I've got a secret it's on the tip of my tongue on the back of my lungs

Lame Escape

I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing that I could just turn my back on the world. I was sitting at the top of our staircase, trying to block out the yelling, that was taking place in the kitchen. Why did I get myself in this mess, and now my big brother has been brought into this. It seemed like such a good idea at the time, but I just wasn't strong enough. My poor brother, he was supposed to enjoy his vacation, but instead he had to come home to this mess. As I drowned out their screams , last night's events replayed in my head like a film on the television.

I was so sore, he had done it once again. The tears wouldn't stop falling down as he left me curled uo in a ball on the floor. I was slowly decaying and could no longer take it. I packed my sack and snuck, unnoticed, out the back door. It was a cold night, colder than most, but at that point I was almost numb. I ran as fast and as far as my weak,unsteady legs would take me. Untill finally they gave out, as I collapsed onto the concrete in a park that my brother had played in so many times when we were younger.

I was emotionally and physically drained, laying there fighting the darkness that threatened to slip me into unconciousness. The darkness almost won, when suddenly the howling of sirens sounded in the near distance. I pushed myself , with much effort, off the ground and began my pathetic attemot to run away. I gave up when the patrol car pulled up next to me. I did not put up a fight, simply because I didn't have the energy. I slid into the back of the police car, sinking in to the warmth of the seat. I did not pay much attention to what the officer was saying, for I was more focused on keeping my heavy eyelids open. Before I knew it we were parking infront of my house walking toward the front door. My parents opened the door and put on a fake show. "Oh my God Chelsea, I'm so glad you're okay!!" my mom cooed. Lie. " Yeah youre mother and I were so worried, we thought we lost you" more lies. My father continued, "DOn't ever leave us again CHels." Oh now a threat. They both hugged me with fake sincerity, telling me to go inside, so I sank away from them and found my way to the comfort of the couch, while they continued to talk to the officer in the doorway. I heard a car pull into the drive and then I remembered that the only person who turly cares about me in this cruel world, my brother, was visiting for the week. My happiness subsided to a new fill of guilt in the pit of my stomach as I remember the situation at hand. I knew that this would worry him.

He joined in on the conversation at the door, getting clued in on my mess. He walked past my dad and sat next to me on the couch "Hey sis what happened?" he asked sincerely concerned. I shook my head. "I don' wanna talk 'bout it." I said, tears threatening to escape my glossy eyes. "I-I just couldn't handle my life, so I thought t-the best thing to d-do would be to run aw-away. P-please don' b-be mad at me." I stuttered. He embraced me into a warm conforting hug. The kind of hug that reminded me that he was still there for me. "Chels I;m not mad at you. I am, however a little dissapointed in you. I wish you would tell me what bothers you so muchthat it would prove you to runaway." he stated calmly. I didn't say anything. I could not tell him, I could not tell anyone.

I snapped back to reality as the yelling grew louder "This will be good for her mom, just let her come live with me for a while!!" my brother yelled more or less pleaded. "You live with four other guys, that little skank will fuck all of 'em and wind up getting knocked up or with some STD!!!" "MOTHER!! I can't believe you would say such a thing!!" my brother screamed getting more agitated by the second. "Either she lives with me, or I call child services and tell them that you two are unfit parents, because after last night, it has been made very clear that you are incapable of taking care of her!!" I loved my brother, he just knew they were behind my misery , but luckily he had no idea what they had done, for all he knows they're just rude and neglect me(I wish that was the case) I head my mother mumble "Fine..what do I care, take her, I never wanna see that whore ever again." Although her words hurt me deeply I couldn't help but smile my famoussmile that earned me the name 'Smiles'

I could not believe this, I was going to live with my big brother Curtis and his four friends. I was so excited.- Curtis moved away a year and a half ago and is now living in Sheffield. He and his friends had formed a band and a very talanted one at that. I just knew that they would go far with bring me the horizon.I could not wait to meet his bandmates that he talks about constantly when he phones me. I heard my mother slam the front door and figured that she was off to another bar. I shuffled to my room as Curtis rounded the corner and ran up the stairs. I casually sat on my bed as the door was swung open moments later to a cheerful Curtis. "Hey Curt what's up?" I asked. "Oh Shuddup, I know you were listening" I couldn't fight the smile any longer as my face lit up in pure joy.

"There's the smile I missed. Now what are you waiting for I wanna leave asap. Let's get you packed. He said. I ran up to him and he engulfed me in a hug then pushed me away. "Now come on." he said pulling out a big dufflebag.

A half an hour later we were headed towards his car. I didn't pack much, just the neccesities. To tell you the truth I didn't own that much anyways. It all fit in one giant duffle bag. I got in the passenger side as Curtis sat in the drivers seat turning the key in the ignition. I took one last look at the house, and the past that I was more than willing to leave behind.
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Alright theres the first chapter. Please tell me what you think,if you don't like something feel free to tell me so that I know what to improve next time.