No Matter Where Life Takes Me To - Simple Plan

Stop calling, stop calling, I don't want to think anymore

I returned to the table opposite Josh.

“Am I scaring you that much?” He teased.

“What?” I asked.

“Aw come on Rox! I dated you for a year, I know you like the back of my hand! Whenever you get nervous or scared, you always run off. Whether it’s for ages and you scare the shit out of everyone or just to the bathroom for a few minutes for a breather.”

Yep that’s me. Always running. You can never run too far. Especially from yourself.

Damn, he really does know me too well.

“I’m just… nervous. Sort of.” I admitted.

“Why?” Josh looked astonished.

“Josh, I’ve cleaned up since I left Chicago, can you say the same?” I asked suddenly, looking him straight in the eye. Josh bit his lip and looked away.

“I tried. I really did. I guess I’m not as strong as you Rox.” He shrugged.

“Huh? Strong? Me?” I scoffed. “Come off it Josh, I let you lead me along like a complete idiot.”

Josh looked hurt, and I felt a twinge of guilt.

“Don’t you see what idiots we were?”

“Don’t you remember how happy we were?” Josh challenged. “Can you honestly say you’re as happy now as you were then? As carefree?”

“Yes.” I replied immediately. “Mostly. You should meet my friends Josh, they’re amazing. They’ve turned my life around completely.”

“Oh yeah?” Josh half-smiled. “Like this David you keep bringing into the conversation?”

“Yep.” I smiled proudly. “He, my brother Pierre, Chuck, Jeff and Seb are in a band touring Canada with Sugar Ray right now. And Pat, he’s gone with them selling merch and helping out. There’s also Julie whose David’s sister, and Alicia who is Pierre’s girlfriend and Darcy, Pat’s girlfriend, and the twins Jack and Nathan, who go to school with me and Alicia.”

“Quite a crowd, huh?” Josh smiled. “I’m pleased for you, sweetie. But Seb… do you mean our Seb? Sebastien Lefebrve?”

“Yep, he’s in Montreal too! He plays guitar for the band.” I explained.

“Wow, it’s like some kind of reunion or something.” Josh laughed, before finishing his coffee. “Look Roxy, I’m not going to muscle into your territory or whatever, okay? I loved this – meeting up with you and having coffee – it was really nice, and it’d be great to do it again. I can understand if you don’t want to though, considering past circumstances. Huh, and I bet Seb’s gunna be really chuffed when you tell him I’m here too.”

I smiled at Josh “Nah. It’s okay. Today was nice. Just… don’t get any ideas, okay Josh? If you’re still up to all your past crap, I don’t want to know. Apart from that, yeah, I’d love to meet up again.”

“Thanks Roxy.” Josh smiled gratefully, giving me a hug. “I really did miss you when you left. I’m sorry for … well... everything.”

“Bye Josh.” I kissed his cheek, before picking up my bag and leaving.


I had just closed my front door when David rang.

“Hey sweetie.”

“You never called me back.” David whined.

“It’s only been an hour!”

“It’s been two hours, twenty three minutes and forty six seconds, actually.” He huffed.

“I’m sorry.” I tried not to laugh.

“And can you tell me why Seb’s running around in a huge temper like someone’s lit a bonfire up his ass?” David asked.

“No.” I lied.

“Well, he’s been in a bad mood ever since you called him.” David replied suspiciously.

“Let me talk to him.” I sighed.

“But I only just got you back on the phone!” David sounded annoyed.

“I’ll talk to you straight after.” I promised.

“Fine.” David sulked, and I heard him yell for Seb.

“Roxy? Is that you? Are you okay?” Seb asked at ninety miles an hour as soon as he had grabbed the phone.

“I’m fine.” I assured him. “I’m at home. We just chatted and drank coffee. Now can you chill out, even David’s noticed your acting weird and I don’t want any of the other’s to find out. Ever.”

“Okay, okay. Thanks for calling. Don’t forget about what I said before. If you ever need me, I’m here.”

“I know. Love you Sebby. Now hand me back to David before I no longer have a boyfriend to call.”

“Oh shut up. Love you. Bye.”

“Oh hello, is that my girlfriend on the phone?” David asked in a I- really-don’t-give-a-shit kinda way.

“Yes it is your girlfriend, ready with a million apologies for cutting you off before, and not calling you again after.” I answered, biting my lip. He really did sound peeved.

“Yeah.” David sighed. “I know you’re sorry. I am too; I didn’t mean to get so pissed. It’s just… I hate being away from you Rox. These phone calls make my day; it’s the only time I get to properly talk to you. I don’t want that to be messed with.”

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“Hey, it’s okay baby girl. Aw, I wish you were here right now.”

“Me too.” I groaned, shutting the door to my bedroom and flopping onto my bed.

“So, tell me what you got up to today?” David asked, obviously making a big effort to try and sound cheerful.

“Well, I met up with an old friend from when I lived in Chicago. He used to be friends with me and Sebastien.”

“Wait, is this why Seb’s been in a foul mood? Did those guys fall out or something?”

Wow, David’s smarter than I give him credit for.

“Sort of.” I replied uncomfortably.

“What happened?” David asked.

“Do we have to talk about this?” I pulled a face that David couldn’t see.

“Yes.” He replied, and I could almost hear the smirk on his face. He’s like a dog that won’t let go of a bone. “Gimme all the juicy gossip.”

“It’s hardly juicy gossip.” I snorted with laughter, before sighing. “No… Me and Josh, we used to date. Sebastien didn’t like him much. End of.”

“Really? You used to date this guy even though Seb didn’t like him?” David replied. “Doesn’t sound like you. He must have been quite a guy if Seb didn’t like him – Seb doesn’t hate anyone!”

I closed my eyes. I didn’t want David to find out about Josh, ever. But if he had to know… he wasn’t finding out more than what he now knows.

“Rox?” David pushed.

“That’s all David.” I said firmly.

“But - ”

“David, leave it, please.” I pleaded.

“Fine.” He sighed. “But if you’re not going to tell me any more juicy gossip, can you at least tell me what to get Pierre for his birthday??”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long, I took a bit of a hiatus from posting on here and Quizilla, but updates will be more regular now :) Also I've started a new Mason Musso (of Metro Station) story on here (it's not posted on Quizilla yet) so feel free to check that out too :D As always, comments are loved <3