Strike Up The Band

Chapter 5

"How's it going Sis?" he grinned. What the hell is he doing here? He walked out when everything happened with Dad. He went to live with friends! NOT come to some boarding school!
"Danny, what the fu-"
"-am i doing here? Well, after dad-"
"DONT SAY IT!" i still cant hear it and its been nearly two years. It was just....i shuddered at the thought of it.
He sighed. "Fine I wont say it. SO after the THING happend....happy now? Mother darlings lovely new boyfrie-"
"WHAT?? nevermind we'll get to that bit later. That little arsehole felt that i need to have a REAL education without those friends of mine distracting me w-"
"with their awful music, wrist cutting and substance abuse" i finished for him, laughing my head off
"Thats what he said to you aswell?" he looked shocked
"Word for word......its good to see you little bro!"
"only by TWO MINUTES!" he mock cried poking his tongue out at me
Ok maybe i should explain this a little. Danny Rowe is my twin brother. Yes we do have different last names. He left.....well was sent away just before Mum married the nobhead. When Mum and nobhead (Greg) got married, I was forced to change my last name from Rowe to Bower (Greg's last name)
We sat catching up for the next few hours, until i got a phonecall. One i was NOT looking forward to.
"Hey sweetie, did you arrive ok? How come you didnt say bye when you lef-"
I hung up. I wasnt in the mood for this. She lied to me about my brother, saying they had a massive argument and he walked.
"Was she unconscious on her bed when you left earlier?" he questioned a worried look spread accross his face.
"Yeah.......she was for you aswell wasnt she?" he nodded grimly, then a look crossed our faces.
"Greg" we both stated "What a tosser" then we laughed, despite everything, realising that we were still just the same as always.
Then interupted by another phone call. But this time, one that i was REALLY looking forward to.
"Hey Babe!" i could tell Rick was grinning even though i couldnt see him.
"Heey, how are things?"
"seriuosly dull. i miss you so much"
"i miss you too. hey guess who i've bumped into"
"Billie Joe Armstrong?" he sounded a little more than hopefull
"Tom DeLonge?" still sounding hopefull. I laughed
"No babe. Danny!"
"Your shitting me! Seriously?!" Rick and Danny were best friends before he left, they were like brothers.
"Nope, wanna talk to him?"
"Hell yeah! oh shit....i just realised how that sounds....i love you baby really i do bu-"
"Rick i know," Dannys eyes widened "Ill pass you over now, i love you"

Danny's POV

"Dude you better not be screwing my sis!"
"What exactly would happen if i was?" he sounded nervous, he knows how protective i can get over her
"Just dont hurt her dude"
"Wouldn't dream of it man. So anyway hows it going with you?"
"Good man good, you?"
"Pretty shit man, just lost the love of my life to my best friend who left a few years ago!"
"YOUR CHEAT-.....oh no wait i get it haha! sucks to be you. Why dont you come up and visit sometime?"
"Would love to, no money though"
"I'll pay for it. But, dont tell Hals yet, let it be a surprise"
♠ ♠ ♠
last update for today
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