So You're Telling Me You're a Leader of One of the Most Powerful Vampire Clans and You Think You Love Me?

the hunter

caius' pov
it had been an hour and the bell for lunch rang
five minutes later dannie arrived at the shadey spot we always sat at
it was a whole lot harder for me to concetrate with her there i would keep stopping watching her since i could see futher than her
i could see she was very restless she kept opening and closing her phone like she was expecting someone to have text her
after a while i quickly took my phone out and i saw that bella and edward where looking from me to her while i sent the text
when i heard her ringtone i quickly turned my phone to silent just in time
i got her message it said 'wish you were here' since i sent her 'hows your day going'
i sent her 'im closer that you think'
and i got 'how cleshe' and i saw her smile at the massage
after a while i heard edward say "its going to hurt her when he leaves bella"
i looked at edward and bella then back to dannie
"she feels the same way caius" edward said "she just wants you to make the first move she not to sure about how you feel"
i was happy but sad at the same time she loved me but when i leave shes going to be heart broken
then i smelt the hunters scent get stronger and all of a sudden he was only a few meters away from dannie and advanceing
i pounced with out thinking

dannies pov
all of a sudden some guy appeard near me he was vey pail and had black eyes his hair was red and he kept comeing closer
then he was tackled by....caius
they started rolling around looking like a blur all of a sudden edward and bella came
i yelled the first thing that came to mind "CAIUS!"
"bella get dannie away" edward told bella
all of a sudden the blur that was caius stopped and the other guy was gone
"whats going on?" i screamed
then it felt like a robot was tackleing me to the ground then i felt him bite me then he was ripped off and a burning sesation go through my vains slowly the pain was so unbearable i passed out
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yeah two chapters in one day