
You've Really Got A Hold On Me

The days slowly passed with performances and late night acquaintances. After the occurrence at the dock, both John and Paul found themselves trapped inside the pub aching for a piece of freedom. The little time they did spend with each other was either with the others or early in the morning after a night of sex, drugs and music.

That night, however, after their set was over with, John quickly put his guitar down on the stage and ushered Paul out of the pub. He bidded the others, whom shot him weird looks from the stage, a salute and muttered about ‘band business’.

It was raining lightly when the boys hit the cement. Paul’s flustered face was still red from performing and he struggled to catch his breath. John hurriedly tugged on his arm down the street, often looking back to see if anyone was following them. Paul groaned.

“Where we goin’ Johnny?”Paul gasped suddenly coming to a halt. He bent over and leaned on his knees for support. John stopped walking, noticing Paul a couple steps behind him.He watched Paul’s doubled over form take deep breaths from his mouth and stand up straight.

“C’m ead, Paul.This is our only chance to get out before the others notice.”John replied. He took Paul’s hand and entwined his long fingers with Paul’s. He swallowed hard and nodded.”You got a ciggie?”

“Yeah.”Paul replied taking a cigarette from his pocket. He quickly lit it up with a match, watching the puff of smoke float through the air before him. He sighed and passed the smoke off to John who was watching him with a mischievous glint in his eye. Paul swallowed, “What?”

“Nothin’.”John replied and took the ciggie. They both began walking down the street quickly. Paul began to feel paranoid at John’s urgance, looking around him at people walking by to the hookers standing in the doorways of some buildings.

“John. Where we goin’? You’re actin’ a bit strange.”

“I just wanna show you somethin’, Paul.Hurry up!”John ushered gripping Paul’s hand tighter. Paul twitched as his gaze looked ahead and dropped to their hands entwined with each other. A sudden knot of excitement began to build in the pit of his stomach at the urgency of John’s voice and how he tugged him along the streets, through massive puddles and away from the prying eyes of the people.

“We there yet?”Paul complained.

“Shut yer gob, Macca.”John snapped and came to a halt outside of small furnished store.Paul sighed and wiped the sweat from his brow as John turned and scanned the store they had come to stand in front of.”See.Ain’t it somethin’ Paul? We can get alot from ‘ere, mate!Especially with the quid we’ve been saving to buy some guitars.”

“What’re you on about, John? What is this place?”Paul asked looking over the dimly lit store. His eyes scanned the top where a white and orange sign dangled by pullies over their heads.

“Paul Hundertmark's.”He mumbled and sneaked a look at John. “What is this place?”

“Come take a look!”John said pulling Paul by the scruff of his shirt towards the window. He took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped a clear circle before gazing into the window along with Paul, “See in there, mate! I was walkin’ the other day and noticed the place. He makes some fine leather and boots, y’know.We could sport ‘em and give the lad a couple pounds for it.”

“Leather and boots, John?”Paul asked as he pulled away from the window. His eyes crossed and stared at some left over dust that was left on his nose from the window. John smirked and brushed his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. Paul thanked him, “Don’t you think it’ll be kind of hot performin’ in that kind of stuff?”

John shrugged and leaned against the window, “I don’t care. It’s about the music innit? Besides, I’m sure as soon as people see a couple of scruff’s in some leather; they’re bound to love us, especially the gals.”

Paul smirked and took another look inside the window, cupping both sides of his head. John fidgeted and leaned in closer to him, brushing his hand across Paul’s lower back, wrapping around his hip.

“What do you think, Paul? Good idea?”He whispered. Paul pulled away and shivered at how close he was. His touch and breath flowed deliciously across his lips; it was enticing and exciting. Paul licked his lips and nodded.

“I think it’s a smashing idea, Johnny.”Paul replied leaning in and brushing his lips against John’s. He moaned lowly as Paul pulled away with a cocky smirk toying on his lips, “Besides, I’m excited to see you in some leather, mate.See how it fits yeh.”

“You’re not as excited as I am, Paul.You have no idea, son.”John mumbled as he leaned in and nibbled the side of Paul’s neck. He swallowed down and looked around quickly to avoid being caught. But the sensation of John’s lips took over the paranoia and swallowed him into a whole other world of bliss. His lips inched up the side of his neck swiftly, sucking and licking at Paul’s tender flesh.

He moaned lowly and buckled against the side of the window as John pushed himself in front of him. With each of John’s arms nestled on both sides of him, Paul was trapped within the little space that John provided for him.

“Johnny?”Paul gasped.

“Mmmm.”John groaned, lips traveling to Paul’s jaw line, across his chin and brushing against his lips. Paul took John’s lips needily, greedily and fiercely. He moaned loudly and found the feeling dropping to the pit of his stomach. “Paul...”

John brushed himself against Paul’s thigh, rubbing the erection that had presented itself through his tight trousers. Paul gasped and pulled away from John, to take several gasps of air. His eyes sealed tightly feeling John’s lips linger back down his neck.

Paul groaned again, feeling his trousers shrink and his cheeks began to burn. His eyes slowly fluttered open and looked about their surroundings. They were standing in the suburbs of Hamburg, a well known place for violence and drugs; and they were standing there, snoggin’ each other’s faces off.

“John.”Paul said calmly.

“Mmm, what Paul?”John mumbled laying soft kisses to his neck. Paul sighed and gripped John’s shoulders, slowly pushing him away.”What’s that for? I bring you ‘ere and you push me away?”

“It’s not that John. I want you but I can’t—do it ‘ere, y’know?”Paul said looking around them. John did the same and took a heavy breath. He ran a slick hand through his hair and stared at Paul. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

“What do you reckon we do then?”John asked fidgeting with his pants, “This isn’t gonna go away by itself, y’know?”

Paul chewed on his lip as a thought slipped past his mind. “Eh, John.You remember that pub Mandi always use to go to? She always use to bug us to go along with her?”

“I donno what you’re talkin’ about.”John said lighting a fag.Paul twisted his lip in thought. He was sure he could remember it, but for certain, he knew it was a pub for poofters, trannies and the sort. While Paul was deep in thought, John took a long drag of the smoke, “Ah.I think I know which pub you’re talkin’ about, Paulie.The tranny pub a couple blocks up?”

“Yeah! That one!”He yelped snapping his fingers, “I think it was called Mon-Monka’s? Monika’s bar?”

“That’s the one!”John said.”You wanna go there?”

Paul shrugged his shoulders, “Just to check it out, y’know? See what the big fuss was for Mandi.”

John smirked and tossed the ciggie to the ground. He nodded towards Paul to follow him,”C’m ead yee old devil. Let’s go check ‘er out.”

“It should be around here somewhere. Or that’s what I remember...”Paul said looking both ways down the streets, “I remember there being a staircase leading down into the pu—“

“There it is, Paul!”John said pointing to the sign that read Monika’s on the swinging sign that sat a couple feet over a large man leaning against the railings of the stairs. John and Paul watched amusingly as the man stumbled half drunk with a bottle in his hand and trip over the cement and land face first. It caused an amount of giggles to escape both of their mouths as they crossed the street to the other side.

“Eh, you okay there, mister?”John asked hovering over the man’s life-less form. John looked to Paul, whom shrugged. John gave him a shove with the toe of his boot and found no reaction, “Mister?”

“Is he dead?”Paul asked. John shrugged and bent down to take the bottle from the man’s closed fist.

“I donno.But the lad sure knows how to dock it back! Some hard ale ‘ere, no wonder the lads face first on the cement.”John teased poking the man in the arm. Paul rolled his eyes and grabbed John’s arm, “What’re you doin’?”

“He’s not dead, John.He’s passed out. Come on, let’s go.”Paul said pulling John away from the man. “I’m sure somebody will realize him out there sooner or later...”

“Paulie.Have you forgotten where we are? Hamburg for fucksakes, nobody cares around ‘ere.”John replied as both of them walked into the pub. They’re conversation slowly faded as they inched their way into the pub, avoiding the people they passed and heading for a single booth in the corner of the room. Paul sniffed the air and covered his nose reluctantly, smelling a fond stench.

“Aw, poor Paul can’t handle the smell of a tranny pub but the living condition of a Jap restaurant?”John teased.

“Oh, sod off, John.I’ve gotten use to sleepin’ in that bunk and that smell since we got ‘ere. It’s just this stench is off a bit...”Paul muttered gazing around the pub. Several sailors sat at the bar, not more than five at the least. A maximum of three women were along with them or what seemed to look like a woman. Paul averted his gaze from across the room to land on the main act that was on stage.

“Well. You got your answer Paul. Amanda was a sick and twisted twit.”John muttered, spilling the smoke from his mouth with each word. He dabbed the smoke into the tray and tossed Paul a look. Paul cocked his brow and stared at him curiously.

“Cor, how?”He asked.

John smirked; his eyes traveling to the act on stage back to Paul. Paul knew what was going on; he knew there was two guys on stage, one dressed in drag and the other just a normal looking lad. One sat in the chair, center stage as the other one performed the sexual act on him. Paul swallowed down hard, feeling his cheeks turn a blood shade of red.

“You blushin’ Paul?”John asked.

Paul sunk his head further into his shoulder, blocking out John’s mysterious stares and the moans coming from the stage. He heard the chair across from him screech against the floor and shuffle to sit next to him.

“You wanted to come ‘ere, Paulie.”John whispered in his ear. Paul sighed and pulled his head from his shoulder to stare at John.

“I did.”He replied honestly, “But what are you gonna do about it?”

John smirked and stood to his feet. He offered Paul his hand, taking it and leading him off towards the back of the room. In the darkness, John searched quickly for the lavvy’s, coming to a halt and pushing the door open quickly.

Paul’s face scrunched up in disgust as he looked around the gutted looking lavatory, “Yuck.”

John closed the door behind them and made sure it was locked. He turned around and faced Paul who was staring back at him. Sweat began to form on the palms of his hands and that sudden jolt of excitement twisted within his stomach. He slowly backed against the wall seeing John advance towards him slowly.

Paul breathed heavily and placed a shaky hand between the both of them, “John. What do you plan on doin’?”

John pushed his lips against Paul’s softly, feeling the young man’s hand run up his side to tangle within his light brown hair. John sighed against Paul’s lips and kissed him harder, putting all of his feelings and passion into it. Paul’s knees began to grow weak feeling the amount of passion flowing through his body; it was like a bliss overdose that he had just experienced for the first time.

Paul pulled away from John, feeling the heat sink from his cheeks down to the pit of his stomach. His hips automatically jerked towards John, rubbing up against his own thick erection bulging from his pants.

John grunted loudly and began moving his hips along with Paul’s. He nuzzled his face back into Paul’s neck, nibbling and sucking all the way up to the lobe of his ear.

Paul groaned and buckled his hips, “Mmm, Johnny.”

“Paulie...”John gasped. His hands lingered down to Paul’s hips and gripped them tightly, “Please let me...”

John let out another groan as he felt the pressure within his pants grow tighter and tighter until he was on the verge of exploding. Paul gasped and leaned his head back against the wall. A pool of sweat trickled down his forehead ending at his brow. He watched John through half shut eyes work himself up, using his body against him.

“John. I don’t think...I-I’m ready for it.”Paul grunted. He tensed against John, feeling the orgasm hit him and nearly sent him crumbling to the ground before John could grasp him.

“Mmmm.God.”Paul gasped breathing heavily against the wall. John watched Paul, as his eyes fluttered closed and a look of pure satisfaction dance across the young boys face.He leaned in and brushed his lips against Paul’s, letting his hand linger down to the wet spot in his trousers.

“It’s a nice sight seein’ you come, Paulie.”John whispered. Paul let his eyes flutter open.

“It’d be even better to see you, Johnny.”Paul whispered huskily into his lips. He kissed him sloppily and backed John towards the dirty toliet, where he took a seat. His lips never left John’s as his hands fumbled with John’s belt buckle. Paul’s hands began to shake nervously, fearing the sudden jolt of adrenaline that flowed through his system. He wasn’t good at this sort of stuff, could he even do it?

He pulled down John’s trousers and stole a look at John from above, looking down at him intently. John chewed on his lip and ran his soft hand along Paul’s cheek, “I know you don’t know what you’re doin’ Paul. You don’t have to do this...”

Paul swallowed down hard and ignored the words that John was saying. He wanted to show how much John meant to him, not just as a partner or a friend, but an actual lover.

Paul gasped at the length of him and wasting no time, he wrapped his slim fingers around John’s shaft and proceed to show him, how much it meant.

A while later, both John and Paul walked back into the Top Ten sneaking looks at each other secretively. The pub was no longer filled with the civilians but with drunks and whores from the streets.

“There you two are!” A voice came from behind them. George walked up beside them and eyed the two curiously, “Where’ve you been? You left Pete and I do pack the instruments all by ourselves, y’know?”

“Sorry, mate.”John said clasping his shoulder,”Paulie and I decided that we needed a good row, y’know.”

John looked at Paul secretly, causing a smirk to toy on Paul’s lips and a sudden blush to appear on his cheeks. George looked between the two and eyed them suspiciously.

“Alright.Well-We have some birds ‘ere. They’ve been waitin’ on the two of you.”George spat glaring over at the table where Pete sat with a couple of girls, “But now you’re here.”

“We’re here.”Paul mumbled lowly feeling his stomach turn all of a sudden. He followed the others towards the table, his eyes landing on a particular girl looking at him. She wasn’t all too bad, but what worried Paul was if her caked face would fall off in the heat of a good shag. He shuddered and thought about John standing next to him throughout all of this.About the good wank he had given him earlier, his first ever wank he had given anyone, and it had to be John.
Next Day..

“I don’t think so, John.”Paul muttered stepping into the leathers and buttoning them at the waist. He twisted around, looking into a small mirror at his figure. He sighed and wenched out the leather that was yanking up the crack of his ass,”Fuck.”

“Everythin’ alright, Paul? Come out here, let me see!”John said on the other side of the door.”Don’t be shy mate.”

Paul groaned and leaned against the wall, “I don’t know John. Pass me the boots, will ya?”

The door opened slowly and there stood John holding the cowboy boots in his hands. Paul’s jaw dropped open and he hurried to cover his exposed chest. John chuckled and tossed the boots to the ground.

“It’s not like you have a pair of tits, Paul.”John chuckled closing the door behind him. He scanned Paul’s flushed body from head to toe, taking in his leathered thighs and crotch.”Turn for me, Paul?”

“Does it look alright, though?”Paul asked.

“Perfect. Now turn!”John ordered with a swing of his finger. Paul threw his arms in the air and slowly turned in spot. John chewed on his lips and automatically licked his lips, getting a firm glimpse of Paul’s plump ass fitted nicely in the leather trousers. John shoved his hands into his pockets, aching to touch him.

“Everything alright, John?”Paul asked pulling John from his thoughts. John nodded and proceed to step towards Paul. He wrapped his arms around Paul’s waist and leaned his chin on Paul’s shoulder.

“Fine. I just need..”John mumbled kissing Paul’s shoulders and letting his hands roam across Paul’s stomach until they stopped at his hips. He smirked lightly and tugged at the leathers and gripped Paul’s ass.Paul gasped and jolted suddenly, “To see if everything’s fitted nicely.”

“I’m sure it’s fine, Johnny.”Paul mumbled blushing deeply. John chuckled and pushed away from Paul realizing the sudden embarrassment he had plagued his mate with.

“They look good on you, Paul.Too good. Try on the boots, son.”John said shooting Paul a wink and walking outside of the room. On the other side, the owner of the store stood watching John closley, squinting and glaring as he walked out of the room. John smiled and sat down in the chair waiting patiently for Paul to emerge.
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FINALLY! I've updated.I think this will be the last update until I get back from the Beatles Fest in Orillia this weekend =D Should be fun.But now I can update for Anna and get that bitch out of the way!
Comments are love,guys.And just for that,I give you BB PAULIE!