Strike Up The Band

Chapter 4

I looked up at the gate. Wow pretty huge. My bags were at my side and the taxi that brought me here from the airport sped off spraying me in muddy puddle water. Great! Thanks so much Mr Taxi Driver!!!
I walked up the driveway towards the main entrance of the school taking in the scene around me. It looked a bit like one of those stately houses. There was a colourfull garden, which freaked me out a bit. Arent boarding schools supposed to be all dull, grey and creepy?
I got to the reception where there was a snobby looking woman with grey hair pinned back so tightly it gave her a scarily surprised look about her.
"Hi, my name is Hallie Bower, im new"
"Well obviously, otherwise i would know exactly who you are now wouldn't i" she replied in a heavy scottish accent. "Take a seat, the headmaster will be with you shortly"
"Well Miss Bower, i've taken a look at your recent reports from your previous school. Everything seems perfectly fine, except for the odd behavioural problem, but im sure that can be sorted in no time." he smiled at me encouragingly. "You appear to be very talented in Music?"
"Errr thanks...." He smiled warmly again
"Now there is what you may refer to as a slight problem with your living arrangements."
"What do you mean sir"
"I think its best you see for yourself. Follow me please"
I walked into my dorm that I was to be sharing with a few people and HOLY CRAP it was HUGE!
How much are the grown ups (Mum and Greg) forking out for this??
"Oh you must be the newbi- HOLY SHIT"
i turned around. Oh you have GOT to be shitting me!!
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i know its a short one....sorry
let me know what you think please :D xx