Strike Up The Band

Chapter 1

oh crap
my step dad was home. and pissed off. great!
that doesnt sound good. i put my bass down and ran down the stairs so he wouldnt have a chance to get any more pissed off.
"Sit down sweetie" my mum was here aswell, well at least that means he wont be yelling at me. No, thats for when shes at work or out doing something else
"Mum, whats going on?" something wasnt right about this. Mum wassat there looking worried and my step-dad was looking really smug. OH MY GOD! shes pregnant! great! just what i need! his little sprog bawling its eyes out 24/7.
"Your mother and I have something we want to tell you"
♠ ♠ ♠
i know this ones short, but the next one is longer =]
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