

Paul woke up to a shaky start when he felt a cold arm wrap around his mid section.He groaned and flopped on his back,caressing the unknown hand that came to drape over his slightly exposed stomach.Goosebumps began to prickle at the soft skins surface as the finger tips drew circles and treaded along the exposed skin.Paul let out a low moan and opened his eyes to finally see who the sudden contact belonged to

Mandi had disappeared from the room,leaving an empty damp space next to him.John had rolled over during her absence and token her place next to Paul.He held his breath for the longest time,knowing that it was John's arm wrapped around him,holding him comfortably in a protectively manner.He was sleeping soundlessly next to Paul; his vasoline hair that was molded into the same ducked style was now tossed over the pillow.His eyes were sealed shut beneath his long lashes and his nostrils would twitch with each breath.

Paul smirked to himself and ran his finger tips along John's large hand that was softly placed on his stomach.A sudden pain in his lower region made him jolt and quietly scramble from the bed.He felt a hand tug on his before turning back and noticing John fully awake staring at him through squinted eyes,"Where you going?"

"I need to use the 'loo"Paul replied.John chewed on his lip and released Paul's hand.He stood there for a moment staring at his friend before quickly walking to the washroom and back into the room.He stretched and pulled the curtains open to grey skies and droplets of rain that resembled tears scattering down the window."Wheres Mandi?"

"She should be in the kitchen"John's voice came out hoarse and cracky.He sat up and motioned for the younger boy over to the spot next to him.Paul hesitated but sat down next to him,covering himself with some of the covers.John sighed and took a big whiff of the fresh air surrounding the two of them,"I think ole mums makin' us some food"

"Ole mum?"Paul asked questionably.John smiled as his stomach gave out a low grumble,"You peckish?"


"Well,lets go check out what shes makin' " Paul replied throwing the covers from his body.John stretched and yawned before standing from the bed.Paul leaned over the side and grabbed for his jacket that was tossed to the floor the night before.He quickly sat up and tossed a look to John over his shoulder.John was too busy looking in one of Mandi's mirrors,fixing his hair to notice Paul.He licked his lips and threw the jacket over his shoulder before standing up,"Hey,John?"

"Hey Paul?"John said more happily.He turned around to face Paul,giving him a good view of his bare chest and navy cream coloured briefs.Paul cleared his throat as his eyes drifted from John to the window where it began raining lightly.

"Why was Mandi so upset last night,was it somethin' I said?"

A dark expression passed by John's face as he tryed to search for something else to come up with except for the truth.He cleared his throat and continued getting dressed quickly before answering Paul's question,"Mate.Seriously,I have no idear."John said,"I could tell ye,but it wouldn't be my place. 'ell,I don't even know the bloody truth."

"But you do know somethin' right?"Paul forced.He walked around the bed to stand in front of John,who was about to walk out of the room.

John sighed,"Paul.The only person who'd have the answer is Amanda,ask her.See what she says."John said before down casting his eyes to the ground.He chewed on his lip lowly as his eyes fixated on something that had caught his attention on Paul's jacket.The previous night he had had a dream involving Paul and he'd happen to be wearing the exact same thing.He woke up in a cold sweat and a hard on that quickly had to be nursed with the help of Bridgette Bardot.John shook the thought from his head,especially when his best mate was standing so close to him.He looked up to Paul and his pleading dough chocolate eyes.John knew at this point that he had to give in,but Paul probably knew already about Mandi.They were practically best mates,"Did you know she's never been with a lad before?"

Paul furrowed his brow,"Come off it,John.Thats a lie,I kissed her once"

"She's never shagged a lad before mate.It's different then a kiss ye git."John replied,"Shes never got stuffed,plowed,fucked,slammed,tossed..."

"I get it,John.Jesus"Paul groaned raking his hand through his hair,"How do you know this?"

John shrugged,"She told me"

Paul chewed on his lip and backed away from John.John looked at him before walking out of the room leaving Paul alone.He sighed in the quiet room,"Sometimes,it seems those two know each other more then me and John"

He walked out of the room and into the kitchen to see the table set with food upon the plates.Paul's face lit up as his eyes drifted across the empty kitchen to settle on John.He was feeding his face and sipping fresh orange juice,"Eh,Mandi's not 'ere"

John shrugged once again,"Check the washroom"

"But I was just in there.."Paul said to himself before walking over to the 'loo.He tapped on the door a couple times calling out her name.It was silent the three times Paul knocked.He furrowed his brow and pushed the door open."Mandi?"

"Paul"She choked out a sob as Paul noticed her bruised body laying on the floor.Paul's eyes went wide as he rushed over to her quickly."Paul.My body hurts so much"

"Oh my god,Mandi.Is this what they've done to do,luv?"Paul asked.He gathered her trembling body into his arms and held her close as her whimpers and cries echoed through the hollow bathroom.He softly ran his hand through her damp hair and whispered reassuring words into the crease of her neck,"You okay now,babe?"

She sniffled and slowly nodded.Paul smiled and kissed her cheek softly before pulling her up and walking her out of the washroom.Stumbling into the kitchen,Paul held a protective arm around her waist.John was in the middle of eating when his fork fell with a 'clank' as he stared at Mandi's body in front of him."Holy shite"

Apart of a bra and panties,her whole body was exposed to him now.The blue and purple bruises that covered her stomach,lined across her collar bone and up her neck.There was little black spots on her right thigh and finger and hand prints that accompanied her left.John felt disgusted with himself.He pushed his food away and stood to his feet as Paul settled her down in his chair.He knelled before her and ran his hand over the bruises on her thigh before noticing John hovering over the two of them.His face was plain with no emotion.But through his eyes,you could read it all.

Mandi shuddered at the look and pushed herself more towards the wall.Paul stood from his spot and went to get some ice from the freezer.John took a step towards Mandi and bent close to her.He ran his hand over her hair and turned her face to look at him,"Mandi..."He whispered.Her lips quivered as another set of tears threatened to spill from her eyes."I'm gonna kill'em"

Paul shut the freezer and turned around to look at the two.He watched them closely,studied both of they're reactions to one another.Then he saw the bruises that consumed Mandi's body and instantly felt the anger boil up inside of him.He wasn't one to expose his feelings and either was John.Most likely,he was the one showing more affection to a person then John was.But John seemed to of broken that shield and consumed a soft spot for her.

He stood they're awkwardly watching the two of them and wished that it was he and her that was that close.But he knew that the three of them had become close over the years with his mums death then John's.

John stood up from his spot next to Mandi and grabbed for his jacket and slipped it on.He walked over to Paul quickly and muttered something about going back to Aunt Mimi's and he'd be back soon before taking off.He had left Paul and Mandi alone in the kitchen.Mandi was staring down at the food she had prepared earlier for the guys while Paul still held the ice pack in his hands.

He breathed in a heavy sigh before walking over to her and pulling her up into his arms.He brought her into the room and sat her down on the bed,applying the ice pack to her collar bone and neck,"John's right,y'know"Mandi looked at him before turning away,"He'll kill'em if he ever finds them.I wouldn't mind bashing they're faces in aswell"

Mandi let out a low chuckle before rearranging herself on the bed to sit cross legged in front of Paul.He smiled knowing that his sudden statement had gotten a rise out of her.He softly stroked her arm before the words of John filled his head.He wanted to talk to her about what John had hit him with earlier but at this time,it wasn't the best.Especially in her state.

"Mandi,I wanted to.."

"How was the kiss Paul,tell me"She cut him off.Paul was shocked at the sudden mood change and stared at his friend.He didn't know what to say as a sly smile toyed on his lips,"I know you liked it Paul.Tell me.."

"Y'know,you're a feisty devil.I knew you put him up to it"Paul giggled and let Mandi take over holding the ice pack.He sighed and searched for the right words as Mandi sat there patiently waiting for him to speak,"I donno how I felt.I was shocked that John would've actually done it"

"But you liked it.."

Paul remained silent and the mischievous glint in his eyes gave him away,"I did"He whispered.Mandi jumped in her spot happily and clapped her hands,"It was so--electrifying and it ended so quickly that I had no time to think"

"He took yer breath away didn't he?"Mandi asked.Paul nodded and shyed away from the topic.Mandi let out a giggle and fell back on to the covers,"Ah,true love at it's greatest.I should be a fuckin' match maker y'know."

"Yea well,don't try it again you,"Paul said laying on the bed next to her.She shrugged him off and snuggled into the pillows smelling the fresh scent.Paul rolled onto his side to face her,scanning her relaxed face and watching her chest rise and fall with each breath,"Mandi"


"You've never been with a lad before,was that why you freaked out last night?"

Mandi's eyes shot open quickly as she stared at Paul.She sat up on the bed and refused to turn and look at him,"Who told you that?"

"John did,but only because I was worried about ya"

She chewed on her bottom lip and tossed a look over her shoulder towards him.He gave her a reassuring smile and she finally layed down next to him once again,"I haven't been involved with another lad like sexually before..but thats not why I freaked out last night.I was just drunk and my body was hurting"

"Oh."Paul said quietly.He sighed then smiled,knowing that it wasn't him who had gotten her upset over a little remark.But the question still was,"How can you not like men if you've never been with one sexually?"

She shrugged and let her eyes flutter close,"I just don't know,Paulie.I guess I could tell you the story another time,mate."

Paul shuffled closer to her and wrapped his arm softly around her waist.He layed a soft kiss to her forehead,"I'll help you with that,since you're helping me with John.It'll only be a friend on friend bases.I won't do anything to hurt you"

Mandi fluttered her eyes open and stared up at Paul.She wasn't sure if she was ready to take that step in that direction just as of yet.But who was better to show her and teach her then her best mate.She trusted him instead of an ole bloke on the streets,"I guess you could"

Paul nodded and settled down in the pillow,"I'll show ye that not all us blokes are pissy and mean to our women.I'll take care of you and show you what it's like to feel and be a woman Mands.You deserve that"

She sighed and closed her eyes.Flashes and memories of her father came spilling back into her head.His horrid face when her mum had caught him and how she had left her with her Da'.She shuddered at the thought and held Paul closely,"Thanks Paul."He rubbed her back,"Be ready for tonight,cause yer first lesson begins,mate"

Paul let out a low chuckle,"Oh,I think I'm more then ready for this"