A New Brand of Redemption.

Bruised Bodies and Sinking Stomachs

Trevor tried to ignore the black bruises that mottled his snow white skin the next morning. But when he took his hospital gown off to change back into his cloths, it was impossible not to stare at the ugly dark marks. They climbed all the way up his stomach and ribcage to cover his chest in unnatural color. Grimacing, Trevor lightly touched a spot near his collarbone that still felt raw. When he did ,Trevor couldn’t help thinking of the reason he had all his bruises.
His fingernails dug into his palms to control his desire to hit something. Trevor tightly shut his eyes and told himself yet again that it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but Megan and the words she’d whispered . When she spoke them, Trevor could hardly believe he wasn’t dreaming, but now he knew the memory was to real to be imagined. So there was a smile on his face when he opened his door and stepped into the hall.
Trevor didn’t even notice the guy waiting for him there until he was asked, “Are you Trevor Freeman?”
“Yes,” he answered as he turned around in surprise.
“I’m Danny Wyler. I’m a police officer and I need to speak with you about Marcus Brody.”
There was a heavy silence and then Danny said, “Marcus was brought to this hospital after he attempted to commit suicide. It seems he did it because he was under the impression he murdered you.”
“Oh my God,” Trevor whispered.
He was to shocked to say anything more. In his head he could hear Marcus screaming, “Is he dead!”
After a minute, Danny said, “I was hoping you would speak with him.”
Trevor thought about it. Maybe he even considered it. But then he remembered who was waiting for him and said, “ I’m sorry but I don’t have time to ease Marcus’ conscience right now. I’m going home.”

Danny Wyler watched Trevor walk away with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. If he had stayed it would be so much easier to convince Marcus he wasn’t a murderer. Now Danny would have to convince him of that fact or he would scare more nurses with his guilt ridden confessions.
Sighing, he turned to go back to Marcus’ room.
Danny really couldn’t blame Trevor for leaving. If he could, he’d was his hands of the situation too. Not for the first time, Danny considered a change in careers.

As soon as he pushed past the hospital exit doors, Trevor flipped his phone open to call Megan. He’d tell her he was coming and then step onto the street corner to hail a cab. Then, as Trevor went to punch in Megan’s number, something occurred to him and he had to choke back an instant surge of bitterness.
Not one message. Not one missed call. He’d been gone half the previous day and the entire night. Has Laura even wondered where he was?
Of course she didn’t, Trevor thought angrily. Why should she? I’m only her son.
“Love you too Mom,” Trevor muttered through clenched teeth as he dialed Megan’s number and waited for the sound of her voice.
When he got her answering machine, Trevor blinked back the brightness in his eyes and said, “I guess you’re still asleep, but if you get this, I’ll see you soon. And…please don’t be mad I left the hospital so early. I’m fine. Really. I just… I need to see you Meg.”

When Marcus heard someone say his name, he jackknifed into a sitting position. Then his gaze flew to the doorway as a single thought speared through him.
They’ve come for me.
But the young man Marcus saw standing across the room was not what he expected. He was thin, almost painfully so, with shaggy dust colored hair and an expression that looked …nervous? He looked like someone who was new to his job and not particularly enjoying it.
He sounded very professional though when he walked forward and said, “Hello. I’m Officer Wyler. I’ve come to talk with you about Trevor Freeman.”

Danny’s body grew tense as he waited for Marcus to scream, cry, and just have an all out panic attack. But he didn’t. His face turned deathly white and his eyes widened in fear, but Marcus didn’t make a sound. He was completely silent as he waited for the axe to fall.
When Danny spoke, he very calmly told him, “ Marcus Brody I have to read you your rights.”
He heard an unintelligible whimper and the words NEVER SHOULD HAVE JOINED THE FORCE bounced back and forth inside his head. Then he clearly recited Marcus’ rights. His eyes were about a foot above the boy’s head as he did it though.
Afterward Danny had to ask, “Do you understand your rights as they have been read to you?” Marcus made another strange noise and Danny muttered, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Then he told him, “I can’t arrest you now for obvious reasons, but it’s my duty to inform you you’ve been charged with several crimes including assault and assisting in the assault-”
Marcus cut him off to finally say something. He asked haltingly, “Wha…What do you mean assault?”
Now comes the screaming, Danny thought as he said, “I mean you didn’t kill Trevor. No one did, because he isn’t dead.”
After he spoke, Danny watched Marcus change. It was almost like he became someone completely different in an instant. All his quiet resignation disappeared as every line in Marcus’ body twisted up with tension. And his eyes…well, they almost didn’t seem human anymore. Because how could a person possibly bear the emotions that swam in their silver depths? How could Marcus stand life inside his own head? Looking at the white bandages on the boy’s wrists, Danny realized that he couldn’t.
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