I'm Gone Forever. But, You're Here To Stay.

Im gone forever but your here too stay[oneshot]

Gerard's POV:

How can it be so hard to just let go?.

It's been weeks or should i say months since what happened.
I thought i'd be able to forget, that it wouldn't haunt me everynight. But how wrong was i.

The constant pain and the lack of sleep was taking it's toll on me and i needed to do something to just relax.

Now normally this is where my brother would come in, mikey as i always called him my beautiful brother,the one who always made me smile, who kept me happy.
But now he's dead, and it's all my fault.

If only i'd stayed more alert,payed more attention then he wouldn't be dead.
The doctors said the force of the car crash,killed him almost instantly,so he never actually felt any pain, but that didn't help me.

Everyone keeps telling me it's not my fault, it was the other fucking driver's fault. But in my heart i can't believe that,i still wish i could have saved him.

I look at the clock it's 01:00am i really should sleep i say too myself, mikeys gone and there's nothing i can do about it, other than hate myself till the day that i die.

As soon as i lay my head on my pillow, my eyes begin too close and i fall into darkness.

Mikey's POV:

I hate seeing Gerard this way. He always used to be the strong one of us and now he's weak, he's just giving up. I have to help him before it's to late,before he does something he may regret.

Mikey floats out from the shadows, and sits softly on Gerard's bed, he whispers words that only gerard can hear.

"Gee you've got too carry on for me.
I know you blame yourself, and you have been for along time. But now you've got too stop, i'm not coming back and both of us can't change that fact.
I need you to remember every single happy moment me and you shared from the day we were born.
You still have so much more to live for, a caring family,caring friends a career. I dont want you throwing that away just because of me, im happy now im at peace. And i want you to be happy before i go once again."

As he said his last goodbyes,mikey melted into the shadows of the night.

Gerard's POV:

I wake up to my screaming alarm clock and knock it of the bed side table. The room finally fell silent.
It was a good thing he woke up, he had the weirdest dream of his life.
All he could remember was a picture of mikeys face and the sound of mikey speaking to him, telling him to carry on and just be happy before he goes again.

What did he mean by go again??..it kept spinning in his head.
Maybe it was all just a dream,i shouldn't worry about it, too much.
Because in the end of it all there will be the time for me to go and finally be with mikey again.


A/N: I realise there's a chance i've made some spelling errors, but i've tried to better it as good as i could.
Please review and tell me what you think, it's my first time ever writing a fan ficiton story.

Plus disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Mikey way and Gerard way, this story is not based on anything real, it was made up in my head. so dont sue me i dont have money anyways.