the door of his locker to me. He kept staring at me
Untill I snapped.

"Do you mind?!"

"Have you be crying?" he asked sounding concerned

"Whats it to you?" I snapped

Going back to look in my locker, I looked at the small mirror at the back of my locker, and saw that there was no traces of me being crying.

"How did you even know?" I asked still angery at him for getting me shunned, "Or have you been spying on me?"

"You forgot to reaply your make-up," he said

"Well, that still doesnt give you any right to talk to me," I said, "I hate you, because you got me shunned"

"Yes, exactly. I got you shunned. I'm very sorry, but the way I see it, I'm the only person who you can turn to for help. And any way, your better off not being in a click, so you can be yourself"

"How do you know if I'm not myself in my click; that just brings me back to the stalking concusion," I snapped.

"It's all in your eyes," He said, "Every emotion you've been through is in your eyes, I can know all there is to know about you just by looking into you eyes"

I sighed, "My mum used to say my eyes were like the open books to my life. Anyone who really looked into them could know every thing about me," I couldn't continue for the fear of breaking into tears.

"But your mum died when you were 13, and your fathers an alcoholic, who doesnt care about you and you have never had a real friend, other than your mother," he continued.

"You really have been looking," I look at him he nodded.

"Ok I know alot about you but you barly know me," he smile, "My name is Caius, I came here from Italy, I have two brothers back there, and multiple cousens, but we are all very close, I dont really remember my parants, they died a very long time ago, I am 16 years old though, I look like I'm 20 to many people, I'm very outdoorsy, I dont eat that much and my eyes are really red," he told me but it seamed like he was leaving some things out.

"You've had a really bad life not knowing your parants," I said

"Well I had my brothers and cousens there, so we had a suportive group for everyone," he said

"I wish I had something like that," I sighed

"I'll be here for you," he said

"Thanks," I smiled weakly

"No problam," he smiled

"Ok lets go," I said, "Theres a place out of the way, where I usally go when I have a free period, where we can talk"
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