
Just Normal First Impressions.

It was on a daft evening in Liverpool,when Amanda Metcalf stumbled into the pub.Along with her was a young Paul McCartney and John Lennon.

After a nights worth of playing music,they all decided to finish it off with a drink and head back home.

Amanda,or Mandi is what the others called her sat on a stool next to her long time mate,Paul.He shot her a crooked smile from next to her and ordered a round for the three of them.

"So,Mandi.You find any birds to munch on lately"John asked sipping on his ale.Mandi shifted in her seat and glared at him.

"Why don't you get bent,John."She muttered,"I bet I get more birds then you do"

Johns brows flew up and he shot a quick glance to Paul,who was giggling behind her.He mumbled and twisted in his chair facing the bar."So what did you think of our set this evening,Mandi?"

She shrugged,some of her dark hair falling from her shoulders,"It was alright.You guys definitely need a better bass player though."

"And I guess you can play a better bass then?"Lennon cut in,"Stu's the best we have,son.Don't go braggin' about 'im"

"Oh shut up,John.I was just telling Paul what I think"Mandi said,"Besides.You know I can't play bass if my life depended on it"

"You're damn right,woman."John chuckled taking another sip of his ale.Mandi smirked and lit up a quick ciggy,catching Paul's eye.He just shook his head and let out a low sigh.He never really understood Mandi's and John's relationship.First they'd be best friends,then worst enemy's,then go on to be best friends again.Mandi was considered to be like a time bomb,you press the wrong button,and she can do some damage.

"So what are you doin' tomorrow?"Paul asked.

"Nothin' much Paulie.You askin' me on a date,mate?"John giggled.Paul blushed and dunked his head on the table."Oh come off it,son.It was just a joke."

Mandi giggled and rubbed Paul's back apologetically,"I don't think he likes that to much John."She passed him the smoke and grabbed Paul's hand,"C'm'ead lad,lets go outside for some air.."

"What the 'ell.You two leaving me in here by meself?"John gasped.Mandi shot him a look over her shoulder before continuing out of the pub with Paul.Once they hit the cool air,they both collapsed against the brick wall breathing a heavy sigh.

"Whats on yer mind,Paulie?"She asked.He sighed and looked at her; he still couldn't believe a woman like her,so beautiful and independent could never love him.Didn't even think of him as something more cause she was attracted to her same sex.When he found out about her liking birds,he was in the middle of kissing her,telling her how he felt when she broke the news to him.He didn't call her or see her for about a week;it was wrong in his eyes to be a poof let alone a fairy.

"Ah,nothin' Mands.I'm kinda curious about somethin' "He shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Like what?"She asked.

He shrugged,"I don't know if I can tell you here,we're in public"

Mandi looked around and noticed no one around them,"Can I come over later..so we can talk?"Paul asked.Mandi nodded and stepped closer to him.

"At least tell me what it's about mate"She whispered.Paul jiggled nervously; a sudden blush appearing on his flushed cheeks.

"It's about....."

"Oi,Mandi.Paul.Get in 'ere,you gotta see this bird."John bursted out of the bar and stood wide eyed in front of the two of them.

"What are you on about John"Mandi sighed.

"There's this bird in here,I'm tellin' yeah.Big tits and fuck.Come on"He grabbed her hand and tugged her inside.Paul sighed and lent against the brick wall before traveling inside with John and Mandi.

They both stood at the bar,side by side gazing across the room.Paul's eyes traveled to the beautiful blond sitting across the room,rack hanging out of her shirt.By what he could see,both Mandi and John were gawking at the lass.

Paul would too,but something was plaguing him.His curiosity got the best of him that night while Mandi was off ogling that large boosemed bird.She took off in the middle of the night and sat next to the young bird leaving John and Paul to themselves.John would constantly mutter 'fuckin' fairy' underneath his breath and look over at her.

Paul chuckled and shook his head,"Why the hell do we hang out with her?"John asked,"She steals all the fuckin' girls" Paul glanced over his shoulder and noticed the two girls tangled up in each others arms.

"Wanna get goin'?"Paul asked looking to John.

"We're just gonna leave Mandi here?"

"Yeah.She's comin' over to my place later anyways.."

"Alright"John finished the rest of his pint and stood from the stool,"Ta'ra Mandi"She lifted her head and noticed the two walking out of the bar,and shot them the finger.John giggled and pushed Paul out of the bar quickly."I think I'm gonna go back to Aunt Mimi's tonight.."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah.I've been stayin' at yer place for quite a while.Might as well surprise the old bat,y'think?"John asked.Paul shrugged.

"I guess so,mate.I guess I'll see you tomorrow then,yeah?"John nodded and went his own way walking down the street.Paul paused for a moment and turned on his heel,watching the young lad walk away from him.He sighed and continued walking home.
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