
From Me To You.

After staying over at Paul's for abit,John decided to take Mandi home before writing any songs and getting in the mix with other stuff involving Paul.

The two of them walked quietly down the street.Mandi had her hands stuffed into her pockets with her head hanging,staring at the cement.John walked beside her,puffing on a cigarette and sneaking quick glances at her.

"So.."John muttered."Have any plans today?"

"Not anymore,I guess.."Mandi mumbled then crossing her arms over her chest.The wind blew the hair from her face,revealing several dark bruises on her forehead.John winced and took another puff of his smoke.Mandi caught his eye and glanced at the smoke dangling between his finger tips,"Can I have some?"

He shrugged and handed the butt over.He watched her suck on the end of the refry and blow the smoke from her mouth,"You wanna come to the pub with us tonight?"


"Why not?"

"Have you seen me lately John?"Mandi asked seriously.She shook her head then flicked the ash to the cement,"You should've seen Jessie's face when he found me on that washroom floor.My head was inches from the toilet water"

John's brows knitted together and eyes narrowed in her direction,"They didn't...touch you,in anyway,did they?"

"They didn't.They just decided they wanted to kick my ass I guess"She sighed as the two of them walked up to her building,where she lived alone in a one bedroom flat.

"They're lucky,Mandi.From now on one of us.."

"I don't need a babysitter,John"She spat,eyes narrowing,"I'm a big girl,mate.I can take care of meself,y'know.."

"I'm just lookin' out for you Amanda.Don't need to get all snotty with me"John said,opening the door.He held it open and watched her walk past him quickly to open another door.He followed her inside until they came to her flat number.She fumbled around through her pockets looking for her keys.

She turned to John,"Are you gonna stay 'ere for a bit?"She asked softly.John noted to himself the expression plastered on her face.She looked frightened,scared and hopeful that'd maybe,just maybe he'd stay along with her.

"Sure"He replied as she pushed the door opened.They both walked into the flat,Mandi slipping off her shoes on the floor mat and continuing on into her room.John sighed and looked around; he'd always loved her place since it was just hers,no one else's.It was a place to call home without any authority figures breathing down your neck.

"Mandi?"John called out when he heard a sudden gasp from her room.He followed the noise until he pushed her bedroom door open and spotted Mandi with her back turned with only trousers and a bra."Shite.Sorry,Mands"He blushed and began to turn away.

"No.Don't go"She whimpered and turned around.He stopped and ran his eyes over her bruised torso up to the large blue and purple one covering a patch of skin above her left breast."John.."

She had tears in her eyes.John chewed on his lower lip and advanced over to his friend,wrapping her into a tight hug and planting a kiss on her forehead,"You're beautiful Amanda"He whispered and closed her eyes.

"I look horrible"She cried.John pushed away from her and looked down at her body.His stomach turned to knots when his eyes met her luscious breast stuffed in a black laced bra,but he pushed the thought from his mind.

He cleared his throat,"Nothin' some good ole Johnny healin' can't fix,luv"He joked.Mandi smiled shyly and sat on the mattress."I'm serious,luv.What can I get'ya?"

"Maybe some more ice will do me good.And a nap"She confessed flopping on the bed.John chuckled and saluted her.

"Alright.Make yerself comfortable,I'll go find some ice"John mumbled before walking out of the room.Mandi sighed and pulled the covers over her aching body and waited for John to return.He came back soon with a bag of ice and a cold cloth," 'Ere you go,luv"

"Thanks"He placed the cloth on her forehead,then applying the bag of ice.He sat back and stared down at her.

"You alright?"

"Yeah"Mandi whispered and looked to the clock,"Aren't you suppose to be at Paul's soon?"

John shrugged,"Doesn't matter,he can wait."

"Are you sure?"Mandi asked,a smile spreading to her lips.John chewed on his lip and looked away,"Or--Is it that you can't wait to go back to Paul's,John?"

A wicked smirk toyed on his lips as he glanced at her mischievously,"You know me too well,Mandi."He chuckled and kissed the base of her palm,"How'd you know?"

She giggled,"I see the way you look at him John,and act around him."She went quiet for a moment,letting her eyes linger to his,"You should tell him.He'd really appreciate it"

"Probably not"John mumbled fumbling with the zipper of his leather jacket,"Probably think I was a fairy or somethin'.Which I'm not."

"Yeah.A fairy.."Mandi muttered.John's brows knitted together,a serious expression crossing his face.

"Have you ever been with a man before,Mands?"John asked.His thoughts lingered to why she liked women over men many times,when she really was never seen with one.Or at least,he'd never seen her with one..involved in sexual situations.

Mandi's face dropped and turned away from John on her side.He chewed on his lip and softly ran his hand over the curve of her body landing on her hips,"I haven't been with one before.But why be with one when I know how he'd treat me"She whispered,"I mean,look at me.This is what men have done and always will do to women who are different"

John swallowed down hard,"I need someone who'd understand me,feel the way I'm feeling emotionally and physically.A man can't do that,he'll use his fist instead of his words to cure everything.Why do you think there's so many wars.I'm just--attracted to women,I guess."

John cleared his throat and shuffled on the bed so he was laying next to her.He wrapped his arm around her waist and snuggled his face into the side of her neck,"How would you know you don't like men if you haven't been with one?"He asked curiously,"I mean,the power of being man handled and stuff like that.."

"Is not what I like.Personally--I like to be the dominant one in the relationship and I know that a man would never settle for it.."Mandi mumbled.John suppressed a giggle and rubbed his lips against her shoulder."What?"

"Nothing.I just found that as kind of a turn on,y'know.But I'm not comin' on to you in anyway,Mands.I understand what yer sayin'"John paused,"I mean.If yer lookin' for someone who understands you emotionally and physically,why not get with Paul.He's a pretty lad,too pretty.Looks better then most birds I've seen and he can understand a lass pretty well"

Mandi laughed and turned on her other side to face John,"Y'know what,I've kinda thought of Paul being like a girl too.Hell,if he was really one.I wouldn't mind gettin' with him,er-I mean her.Or whatever."

"Now yer goin' on my territory,Mandi.Better step off of 'im,y'hear?"John joked pointing a finger in her face.Mandi's face grew red as she bursted into giggles.She knew John was protective over Paul,but to claim Paul as his own was just hilarious.She sighed,giggles escaping her mouth every so often.

"You goin' to go back to yer man now,John?"Mandi asked propping herself on her elbow and watching him stand from the bed.John shot her one of his sexy smiles and winked,"Give 'im a kiss for me,yeh?"

His brows shot up in surprise,"Oh really.And what kind of kiss would you like me to give him?"

"Oh y'know.A kiss,maybe a little tongue involved.Something to spice up the moment and make it awkward for the two of you"She giggled watching his face drop,"Please!"

John rolled his eyes and huffed,"Fine.But just for you cause you got yer bleedin' arse kicked.And you have to come to the pub with us later,y'hear?"

"Yeah.I'll come.Just come pick me up around 8 then"She muttered falling back into the sheets.She smiled to herself and watched John run a greasy hand through his hair and fixing his jacket.She loved the feeling John gave her when he'd come over,just the two of them and talk about Paul.Him and Paul.Or Paul and him.Or her and other girls.It would always be something else besides him and her.And thats what she liked.

"Kay,I'll be back around eight then"John yelled from outside the door.

"Kay.Remember to give him a kiss for me"

"Yeah,yeah,yeah."John mumbled before slamming the door.


Paul sat quietly in his room jotting down a few notes when he heard a tap on the window.His head jolted up and saw John hanging on the ledge with a wide smile.Paul's heart pumped with every step towards John.He unlocked it and lifted it open for the young man to come in.

"You miss me,darlin'?"John asked.

"Y'know.I don't understand you and Amanda.There is a bleedin' door downstairs you can use instead of me window"Paul huffed closing the window.John smiled cutely and flopped on the bed.

"Why use the door when we can have fun climbin' up yer drainpipe?"John smirked and winked at Paul.Paul held his own breath and turned away quickly from him,staring down at the floor.He heard John chuckle from behind him,"I meant that as two ways y'know.."

"I got it the first time"Paul mumbled and grabbed his guitar from the ground.John sat silently watching his friend move about until he came and sat down on the other side of the bed.He didn't look up at him and recalled a sudden pinch of red staining his cheeks.

"Paul?"John said.

"Yeah"Paul muttered picking up the pen and writing on the notepad.John chewed on his lips and remembered what Mandi had said.Should he do it? To risk they're friendship over at kiss that'd probably mean nothing to Paul at all?

"Mandi told me to give you somethin'"John smirked as Paul looked up at him curiously.His well defined brows perked up.

"Really,what is it?"

"Well.You gotta close yer eyes.Cause it's a surprise she told me"John giggled and pretended he was reaching in his pocket for somethin'.Paul furrowed his brow but allowed his eyes to flutter close.

"It better not be anythin' disgustin'.I know how Mandi is,and I know what'd she'd do"Paul said beneath his breath.John chewed on his lip and looked at Paul once his eyes were closed.He blushed suddenly after running his eyes over the boys perfect complexion and soft pouty lips.He'd always imagined what it'd be like to even kiss them,wallow in his warmth and taste him."Sure is takin' along time for this,John.."

"Oh shurrup,will yeah.I'm havin' trouble"John spat as he fixed himself on his knees and hovered over the boys face closely.Paul's face scrunched up when he felt John's hot breath linger on his lips.He suppressed a gasp and stopped himself from backing away.John's tongue seeped through the cracks of his lips and ran along his bottom before lingering closer.

"John?"Paul whispered,his voice shaky and nervous.John swallowed and just blanked out the thoughts surrounding his head.He lightly pushed his lips to Paul's in a light kiss.Paul froze in place at the sudden contact,but relax when he felt John's hand linger to his face.

John's tongue ran along the base of Paul's mouth,the tip inching it's way in slowly and cautiously running over Paul's.He gasped and quickly pulled away to see Paul's breathless and flushed face looking at him with wide eyes.A wild smirk toyed on John's lips,"She's a sick son of a bitch isn't she?"

Paul tried to find his voice.He hesitated to touch his lips after that kiss and even to savor the taste of John that he had the pleasure to get a piece of."Ugh.Yeah."Paul whispered and looked to the sheets,"She told you to do that?"

John shrugged like it was nothing,"Yeah.She's like,'Give ole Paulie a kiss for me,Johnny' And that was that."

"What do you mean that was that? You didn't have to do it!"Paul raged.John was token off guard by Paul's sudden outburst and stood away from the bed,"I mean..I'm sorry John.It's not your fault,mate."

"If it makes you feel any better Paul,it didn't mean anythin' to me."

Paul flinched,"Me either.I'll get her back later,I guess.Probably--Get some fat bloke to sit on 'er again,yeah?"

"Sounds good"John chuckled and sat on the bed,not close to him,but close enough to feel the tension between the two of them.They both sensed it and tried to push it away,but it was impossible.And they could tell by the song they wrote out on paper how much they effected one another.