
Paul's Issue.

It was late at night when Paul was tucked in bed,when he heard a tap at his window.He was half asleep when he turned his lamp on and noticed the figure in his window.He quickly swung his legs over the side of the bed and dashed to let Mandi in.

"It's about time,mate.It's freezin' out here y'know"She muttered as she climbed through the window.Paul chuckled and closed the window,twisting the knob for a firm lock.

"Sorry.I kind of dozed off"

"It's alright. I got a bit carried away with some stuff"Mandi said looking around the room before flopping back on Paul's bed.She propped herself on her elbows and stared at him."So.What was up with you tonight,Paul?"

Paul swallowed hard and averted his eyes to the ground."Ugh.Well,y'see..."


He sighed,raking his finger through his dark locks,"I needa talk to you about somethin,Mandi."He walked over to the bed and sat next to her.Mandi knitted her brows together and sat up to face him,"It's serious.."

"It doesn't sound good.Tell me.."She mumbled taking his hand in hers.Paul's dark eyes fluttered for a moment before glancing down at the two's hands. "Paul,you didn't call me over just to tell me you liked me again did you?"

"No! No,no.I know the outcome,Mandi,luv.I wouldn't do it again.But I think...this is more serious then that.I've never felt this way before about anyone..."

Mandi's face turned from serious to a smile exploding onto her face,"Who's the lucky girl,Paulie?" Paul's mouth fell open slightly and a blush arose to his face.

Fuck,I'm gonna have to confess to her sometime.He sighed deeply and rubbed the palm of her hand."She,as in,you mean girl,right?"Mandi cocked her brow and nodded slowly.Paul chewed on his lip and turned away from her.She was about to say something before Paul's words quickly cut in,"Anyone,as in,I mean.....a mate of mine..."

Mandi held her breath as her jaw slowly dropped open.Watching her friend of nine years,she couldn't believe what he was telling her.Paul was the most bird attracting lad she knew of,and to come off and tell her that he was attracted to a man.

"Oh my god"She muttered.Paul frowned and shifted uncomfortably.Mandi shook her head,knocking the idea from her thoughts.She was Paul's friend,and if he felt this way,then she'd have to deal with it.Even though,he dealt with her every single day."I'm sorry that came out wrong Paul.Who's the lucky--erm--lad?"

Paul cleared his throat and played with the collar of his pajama's,"Well-yeah,y'see.He's a mate of mine.A really close.."

"It's John,isn't it?"

"How'd y'know?"Paul gasped.

"It just seems to fit.The way you two act around each other.Look more like lovers then best friends.But thats what I think,mate."Paul shifted around uncomfortably and chewed on his lip,"Paul.There's something else you're not telling me."She shifted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.He seemed to calm and relax underneath her touch,"Tell me,babe.How do you know you feel this way?"

Paul turned to look at her,reading her facial expression.Wanting to know if he could trust her with what he was about to tell her,but he had to spill.He had no one else to talk to this about."Well.."His voice broke out shaky,"The first time I felt this way...was when I was with John.We were writing some songs at his Aunt Mimi's on the front porch.I don't know,it just hit me."

"What do you mean?"

"He smiled and it was like I was hit with something I haven't felt before.Well towards another lad."Paul mumbled playing with the sheets.Mandi giggled and began bouncing in her place on the bed.

"Paulie.It's called love."She giggled,"Thats so cute,seriously.Does John know about this?"

"...........Do you think he does?"Paul asked.

Mandi sighed and shook her head,"Doubt it.He'd probably be like 'What was that for.Paul,y'fuckin fairy' " They both exploded into giggles at her reenactment of John.Paul gasped and took a deep breath, "Agh.So.You need my help then,I'm guessing?"

A smile spread across Paul's beautiful features.Mandi squinted her eyes at his porcelain complexion and wonder why the lad would actually want to turn to liking guys.He was so beautiful and definitely a bird magnet.She sighed,shaking the thought from her head,"I do need your help,mate.I need to know how...to do some..things."

"Things,eh?"Mandi giggled,"Like kissing him,touching him.Actually telling him that you love him?"

Paul sat back watching how excited this bird was getting,"I do not love him like you think I do,Mandi.And if it's not obvious,it looks like yer gettin' yourself worked up,girl"

She threw her head back in laughter,almost tumbling over the bed,"No,no,no.As precious as I think it's going to be.Which it probably will be,cos you two are cute.I'm just not into the sausages,mate."

Paul chuckled,"Yeah.I know.I learned the hard way.."

"And that you did,mate."She said standing to her feet.She dusted her trousers off,"Well,I guess I'll be off.This little 'thing' we got going on,me being you're teacher and you being my student,will hopefully turn out well.."

Paul bit down on his lip,letting a smile spread across his face,"What if I become a naughty school boy,will yeh punish me?"

Mandi smiled and shook her head,"Unless you want me to throw you out the window,Paul.I expect you to be a good boy for me,kay?"

"Yes'mam."Paul giggled watching her move towards the window,"Eh,why don't you stay here tonight,Mands?"

"I donno,Paul.Mum's prolly gonna worry about me.."

"You don't have a mum,stop with that rubbish!"Paul said opening the covers for her to get in.

"Well y'know.I do have a mum,where the hell do you think I came from,yeh git.Now shove off"Paul smiled victoriously as Mandi slid in the bed next to him.He reached over and shut the lamp light off,snuggling close to her,"Paul."


"I really appreciate you coming to me with this....issue.It makes me feel good,even though people don't accept it.Thanks"Paul smiled and pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"No problem,Mands.I have no one else to go to,babe."Paul muttered kissing her cheek,"Besides.I wanna know..I'm curious.I've never seen two girls go at .."

"Sod off.I'm not telling ye a thing,you dirty minded bastard"Mandi tossed on her side and snuggled into the pillows,while Paul chuckled softly and slowly let his eyes flutter close.