Sickly Sophie

Chapter One: Faded Memories

"Sophie it's time to take your medication" an old female nurse speaks.
"Can I go home soon?" asks a tired, palish looking young woman with raven black hair.
"Oh no dear it's not your time just yet" the nurse replies giving her a small plastic cup with tablets inside.
"Oh okay" Sophie nods disappointed.
Sophie walks around with the plastic cup in front of her mouth, tapping at it with her fingers.
She walks over to the window where no one can see her now.
She rips a line of black curtain off and slowly walks off with it.
She slowly makes her way to the tiny store room, sure that the nurses will be forcing her and the other patients to bed soon.

She sits in the middle of the floor in the dark gray room filled with shelves and shelves of pillow cases, blankets, etc.
She sits there for what seems like hours tying the curtain piece around and around her wrist.
She is thinking deeply.
How did she get here?
She hardly remembers how, but she remembers who put her here....that she will never forget.
She lets out a low whimper as she remembers.

Suddenly she hears the huge front doors opening followed by loud aggressive shouting of a familiar voice.
"Sophie Frances! Please I am here to take her home, she does not belong here!!! I''m telling you now please!!!" the voice yells.
Sophie slowly makes her way out of the store room, and to the hall.
She sees him, for the first time in four years....she sees him.
"Trent" she calls loudly running to him.
"Soph" the young man with jet black hair called holding out his arms.

She almost falls into his arms.
"You've come to rescue me haven't you?" she hugging him.
"Of course my love" he smirks.
"I'm sorry but this is against the rules, we believe you might be a threat to her memory. She is not well you will have to understand, this is part of the law now. She is sick, you can't just take her from our care" says a nurse.
"Sophie to bed now!" says another.
"You shut your mouth, she is not a child" he yells back.
"He isn't a threat to me...I love him!" Sophie screams, but as if no one heard her they carry on fighting.

"Please leave until you find a court order that she is mentally well to leave this place" says a nurse before grabbing Sophie away from Trent.
Two more nurses push Trent out slowly saying "We're sorry" and "Its the law".
"Trent don't leave me. Please Trent Trent don't" Sophie calls out.
"I'll be back my darling don't worry. I'll rescue you someday, I love you" he calls out just before the nurses shut the huge hall doors.

"How could you do that? Just turn him away just like that? Your evil pure evil. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!!!" Sophie screams.
"Bed Sophie now!" the nurse screams back,.
Sophie walks slowly to her dark and lonely room.
Just as soon as she gets into bed, another nurse comes in.
Nurse Murphy.
"Well if it isn't the lady of the evening" she laughs.
Sophie sinks down under the covers a little.
"We spotted you haven't taken your medication Sophie, so I'm here to make sure you do take them now" she smiles widely.
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I really hope you guys like it so far.
Its kinda bad.
I know but enjoy!
Please comment thank you!