
Like Dreamers Do

“I can’t believe we’re already leavin’.” George said from his spot next to Pete. John shot George a look before turning his attention out the window. He watched closely as the scenery of Hamburg quickly disappeared. He sighed to himself and closed his eyes.

Paul was nestled comfortably next to him,eyes closed and snoring softly.He had no idea what was going through John’s head,but he did have a clue that he was bothered.

John often slipped in and out of slumber,hearing snippets of George and Pete’s conversation and having a shove to the ribs accidentally by Paul’s elbow. He stole a look over his shoulder towards his lover and couldn’t help the smile toy on his lips,but instantly it faded when he realized that George and Pete were in the same compartment as the two of them. John looked away and back out the window,seeing droplets of rain spill against the glass.He relaxed suddenly,hearing George stand to his feet and beckon Pete to follow him for a cup of tea.

That's when he felt Paul’s hand slip into his between the crease of both of their thighs.John smiled but didn’t move closer to the boy.He just stayed there,letting thoughts fill his head and dreams become clearer.

”Choose.”A deep throaty voice said from above John.His eyes glossed and looked up to the man above him and quivered.It was his father.And in front of him stood his mother.

John’s bottom lip quivered as he looked between both the adults.The thought of being with his parents slipped his mind.Shopping with Freddy slipped his mind and now it was just him,standing there being forced to choose between his mother and father.

He looked up into his mothers pleading eyes, “John?”

John’s hand reached up and clasped his fathers, “But I miss him..”

Julia swallowed down and nodded.She turned on her heel and began making her way away from the both of them.John’s young heart sank and let go of his father’s hand, “Mummy!”

But she never did turn around hearing John’s plea’s and screams for her attention as tears drenched his cheeks, “Mum!”


“John?” Paul murmured shaking his shoulder lightly, “Johnny.Wake up.”

John bolted upwards suddenly gasping for air.His eyes darted around the room as Paul pulled himself away.He looked at his mate and noticed the sudden sweat begin to pool around his brow.Paul swallowed down and rubbed John’s back as he doubled over and coughed.He groaned slightly and sat back up against his seat,leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Paul studied him silently,chewing on his lower lip, “Another one of those dreams?”

John didn’t answer.His brows furrowed and craned his neck to look at Paul.Somehow,Paul understood and nodded.He motioned for John to scoot closer to him so Paul could wrap his arm around his shoulders and rock him slightly.Paul took a heavy breath and closed his eyes.

“Same thing every time,John?” Paul asked.

“Yes.Doesn’t bloody change.”

Paul swallowed down and wiped the sweat from John’s forehead and eyed the compartment door.It seemed like forever since George and Pete had left,but forever with John in his arms.He ran a shaky hand through his hair and let it flop on his thigh.

“How long have I been out?” John mumbled in Paul’s chest.He smirked feeling John’s finger tips clench his jacket and let a sigh escape his lips.

“About an hour or so.I just woke up a few minutes ago meself.”Paul said.He cleared his throat and hugged John’s body closer to his,running his chin over John’s forehead and planting a kiss, “If it feels better,John.I’ve had dreams about me mum too,y’know.”

“Yeah?” John asked, “But you don’t know how it feels like to have to choose between yer mum and Da’,Paul.It’s a completely differently story.”

“I know.But I know how it feels to loose someone close to you.Like me mum.So your not alone John.”

John grumbled lowly, “Lets..just not talk about it,alright?”

The door to the compartment slid open,having John’s head pull up and Paul’s cock towards the door.His eyes grew wide when he saw George standing there with Pete poking his head over his shoulder.Paul stuttered and slowly loosened his grip on John’s waist.George furrowed his brow and walked into the room,taking his place across from the two of them.Pete followed suit and sat next to him.

“Ugh..” Paul mumbled shyly letting go of John and placing his hands in his lap.

“What was th..” George began but was quickly cut off by John,who was next to Paul lighting a fag.

“I had a dream,George.Paul was calmin’ me down,son.Nothin’ to get all buggered about.” John spat,smoke flowing from his nostrils and mouth.George’s brow furrowed as he lent back into his seat.His eyes no longer met John’s heated gaze but Paul’s nervous eyes looking into his lap shyly.

From there on till the train made port in Liverpool,they stayed silent. George ignored the looks both John and Paul were giving each other and never thought twice about it.

The train came to a stop at the station.They found their luggage on the pavement outside and scrambled to get all of their instruments before some slick decided to hack them and pawn it off. Pete decided to leave first,then George leaving John and Paul to themselves.

John’s eyes fluttered open and close,feeling exhaustion creep up on him from the train ride home. His feet did the walking but in reality he didn’t know where he was going until he landed on the walkway of Paul’s home.

“Da’ shouldn’t be home,so you’ll be able to stay here for a while.”Paul said rummaging through his pockets for the keys.He stole a look over his shoulder towards John who was scanning the front yard before shyly making eye contact with him.Paul smiled softly and unlocked the door,pushing it open, “Mike?”

John walked in behind him and looked around the empty house,placing his instrument on the ground, “I reckon nobodies home?”

“Nope.”Paul grumbled peeling his jacket off and hanging both his and John’s on the hook.He left John for a moment and walked into the kitchen calling for either his father or Mike,but nobody seemed to answer. John smirked lightly and watched Paul make his way back towards the door where he was standing and place his hands firmly on his hips, “Dad’s probably at work.Mike—Well I don’t know.”

John nodded with a smile on his face.He walked up to Paul slowly and wrapped his arms around his waist.Paul smiled into his lips,accepting the wanting lips that savaged his.He moaned lightly and began moving his lips to the rhythm of John’s.

John pulled away from Paul,lips lingering close to his, “We have the house to ourselves then?”

Paul smirked and tugged on John’s hand pulling him quickly up the stairs towards his room.They both giggled until the door was closed.

John leaned against the door with Paul next to him,panting lightly.He cocked his head towards Paul and eyed the younger man with fascination.John situated himself against the door and leaned over,kissing Paul softly on the lips.Paul savored the taste of John’s lips,inching his tongue through the slit of his lips and running it hungrily against John’s.John shot back rather forcefully and covered Paul’s body with his pressed up against the door.

Their hands explored each others body; running from the very top of each of their heads to the waist band of their pants.Paul moaned softly and jerked suddenly,feeling John’s hands slip inside his shirt and rub against his stomach.

John cupped Paul’s cheek and kissed him before directing the two of them towards Paul’s neatly made bed.He gently pushed Paul down onto his bed before climbing on top and straddling his small waist.Paul let a moan escape his lips and leaned up kissing John once again.He pulled him back onto the bed with him,running his hands over John’s chest,sinking lower towards the waist band of John’s pants.

John groaned feeling Paul’s hand slip into his pants and grip his throbbing cock roughly.His hips thrusted into his hand slowly.John’s lips left Paul’s and lingered down Paul’s neck,sucking and lapping at his flesh delicately.

“Mm.Johnny?”Paul moaned concentrating at on his hand gripping John’s throbber.John moaned in response and peeled his head from Paul’s neck.His face was flushed red and eyes almost sealed shut in satisfaction, “I want you.”

John smirked and kissed him roughly,tongue diving into his mouth.He slowly began grinding against Paul’s erection that proudly presented itself through his pants.John released one of Paul’s shoulders he had been gripping and quickly sat up and began undoing his trousers.Paul heatedly watched on as he slid his pants down to his knees and began work on Paul’s trousers.

Paul gasped,feeling John’s finger tips run along the length of his arousal, “Good.John.”

“You like that,Macca?”John whispered seductively fingering the tip with his index finger.Paul moaned,his hands reaching and running through John’s hair.Paul tensed and howled lowly; his head tossing back and forth on the pillow before coming to a complete stop.John eyed him and continued his work on Paul’s throbber.

Through half-shut eyes,Paul panted lightly as his eyes wandered around the room.He could feel his own orgasm build up slowly as John pumped his swollen cock at a quick pace.His eyes fluttered open and from across the room he noticed the door knob slowly begin to jingle.Paul gasped and froze on the bed while John was oblivious to the sounds coming from the door.

“John!”Paul gasped.

“Paul,lad? Are you home?” Paul knew that voice.It was his father.Paul quickly flew out of the bed and pulled up his trousers.John paused,eyes wide as he stared at the door.

“Shite.Shite!” John spat lowly and scrambled underneath the covers.Paul ran around the room and through the rest of his clothes underneath the bed before his bedroom door opened.Paul turned from the window and connected eyes with his Dad.

“Oh.You are home.Thought as much.”His father said.

Paul cleared his throat and nodded,”Been home for a while now,Da’.Thought you were at work?”

“No.You should know this by now Paulie.”He chuckled and looked over at the bed where John was silently faking his sleep.His gaze tore away and looked at a flushed yet embarrassed Paul,”Everythin’ alright in here?’

“Yeah.Just really exhausted from the train here.John wanted to crash for a bit,is it alright?”
Jim nodded, “S’alright,as long as you two get your instruments out of the hallway downstairs later on.”

“Sure thing,Da’.”

“Dinner’s at 8,Paul.I want to hear how Hamburg was,so make sure your cleaned up.I’ve got to run to the market to pick up some odds and ends.”Jim replied gripping the door knob.Paul nodded.

“Alright Da’.See you at 8 then.”Paul yawned and stretched his arms in the air.Jim gave him a shy smile and closed the door behind him.Paul sighed heavily as he turned towards John’s figure.His eyes slowly fluttered open and looked at Paul, “That was bleedin’ close.”

“Tell me about it.”John muttered as he sat up.Paul joined him and sat next to him on the bed, “Imagine the look on Jim McCartney’s face if he were to walk in ‘ere and see his son and his best friend tossin’ him off.That’d be a bloody thought to remember,son.”

“Shut up,John.We gotta be more careful around these parts,now.”Paul said lowly.

John took Paul’s hand into his, “I know,Paul,”He sighed lowly and kissed the top of his hand, “But I got a place where we could do basically whatever we wanted...”

Paul cocked his brow,his face becoming serious, “And this place is? Don’t tell me it’s yours and Stu’s old flat? Because I tell you John I will not go ther..”

“No,no,no.” John said swatting the air.He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.He nodded towards Paul with a smirk on his face, “Come.”

Paul nodded and followed him down the stairs and out the door.He could feel the excitement in his stomach begin to build up with each step he took towards wherever John was taking him.

“We almost there,John?” Paul asked a couple minutes later.He eyed the familiar route and noticed that they were on the same street that Mandi lived on.He turned his attention to John who was silently sucking back on his fag.

“Wait ‘n see,Paulie.We’re almost there.” John said as he kicked a nearby stone and tossed his smoke.John chewed on his lower lip and stuffed his hand into his pockets, “So.Have you..um..ever done this before?”

Paul blinked and let John’s words register in his mind, “Cor.What do you mean?”

“I mean.This.No,I don’t.I mean,well y’know.Fuckin’ another man?” John asked.Paul blushed fiercely and shook his head shyly, “Thought as much.”

“Why? What do you plan on doin’?”

“Nothin’,Paul.Just plannin’ an early birthday present for you.”John smirked and gave Paul a lightly tug on his arm.He pulled him into his chest,arm wrapped around his shoulder.His lips lingered close to Paul’s ears and whispered, “Somethin’ I’ve been plannin’ on doing since you tossed me off.”

Paul’s eyes grew wide and he slowly pulled away from John, “You mean..”

John nodded, “S’not that bad I suppose.Heard it was just like a bird.Tight as a bird as well.”

Paul swallowed down hard and remained silent the rest of the way.

“’Ere we are,Paul.” John said breaking Paul from his thoughts.He sighed lowly and smiled,gazing up at the familiar apartment building in which Mandi lived.

“Ah,John.You didn’t have to bring me ‘ere mate.”Paul said.

“But I did.It’s the only place we can have an ounce of privacy.”John responded and continued into the building.Paul followed suit.

“But what if the doors locked? I mean,I think she locked it when she left ‘ere John.It’s been a couple months.”

“You know Mandi,Paul.The twit would lock her door but never give up this ole flat.It’s like her bleedin’ sanctuary.”

They both climbed the stairs,stopping at that one familiar spot.John tossed a look over his shoulder towards Paul and smirked before continuing up the stair case.Paul smiled widely behind him,feeling happy.His hand lingered up and grabbed for John’s,holding on tightly.John responded with a tug and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.

“Is it locked?” Paul asked as John jiggled the door knob.He groaned frustratedly, “Told you.”

“Bugger off.Hold on a tic.” John said twisting the door handle,hearing a click and suddenly the door opened slowly. Both of their eyes widened and stepped into the semi empty flat.They looked around,John closing the door behind them.Paul walked into the living area,noticing everything was still in place.But eerily,it felt different.

He turned to John who was fingering a painting that Mandi always had hanging on her wall, “Does this..feel right to you?”

John furrowed his brows and crossed his arms over his chest, “Whaddya mean?”

“I mean,it feels different here.” Paul said noticing the door to Mandi’s room closed.

John chuckled, “Well there isn’t no lesbian in the room anymore.I guess that's it. “

Paul sighed as John approached him, “I guess your right.”

John rubbed Paul’s cheek with his hand and kissed him softly on the lips, “Don’t worry about it,Paul,”

Paul nodded and kissed him once again.John deepened the kiss by pushing Paul’s body against his.Their mouths moved rhythmically together,tongues exploring each others mouths and hands roaming.Paul slowly pulled away from John and sat down on the sofa,pulling him down next to him.He wrapped his arms around him and snuggled into the warmth of John’s chest.

John sighed and ran his hand along Paul’s small frame,landing on his hip.

“Paul.Did you have a good time in Hamburg this time ‘round?”John whispered lowly.Paul swallowed and let his eyes flutter closed,hearing the faint heartbeats of John’s heart thud through his chest.

“I did.But John,it doesn’t matter where I am.It seems that I always have the most fun with you.”Paul mumbled.

John smiled.

“John,I want to know something though.What happened to Stu? Did he leave the band?”

John chewed on his lower lip and nodded, “He did.”

“Oh,”Paul said and sighed, “Does it..bother you that he left?”

“It did.But I’m over it.”John replied.Paul decided to stop there.His eyes fluttered closed again and quickly fell asleep along with John.They both lay together tangled in each others arms snoring softly that they didn’t even realize the front door open and close.

John jolted awake suddenly and looked around the room.His eyes grew wide and a smile escaped on to his lips.

“Well hello there.”
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God,I'm so sorry guys.Alot has been happening here and there and I finally got this up.It's been bothering me for a while so,here it is :)