
Hello Goodbye

The weekend came quickly and soon Mandi was standing on the step of her building,bidding both John and Paul goodbyes.The boys stood on either side of her dressed in their natural 'teddy' attire,soon to leave for Hamburg aswell.

As the car horn honked,Paul swooped her up into a long hug,"I'm gonna miss you,Mands."

She chuckled and hugged him closer to her,"S'Not like I'm not comin' back,Paul."

"I know,Paul.Time to cut the chord,lad."John snickered from behind him.Paul didn't care what both of them had to say,he held onto her tighter and pulled away from her,but not letting go.

"You'll visit us,yeah?"

"Of course."Mandi replied with a mischievous glint in her eye.She leaned closer to Paul so her lips and breath hit the edge of his ear.Paul sucked in a breath and shuddered,"Take care of John for me,Paulie."

He smirked and glanced towards John.He seemed distant and out of the moment not to realize that she had mentioned him.

Paul nodded and leaned in towards her ear,"I will.And thank you."He whispered.

Mandi pulled away with a smile.Over the past few days it was just her and him,together in the flat talking constantly about the whole 'John Paul predicament'.He wanted to know more about this 'same sex' feeling and she told him. She remembered the detailed expression that passed his face when she mentioned the possibility of John's feelings towards him. But she couldn't quite put her finger on what he was actually thinking.

But what she feared for both of her friends,was that they'd be treated the same as her.If John and Paul did actually lay down they're feelings for one other,see each other and be seen with each other; some people wouldn't allow it.

Mandi's stomach curdled at the thought of picturing her two mates be beaten and bruised like she was.All that for being different from everybody else; you get punished and rejected,alienated and left out.Hurt and abused.

She knew that one can't control whom they loved; but as it seems,love comes with a price.

Mandi watched Paul slip away from her grasp and step aside.John murmured something and stepped up in front of her.She was actually surprised that he'd even remember her leaving at all.

"I can't believe yer ditchin' Hamburg for London."John muttered.His expression was unreadable,plain and full of different emotions that one couldn't read.Unless you knew John Lennon.He was an extremely hard person to read at sometimes,but often his wit and humor would get in the way of trying to understand him.

"I'm sure you lads will live without me."Mandi said pulling him into a hug.They both sighed and basked in the moment.Mandi shifted awkwardly,running her hand down the fabric of his leather jacket before inching her face towards his ear,"Can you do me a favor?"


"Tell Paulie how you feel 'bout him."Mandi whispered.She knew Paul was a couple steps away,but he certainly wasn't deaf and he didn't blank out as easily as John did."He'd appreciate it."

John tensed up and pulled away from her,so they're faces lingered close.He glanced over to Paul who had a heavy fixation on the two.He twisted awkwardly under the younger mans stare and turned back to Mandi,"I will."

"You better.I want to know some details when I come visit you twit,y'hear?"

John rolled his eyes and let his arms fall to his sides,"Yes Mummy."

The car horn honked again; Mandi's cousin called for her through the open window.Mandi sighed deeply and picked up her suitcase filled with clothes and other items,"Well,lads.I guess I should be off."

"Aw,don't go Mands."Paul moaned as the two of them followed her to the car.

"It has to be done,Paul."She said throwing the suitcase into the trunk,"Besides.You two have each other.And tell George I said Thanks.The fuckin' poofter doesn't even show up to say bye."

Both John and Paul chuckled.John hesitated at first then wrapped a arm around Paul's shoulder; feeling him tense under his touch."Don't worry Mands.I'll watch out fer ole Paulie here."

"Ughh."Paul moaned,slapping his own forehead.Mandi paused as a smile spread across her face.She walked up to the two,kissing both of they're cheeks.

"You guys have fun in Hamburg.I'll visit,I promise."She said turning away and slipping into the car.John pulled his arm off of Paul's shoulders and stuffed them into his pockets.Paul shakily ran a slick hand through his hair.

Mandi quickly rolled down the window and poked her head out,"Oh.And before I go,I haffta tell you to somethin' thats been killing me to spill.."

"Better be important,I've got places to be"John muttered.

Mandi rolled her eyes,"Ah,the smart tart Lennon actually has friends.News to me."

"Thank god she's leaving.Don't have to hear her mouth for another couple of months.."

"Oh you'll miss me you twit.No shurrup!"

Paul chuckled and shook his head,"Go on Mands."

She smiled,"I just wanted to say.And it's true.That I think you two would make the cutest couple in Liddypool."Both of the mens jaws dropped,"Seriously.Try for it,I can see the undying love between the two of you,and y'never know..I mean,look what happened a couple days ag.."

"Shut yer gob,Amanda!"John spat.Mandi giggled and slipped back into the car.

"I love you too,John!"She said as the car slowly pulled away from a fuming John and a flustered and embarrassed Paul.His face was rosy red in the cheeks and a pool of sweat was thick on the palms of his hands.

"What a fuckin'.."

"Oh shurrup,John.She was only jokin' mate.Don't let her get to you; you always seem to do that!"Paul cut in.John huffed and turned to walk back down the street.Paul stood there watching the car disappear down the street then followed behind John."So whats new now?"

"Hamburg.Thats about it."John said.


"Oh?"John asked stopping in his steps,"What.Did you honestly think there was somethin' else to do; did ye want to take what Mandi said and play it out?"

"No,John.It's not what I me--"

"Sod off."He pulled out a smoke and quickly lit it.Paul sulked and averted his gaze to the ground.John fumed and paced the cement fiercely,"That twits gonna hold it against us for the rest of our lives,I hope you know this.."

"I do.But it doesn't bother me,John."

"Why doesn't it?"

"Because.I--"Paul paused for a moment,searching for the right words,"I don't let her get to me,mate.S'all."

John stopped pacing and studied his friend for the longest time.His rough exterior broke and his face softened.He took a long drag of his smoke and tossed it to the ground.He shoved his cold pale hands into his pockets and nodded for Paul to follow him.

It was awkward,but in reality,both of them liked each others company.John just couldn't quite understand why Paul would keep up with his antics; if he were in his position,he'd of been gone a long time ago.But there was that certain connection between the two of them,that nobody could barely understand.It was different then him and Stu; and that was going beyond everything since Stu was his best mate.

Paul just had something to him that attracted John.

John looked to the cloudy sky and became miserable,"That'll be the fuckin' day when Liverpool sees the sun.."

"What?"Paul asked.

"Nothin'."John said shaking his head.He looked to Paul and smiled,"Just bitchin' about Liddypool and lack of sun.I kinda forget what a sun is to tell ye the truth."

"Oh yeah,lack of sun here.Definitely."Paul mumbled.John nodded as they continued they're little walk.

"So--Are you gonna join me for a practice?"John asked.

"For what?"

John snickered and shoved his younger mate off the cement,stumbling over the curb into the street,"For Hamburg,whaddya think for?"

"Oh yea.Sure."