‹ Prequel: My Little Cheesecake
Sequel: My Little Xmas

My Little Raspberry

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"Oh, oh, wait Brenny. I got a text message."

They stood in the middle of the road and the clock had just passed three in the afternoon. Brendon got a little stressed out by the fact that Gwen had to stop to fetch her cellphone out of her pocket and the traffic lights for those who walked had just turned red. He gripped her shoulders and forced to the other side of the road.

"Could you just have reacted a few seconds later? I don't want us to be roadkill. Whatever, who was it?"

"'meet me at your apartment around 4? you'r gonna be quwtt.' And then those weird eyes she always does when she writes."

"So we've got almost an hour to get you some food. You're getting too skinny, Gee. And we have a mission, and our biggest fear is fan-girls who think I'm so haaawt."

"Don't worry, Bee. I'll protect you from them. I hope I've got enough money on me for this tour on the market."

"I've got some you can lend."

"Thank God I borrowed money from you before you got famous, otherwise I would never accept them."

"Yeah yeah, so what are you having? I noticed the lacking of milk, so I'll just get that for you."

The store seemed oddly empty of people this time of the day. There was nothing Gwen could do about it so she just shrugged and went to reading the headline of today's gossip-magazine. Someone was pregnant, and someone had cheated with some model, the usual stuff. She was already done with her magic, that would say that she'd found the groceries she needed too live, except the milk of course.

"There, I've got it. Have you got a cart? Where am I suppose to put your stuff if you haven't got a cart? I'm not going to do everything around here, honey." He did everything in his power for them to sound like a married couple. He was definitely sick of the supermarket already.

"Here, here's your cart, you blind bastard, or should I call you honey?"

"Oh, nice, and you're done with shopping? I was only away for like five minutes. And yes, dear." She received a kiss on her cheek.

"I suppose my mother taught me something after all. But what do you say about an ice-cream before we go back to my place?"

"Alright, I'm in for it. But just let me... take on my glasses." He tried to look as cool as possible where he stood, posing, in his sunglasses, which was, of course, going to make Gwen die in laughter. "Just come on, let's pay for this shit."

"Let's see, I think I've got enough, so I won't have to take your money this time. Thank you." The young shop assistant handed her the receipt, and seemed to react the same way every girl would in her age if she found a world-wide-known musician before her.

"I'll buy the ice-cream." He decided to take the glasses off.

"It's a motherfucking deal. But we're running out of time here. Are you done?"

"Packed and ready." He was holding the plastic bag with the groceries in his left hand and focused on holding one of Gwen's sleeves with the other.

"Okay, I'll tell you when the coast is clear. No one is coming there, and no one there. So, one, two, three, go go go!"

"Take it easy! Don't push me. It's just around the corner."

"I'm trying to be a little bit fun, so help out just a little?"

"Well, fine, I'll watch behind us, but it's no use, because this is the place.

"Fuck this then, just get me my ice-cream. You're getting me all gloomy and stuff." He was back five minutes later, sitting down opposite her outside of the candy-shop, where they'd been bright enough to spend some money on nice tables and chairs. Gwen and Sammy used to go there all the time after they'd been to the cinema, which was quite often.

"Babe, you can't be angry at me."

"Of course I fucking can."

"Nu-uh, you so can't, because I know I'll always make you happy again no matter what." Gwen tried to focus more on her ice-cream in stead of him sitting there, glaring at her with his eyes wide open.

"I am so not going to have fun tonight."

"That's bullshit. Sammy'll so get you drunk. What's her full name anyway?"

"Samantha. But I can't see how that'll be possible. I don't like beer."

"If that girl is as wild as she looks, anything is possible. And speaking of that girls hair, I don't think she'll be happy if you're late."

"We've got time, but we should go, you're right."

"I'm always right."

Fifteen minutes later they were walking down the street toward her apartment.

"There you are! I've been waiting like... half an hour for you to come home." Sammy was sticking out her head from the apartments window.

"We said around 4, right?!"

"Nooooo, half past three, that's what we said! Just get up here." Gwen snatched her shoulders.

"Y'know, I'm gonna leave you to Sammy, so she can surprise me with what she did to you tonight, okay? Brendon said, digging his hands into his pockets. "I'm gonna catch up with Jonathan soon anyway."

"You're gonna be so sorry for leaving me with her, bitch!"

"Tata, dear, I'll see you later." So, with nothing but a kiss on the cheek he left her to walk up the stairs by herself.

"Come, come, come on in. You're so mine for the rest of the day."

"I hope that means we're going straight to bed?"

"Are you sure you're not gay? Or bisexual?"

"Only when it comes to you, and I think you know it."

"Aw, cutiepie. No, we're not going to bed. I'm gonna make you look good right now." That was kind of what Gwen had expected of Sammy. "Would you prefer the emo-look, or the 'I-want-to-be-pretty'-look?"

"Go all pretty on me. I'm not feeling wild tonight. And you're not getting me drunk either." Sammy was focused on her friends face and took her time to answer all the time.

"I'm just gonna get myself enough drunk to find a pretty emo-boy, emo-girl or even better; both."

"I don't think you'll have a big problem with that with your new hairdo. I'll send every emo-kid I see to you."

"Yay, fucking great. Now, how should we do with your hair?"

"I don't know, just give it some volume."

"I'll get my matrix for that." Gwen glanced at her over her shoulder. "It's like love, I tell you that! My hairdresser gave it to me just before I left."

"You're in love with your hairspray. I really like you sometimes." Sammy smiled as she sprayed and fixed with Gwen's short hair.

"I don't think there's much more I can do to you, because I think you look pretty good now."

"That 'pretty' was kind of rude."

"God, woman, I want your eyelashes, are you happy?"

"I'll manage." Gwen took the mirror Sammy handed her and studied her friends fine work.

"You're giving me a little self-esteem, love, thank you."

"That's nothing. I've got to do myself now, and I'm going to be fucking emo."