
Ain't She Sweet?

Two days later.

Paul finally found his way out of the house and towards Mandi's place.He hadn't visited nor talked to her since he last saw her two days ago,helping put John on the sofa.Then again,he hadn't spoken to John for the same amount of time neither.

He sped up his pace until he was standing in front of the building.Paul swallowed and began walking towards the entrance,stopping suddenly to grab a couple daisies poking from the garden.

Paul stood up straight slicking his hair back and continued on into the building.He made his way up the staircase,pausing to stare at the spot in which him and John had been laying the previous nights ago.

He couldn't help the smile toy on his lips remembering the occurrence and how drunk off they're asses they both were.But in the end,John hadn't gotten angry with him and Paul hadn't gotten angry with John.His goodbye kiss killed all the haunt less thoughts Paul had in his mind.

Paul knocked on the door twice until it opened.Mandi peered through the crease of the doorway."What do you want?"

Paul licked his lips,"Hey Mands.What are you up to today?"

"Cleanin'.Packing."She muttered dropping her gaze to the ground.

"Oh."Paul replied,"Can I come in?"

She nodded and stepped away for him.Paul thanked her and walked inside,slipping his shoes off at the door.Mandi shut the door behind them and walked into the living area,grabbing a bag and several other items before walking into her room.Paul watched her then continued to follow her.

"Anythin' wrong?"He asked leaning against the door frame.Mandi huffed and threw everything in her hands onto the bed.

"I don't know.You tell me.."She said.She sat down on the bed and turned to face him,crossing each leg under the other.Paul shyed away and felt suddenly embarrassed under the weight of her eyes watching him.He shifted awkwardly.

"Well.."He smiled a bit and showed her the daises he had picked for her,"I brought you some flowers.."

"To make up for what?"She asked.

He cleared his throat,"Nothin' luv.Just for...helpin' me out I guess"

"Oh."She whispered and patted the spot next to her,"Come sit with me,Paul"

Paul hesitated but moved toward the spot her hand occupied,before sitting next to her.She lazily layed her head on his shoulder and stared down at the comforters.Paul wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently rocked the two of them,"When do you guys leave for Hamburg?"

"A week most likely.."Mandi cursed."Why,luv?"

"Cos.I'm leavin' before then.My cousin's comin' to pick me up this weekend.."

Paul's chest grew tight,"Oh.Do you have to?"

Mandi sighed and ran a shaky hand through her hair,"Yeah,kind of."She watched Paul's gaze drop to the sheets below the two of them,"I need a job Paul.I can't just sit around this place,goin' to pubs every night getting smashed of me face,mate.I need a life too"

"Come to Hamburg with us.."He replied lowly.She shook her head.

"I can't.I could visit you guys in Hamburg,keep in touch and stuff."She chewed on her bottom lip and slipped away from Paul's embrace,"Besides,I don't think the idears very good.You and John need some time together without me in the mix.Where the hell is the twit anyways?"

Paul shrugged his shoulders,"Haven't seen 'im for two days."

Mandi squinted her eyes and shifted closer to Paul,placing a hand on his,"He'll come 'round eventually.Now tell me ,what happened."

Paul sighed and averted his gaze from her,staring down at his hands.He hesitated to speak and spill,just incase she thought it was weird or uncomfortable."You promise not to tell?"

Mandi chuckled,"Who am I gonna tell Paul,seriously?"

His face flushed crimson.The palm of his hands began to sweat as the words spilled from his mouth,"H-He--blewmeoff.."

Paul slowly looked up at Mandi,hoping that she hadn't heard him.But the look on her face,made him take it all back.She smiled widely,"He did what to you?"She asked.Paul was about to speak once again but Mandi quickly cut him off,"Shurrup.Seriously,Paul.He blew you off mate.Thats--Wow.What."

Paul smiled shyly and let out a low chuckle,"I know,right."

"You dog.You jump from a kiss to lettin' him wank you.Sweet Jesus"Mandi fell back on the bed laughing.Paul couldn't help but laughing at the situation himself.It was all so surreal.Mandi cleared her throat and sat up,"So.Did you like it?"

"At the time,I was drunk.But I do remember likin' it very much,yes."

She shook her hand and jumped off the bed,"Man.Are you serious.I gotta call John.."

"NO"Paul gasped dashing from the bed and running over to her.Mandi giggled and dodged his arms that threatened to hold her back,and run into the next room.Paul huffed and followed her;his eyes grew wide when he witnessed her pick up the phone and hold it to her ear,"Mandi,please,god.No!"

"Why?"She giggled.Paul quickly snatched the phone away from her and placed his hand on top of the numbers.Her laughter died down as she tried to reach for the phone,"Gimme it back Paul.Whats the problem anyways,I'm sure John knows about it!"

"Thats not the problem,Mands.."He said shoving the phone higher out of her reach.She groaned and flopped down on the sofa with her arms crossed at her chest.Paul sighed and placed the phone down on the table,taking a seat next to her,"I'm sure John doesn't want to hear about it.S'all I'm sayin' "

Mandi chewed on her lower lip and tossed him a suspicious look,"I really don't get it,Paul.You came here,well.You quite didn't make it here,but you got comfortable in my stairwell and let John blow you off?"

Paul cleared his throat,fumbling with his tie,"Well-Thats not the whole story,Mands."

"Well.Tell me"She turned to face him,hands placed in her lap waiting anxiously.

"Ugh-Well.Y'see.We were kind of drunk and John decided to come back 'ere,not me.I knew we weren't suppose to be here plastered.But he decided to come anyways."He paused,"Well.We kind of did make it up here,y'see.The door was opened and everythin' and John pushed his way inside......."

Mandi's eyebrows perked up,"What were you guys doin' in here?"

"I donno,Mands.We didn't know what we were doin'"

Mandi swallowed and stood to her feet,"Anythin' else you do in here?"

"We climbed the pole and saw what you and yer lady friend were doin' in the bedroom."Paul bit his lip from letting it slip out,but he knew she'd be pissed off at the two of them.He smiled sweetly and shook his head."S'all,Mands.I promise."

She looked at him weirdly before nodding his head.She turned around and made her way into the bedroom to continue packing.Paul followed behind,watching her grab the bag from the bed,"Need help?"


Paul sighed and grabbed the bag from her,"Y'know what.Go lay down and relax.No-Wait.Go take a shower and relax.I'll clean and make you some dinner.."

Mandi cocked her brow,"What for?"

Paul smiled and ushered her towards the 'loo,"Cause Mandi,M'dear.Todays the first day you're gonna be treatin' like a lady."

She laughed and paused in the doorway,turning to face him,"But Paul.What if I don't want to be treatin' like a lady today!"

"You are.And what about the other 364 Days in the year,hm.Yer not one of those transvestite lookers are yeh?"


"Good choice,"He giggled and pecked her cheek,"Yer too pretty to be one anyways,now go on."

She scowled and shut the door in his face.Paul smirked triumphantly and scanned the room before picking up several items off the ground.He didn't really know what she wanted pack,so he left the bag on the bed for her and continued into the kitchen.He searched through her cupboards,pulling out some canned soup,"This will do"

He filled the pot up with water then dumped the remains of the can inside,sitting down at the table waiting for it to heat up.In the midst of waiting,he heard the front door click open and shut."Mandi?"

Paul slowly rose to his feet and tiptoed to the hallway,to find no one lingering about.The door was still unlocked and Mandi's shoes were still at the doorway.He cocked his brow and walked down the narrow hallway towards her room.He grabbed a nearby pillow off the sofa quickly before pushing the door opened slowly,"Man--"


Paul screamed and whipped the pillow in the direction of the voice.His heart pounded through his chest as his blurred vision came too,to see John doubled over laughing on the ground.He gasped for breath."You fucker!"Paul said.

"Oh--god,Paulie"John gasped getting up on all fours,"You should've seen yer face!"He bursted into another round of giggle fits.Paul rolled his eyes and stared at his face grow from pale to cherry red.

"Oh fuck off"Paul spat walking over to the bed and flopping down.John straightened himself up and wiped the tears from his eyes.A minute later the bathroom door opened and Mandi stepped out,refreshed with a towel wrapped around her.

"Oh."She stopped when she noticed John standing in the room,"Hey John."She shot him a wink and looked in Paul's direction.Paul groaned and shoved the pillow in his face,"What brings you here?"

Mandi searched through her dresser,taking out some jeans and a white shirt,"Nuttin' much.Been 'round the neighbor hood and I had the sense you were in the shower so I thought I'd stop by"

"Oh really?"She said grabbing her clothes and walking over to him,"Well,you missed it.I'm half way dressed.."

He cocked his brows,"Half-way,luv.We can work on the other half.."

Mandi rolled her eyes and looked at Paul,who was peeking underneath the pillow at the two of them."Sorry John,not yer type."She began walking away from him but stopped,shoving her nose in the air,"Whats burning?"

Paul's eyes flew open,"Shite! The soup!"

He climbed from the bed and dashed out of the room.John turned to Mandi with a weird expression,"I didn't know soup could burn,did you?"

Mandi just shook her shoulders and continued into the washroom.